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Everything posted by selegue

  1. Good idea Jack "I'm going back on the trail for a while, Miz Lulu, but I'll be back" ...
  2. What a classic! I haven't seen it in decades, but I sure remembered the ending. Thanks, Jack
  3. I love the bizarre panel break in the lower right, how unusual! It's bizarre all right ... but this one I'd been chasing for a while. Down to 5 I have NEVER seen a copy of Redskin 8 and have seen a copy of Master 126 or Bill Boyd 21 only once in the last 8 years - That Black Rider 18 is a gem. You must be so proud. (Is this your signature file? I'd turn them back on except too many of them are either huge or tasteless.) Jack
  4. Got a minty WDCS #34 to show us? Jack
  5. Those disks from Jerry Bails sound great. Do any of them contain scans of The Comic Reader or early Rocket's Blast issues? I'm listed in the Who's Who in Comic Fandom, too. I seem to recall it was in the, we're not sure if these people are still active section. I found my copy (and Scrooge's). A single CD. Contents: All-Star Index 3 Ed Alter-Ego #1 Alter-Ego #2 Alter-Ego #3 Alter-Ego #4 CAPA-alpha #1-20 Collector's Guide Comicollector#1-6 ComingClean 1-18 DC Index covers Finger & Kane on Batman Guidebook to Comics Fandom Interview with Jerry on the Web Jerry's Drawings Jerry's JSA article for GA#8 OTDB-COMIC READER The Panelologist Unpublished intro New Fun #1 WhosWhoJuly1_2006 1st Read WHAT IS ON THIS CD Jack
  6. This wonderful cover just caught my eye -- I've never noticed it before! Is it the only appearance of Gremlins by Kelly on a comic book cover? Does anyone have a primo copy to show off? Will there ever be a reprint collection of the Gremlins strips? Are there enough pages to fill a book? Partly I want to test GCD's new cover link blocking right here. I'll also include an attachment. Jack
  7. D'OH! I probably do have that set of disks -- Who's Who is on it? Must be nearly the final version. I had forgotten all about it. I remember looking at some scanned fanzines, so I must have the disks. (I wonder where they are.) Jack
  8. Amoeba Man AND pink! The Marvel Zombies will attack that one like sharks. I love it! Did Amoeba Man ever make a return appearance? Surely in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Jack ...it won't be a sty-y-ylish marriage...
  9. It's easy. I jogged my memory -- HTTRACK I don't know what UL-name utility I was thinking of. Jack
  10. No. Do you have a bulk download tool? I had one on a PC but I stripped the disk and don't have it any more -- can't even think of the name now. Started with UL maybe. It worked great. I don't think I ever encountered The Comic Strip Project. Who ran the site? Jack
  11. Most of Jerry's data were reported by the artists and writers themselves on Jerry's questionnaire and used verbatim. I bet Thomas made a blanket statement like "I wrote these features for Dell in the forties: ", forgetting that some of the features ran into the fifties. Some of the self-reports are just plain wrong. Although it's still a useful tool, too bad that Who's Who is set in stone and will never be corrected or updated (no data past 2000) at the request of Jerry's widow. I think someone has permission to use it as a starting point for a new database, but I don't know if that's going to happen. Jack
  12. He didn't list his eudonympsay! Thanks for all the info. I hope I remember it when GCD actually comes back up enough to enter some corrections and when I have time to do it. Jack
  13. Funny how these two with basically the same coloring years apart were posted by 2 different people back to back Jack
  14. Now that the code is broken, is that a firm ID on both bug stories? Did Thomas do the bug stories in all the issues? I see that the Beetle Battle story has ?? credits at GCD. Any idea if he was artist only? Writer? Inker? FYI -- some of you may have read this on GCD lists -- the reason the GCD has been so slow may be "cover leeches" draining the bandwidth. The webmaster was setting up blocks, which is probably why the site was down this morning. Possible good news. Jack
