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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. If you really mean that, then really make a real apology, one without qualification. See what Revat posted. Swallow your pride, do it, and make it stay done, no more snide responses about it, and then anything more will be on Tranny, not you. Try to understand where Tranny would have been put out, and make the effort to see things through his eyes. You don't have to agree. But acknowledging that someone was upset by the situation you created, without saying "I apologize, BUT here's where you were wrong...." goes a long way towards mending fences. Here, I'll go first: Dan, I'm sorry if you feel I have portrayed you unfairly in this discussion, or if I was unfair to you in the course of the original situation. That wasn't my intention, but if that's what you think, my intentions don't really matter, whether I agree with your conclusions or not. I'm only trying to get you to see things from another perspective, and working to avoid a similar situation going forward. I'm not your enemy, and am really trying to help, but I understand if you don't see it that way.
  2. You're still not getting it, Dan. Oh well. I think your not getting it. No, Dan, what you don't get is that someone lost out, because of a bad situation you created, and you just don't care, because ego. That's the bottom line. Everything else is just window dressing. A fact which no one disputes, and which you will see I stated myself just a few posts back. The issue isn't whether you can "run them any way you want" (which still isn't true...you have to follow the CGC board guidelines, at a minimum)...it's whether or not you care that the confusing mess you created is A. ever going to be sorted out in whatever new sales threads you have, and B. ever going to be acknowledged by you with any real humility. That you continue to say "not my fault, not my fault, I can do what I want, and you can't tell me otherwise!" really just proves the point, doesn't it? No one forced you to be snide to Tranny, did they...? So, if you have the right to tell someone you don't agree with them, don't others have that same right...? You just made several dozen OLD board members spit their coke all over their monitors with laughter.
  3. You have to admit, my "Two Dans" prosecution wasn't the worst some of the trial lawyers have heard in court... "I'm not a lawyer. But I play one on the internet."
  4. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7938658&fpart=1 That wasn't an apology. An apology recognizes that *YOU* did something to upset someone else, regardless of the other party's response. Real apologies are never, ever, ever contingent on the other party accepting them. If they are, then they aren't genuine. I just spent 20 minutes re-reading that thread. That was some good stuff. I'm glad it wasn't "poofed."
  5. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7938658&fpart=1 That wasn't an apology. An apology recognizes that *YOU* did something to upset someone else, regardless of the other party's response. Real apologies are never, ever, ever contingent on the other party accepting them. If they are, then they aren't genuine.
  6. Maybe you should at least be consistent. I just now searched and you do both "all PMs" and "all PM negotiations". But it's your sales thread and your idiotic policy to begin with. It's what caused a kerfuffle when we worked out a deal via PM before someone posted a in the thread and you refused to honor the deal. Not that I have to worry about it as I'll never do business with you again nor will, according to PMs I've gotten, several other people on here. But stick with whatever works out best for you. Still?? Oh no - You and your "PM buddies" won't buy from me You know, if you showed a little remorse and understanding, even if you don't agree with Tranny's position, it might go better for you. Instead of mockery, why not "You know, I'm sorry that deal didn't work out better. I may not agree with your position, but I know it didn't sit well with you, and I'm genuinely sorry about that. I'll try to do better with others going forward."...? That way, if Tranny still brings it up, he, and not you, would end up looking like a tool, and Tranny's ok with looking like a tool. No remorse?? I extended the Olive Branch publically and humbly apologized for the way the deal went down, to which he did not accept. I'm sure there are more snotty remarks between then and now, I just happened to see this one. You've missed the point. The point isn't to apologize once, and then say "oh, well, I already apologized, so now if it's brought up again, I'll be a jerk about it." The point is to have an attitude of conciliation that doesn't have an expiration date, whether the other party accepts it or not. Being snide about it several months down the road just proves that your apology wasn't really meant at the time, and you not only don't think you did anything at all wrong, but that even the situation wasn't worth being upset about in the first place. Clearly, basic reason tells us that when someone loses out on something they wanted, and they don't feel it was handled fairly, they're going to be annoyed about it. Now, it just looks like all the criticism of you in the first place was justified. Sometimes, you just have to suck up your ego and take what comes with grace and patience.
  7. Maybe you should at least be consistent. I just now searched and you do both "all PMs" and "all PM negotiations". But it's your sales thread and your idiotic policy to begin with. It's what caused a kerfuffle when we worked out a deal via PM before someone posted a in the thread and you refused to honor the deal. Not that I have to worry about it as I'll never do business with you again nor will, according to PMs I've gotten, several other people on here. But stick with whatever works out best for you. Still?? Oh no - You and your "PM buddies" won't buy from me You know, if you showed a little remorse and understanding, even if you don't agree with Tranny's position, it might go better for you. Instead of mockery, why not "You know, I'm sorry that deal didn't work out better. I may not agree with your position, but I know it didn't sit well with you, and I'm genuinely sorry about that. I'll try to do better with others going forward."...? That way, if Tranny still brings it up, he, and not you, would end up looking like a tool, and Tranny's ok with looking like a tool.
  8. Look, folks, because of the system that we have, anyone can edit things after the fact, and unless someone copied the "rules" and is, themselves, above reproach, then the only real answer is to let the seller sell to whomever they decide to sell to, for whatever reason they decide to sell. Are there questionable sellers who will take advantage of that, like agreeing to a deal in a PM, and then because an unqualified comes in a thread, for a higher price, they go with that instead, and try to claim their "rules" allowed this? Yes. Normally, I am one for the rules, but on this board, there's no way to enforce rules if they can be changed before anyone is really paying attention...and they can be. It's scuzzy, but the only real solution is this: "I reserve the right to do business with whomever I wish, for whatever reason I wish, up to and including price. If you don't like that, you are free to shop elsewhere." All anyone can really do is hope that A. a seller will honor his/her word, and B. if they don't, they will be outed. If someone cuts a deal out from under you, be sure to let everyone know, and then don't look back (that doesn't mean you can't mention it, I mean don't ever consider doing business with that person again.) Because the reality is, if someone won't honor a deal they've struck, why would you want to do business with them at ALL? Comics aren't drugs; we shouldn't act as if they are. Yes, I know how addictive they can be, and I know how "that one book you realllly want" might be worth dealing with a dishonorable person, but this hobby will NEVER see a decrease in dishonorable people until and if people consider honor more important than "cool books." Fair?
  9. I think giving the benefit of the doubt is reasonable here, isn't it possible that the PM discussion included an immediate payment within those four minutes? Unless the seller has two browser windows open and is constantly refreshing both during a pm discussion, then it could be very likely that the first was just simply not seen until the pm discussion was concluded. And if it was a sale via PM, then the seller probably sold it for less than the BIN price anyway. Just my .... and even this is not always the case. I allow via PM because some buyers just don't want the world to know what they buy. Often I get full ask in a PM agreement. Requiring a screen shot to prove the time stamp would defeat the purpose in those cases. With all the that some boardies give to those who buy for resale, I can understand the wish for privacy. GOD BLESS... -jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u Nice new sig. And one of the better new ones, I might add.
  10. You people make it really, really hard to not want to go out and buy new books on spec. Dark side, indeed.
  11. Donald Duck #223 (or #224...I forget which.) I know it's found a good home.
  12. Carnage man, Carnage man, does whatever a Carnage can... (That is pretty dang cool.)
  13. $474 is a very strong price. These were $100 books 10 years ago.
  14. I was going to point that out. I hit the nofity button on his sigline, after I asked him in a post to remove it. I don't know if he saw my post, but he didn't remove the link. I may not have been the only one, but it's nice to see a response. No politics means no politics. Take it to the town hall.