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Everything posted by selegue

  1. You mean whatever the Robotman on the left is carrying? Looks like a squeezie toy to me. A firm squeeze would definitely relieve my stress. Jack
  2. Nicest copy of this book I've ever seen. What's keeping it down to 7.0? Jack
  3. GI Combat wasn't tough -- for about $4! Woo-hoo! (Seller's scan) Jack
  4. Well done! You snagged me hook, line and stinker. Jack
  5. He swiped often, didn't he? I think I remember a scavenger hunt or two for his sources here on the boards. Did you ID the sources for this page? First panel is a Planet Comics cover? Jack
  6. Bizarre page! "I hear how hard you been working for the blue skins... How come? Answer me, Mr. Scrooge Lantern?" Thanks, Jack
  7. Very strange monsters! I need a smoke. I've never seen an interior page of this series. Thanks! Jack
  8. Why is Bulletman grabbing that large ? Is it those two, uh, "spurts" in the water beyond the boats that tipped you off? Jack
  9. Good stuff galore!!! Not indexed at GCD -- how much Kelly work is in the book? Another series I'd like to see reprinted, but probably not a broad enough audience to support the project. Jack
  10. YASSIR! Looking forward to book reports on the old-school Bugs and Sniffles & Mary Jane stories. Is the S&MJ a Halloween story? Jack
  11. Good catch! It can't be easy to find nice copies of that book. I'd love to complete my run with a copy of it some day. Do you also have all the Showcase Sea Devils? Nicest 6.5 I've ever seen. Woo hoo! You're the only other person (besides myself) that I can recall posting a Sgt Bilko book on the boards. Celebrity humor may be the least popular genre here. Yeah, once again, I don't have #1. Do you have both runs (including Pvt. Doberman)? Nicest 4.5 I've ever seen. Jack
  12. Punch 9 is first and only GA cover I've found. Classic -- looks like a prototype for Crumb's Snoid character. Any idea who drew the cover? Jack
  13. Exactly!!! I looked at every DC anthology title but that one, which completely slipped my mind. Thanks, Jack Is that the one you're thinking about?
  14. The Moon Monster reminds me a bit of the famous Pickle! Jack
  15. Wonderfully bizarre cover! I see that people have already mentioned the many other "men sitting around a table with animal masks" DC covers. I have to mention the oddly impossible shadows on the wall here. There's no shadow of the wolf head on the mouse's (rat's?) face, yet the mouse isn't casting a shadow between the wolf and the fox (dog?) -- ow, my brain hurts. Mr. District Attorney definitely deserves to be called under-appreciated. Jack
  16. Wow! Chemistry PLUS gorilla cover! Cardy/Adler, you think? Single-digit HoS must be almost impossible to find. Jack
  17. "You can't see my face because your eyes have never looked higher than my neck, you #$%^& letcher!" Jack
  18. Holy Fudd, 'Bones! Is that VCC windfall already spent?! Great bunch of covers you're posting. All from the same source? HoM 105 cover was recyled several more times, wasn't it? Here's one. There's another one with an artist at an easel near a big, open window, isn't there? Maybe yellow background? I can't find it. Jack
  19. Right, I saw that you were quoting the page. I was surprised that the -script writer didn't spell it more like Bugs' Bronx accent. Heck, yeah. It all started with Mary Jane! If MJ didn't use magic sand in this story, it's probably Hubbard rather than Armstrong artwork. Definitely. There's a link to report errors on almost every page, and the error team is usually very responsive. Jack
  20. You're too good to me -- literally. I'm supposed to be getting some work done for tomorrow and am totally distracted. But not complaining! Toonopedia: "Editor Chase Craig ...created and wrote the "Mary Jane & Sniffles" series... Through most of the 1940s, the series was drawn by Roger Armstrong... In the '50s, Al Hubbard... took it over." You don't think this story is Armstrong? Whoever did it, a nice rendition. How does MJ "get small" in this story? HAW! A favorite continuing gag. Isn't it "Alba-Koikey"? This looks familiar. Is it an adaptation of a Bugs animated cartoon (or vice versa)? I'm no help with Rocketman. Are you named after Ralphie's infamous Red Ryder BB-Gun from A Christmas Story? Jack
  21. Thanks! I really like Sniffles and Mary Jane. Utterly unabashed fantasy (to the point of psychedelic), almost always well drawn and plotted. I wonder whether there would be enough of a market for reprints. Collecting a whole set of originals wouldn't be easy (or cheap!). Jack
  22. Old-school Bugs plus Sniffles featured on the cover. Yeah! Jack
  23. Very nice!! I see on GCD that it includes a story featuring Twerpo Penguin (tee-hee) and a Sniffles & Mary Jane story. Anyone have a scan of either? Jack
  24. Very nice! I just dug out a few of the Dell and Gold Key Christmas giants myself. I don't think anyone would get bent out of shape if you posted it in the Golden Age holiday thread. I think there's a General holiday thread if someone cared to find and bump it, but I don't recall a Silver Age one. Jack