  15. I'd love to see them reprinted. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there are enough potential readers to make it worth a publisher's financial risk. Here is a sample from another Bug story. It's very entertaining. I have no idea who was the artist. HAW! It's a tricky code, isn't it? These bug stories are a hoot! You're probably right about not being able to sell enough copies, unfortunately. The roaring success of last year's Fletcher Hanks book was good news for reprints though. It went into at least a fourth printing -- I pre-ordered the next one already! You probably don't need the reprints for yourself. Thanks, Jack
  16. WOW! Great stuff. Is that from Animal Comics 4? Jack The Uncle Wiggily story I posted yesterday is from Animal Comics #4. The Beetle Battle story is from #6. Thanks. I wish there were cover to cover reprints of the series. Kelly reprints do well -- I wonder if it could happen. Jack
  17. WOW! Great stuff. Is that from Animal Comics 4? That's some amazing kiddie propaganda. I like the Japanese flags on the backs of the beetles. Any idea who drew it (besides Bumblebrain)? Maybe I should change my userid to Bumblebrain -- shiverbones can change his usual expletive to "Smoley Hokes!" Jack
  18. WOW! What a lovely story and this page is perfect for a Chinese New Year's celebration! Maybe my favorite page of the story. Nice to see return appearances by Pipsisewah and the Skeezicks. So many great details in the story -- even the dancing ladybugs in the last panel. Thanks for scanning and posting! Jack
  19. Lordy, that's a gooofy monster! Simply plastering the name "Spurt Hammond" on the cover is worth a few extra points. How available is the run in reader condition? Jack
  20. Here's the Adventure Comics 275 panel: "The transformation of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde into polyermic [sic] forms is a chemical change readily reversible!" It cracks me up. Probably copied verbatim out of a random page of a random textbook by the scripter including the oddly inverted word order, but the bungled word "polymeric" and the exclamation mark make it a bizarre opening statement. Lana Lang finds it titillating. Your question, BZ. Jack
  21. "I'm afraid you're not the boy I'm looking for!" Eh? Which book is that from? Unless there's an earlier story than the one I'm thinking of, no. To clarify and to provide a clue, I mean the first thing that Bruce says in the story, not the cover scene that takes place later in the story. Jack We might be thinking of different stories. The first thing the adult Bruce Wayne says in my story is: "Wonder what Batman and Robin are wanted for this time?" The first thing he says, in a flashback, as a child living in Smallville is: "I'm afraid you're not the boy I'm looking for!" Our judges have ruled BangZoom's answer a He is quoting a story in World's Finest Comics #84 (October 1956), which GCD calls "1st meeting of Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent in Smallville". I was looking at Adventure Comics #275, August 1960. BZ has me beat on publication date, and who knows which meeting occurred earlier in Smallville's convoluted continuity. Jerry Coleman, writer of the Adventure story, was apparently unaware of Edmond Hamilton's earlier WF story, and so was I. I'll post my panel and quotation on Sunday -- not on this computer. Take the baton and a bow for stumping the judges, BZ. Jack
  22. "I'm afraid you're not the boy I'm looking for!" Eh? Which book is that from? Unless there's an earlier story than the one I'm thinking of, no. To clarify and to provide a clue, I mean the first thing that Bruce says in the story, not the cover scene that takes place later in the story. Jack
  23. Whee-dawgies! I need it. If you get inspired to scan the page, please keep hogging the thread! Jack Anything for my old buddy Jack Thanks! Great stuff -- better than acetylene, it's a hydrogen torch! (Huh? Where's the hydrogen tank? Why did someone leave it burning on the bench?) Too bad it's not a DC story -- the chemist would have quoted gold's melting point in the last panel. Jack rooted here like a gold bar
  24. What exactly are you insinuating there? Which element? I see that it also features a transparent skirt on that attractive young -- uh, lady? That's always a selling point. Jack hitting hard Gold. A chemist transforms himself into gold only to meet a grim fate at the hands of an acetylene torch Whee-dawgies! I need it. If you get inspired to scan the page, please keep hogging the thread! Jack