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Posts posted by Shootydog

  1. As an uninvolved bystander, I see it as ranking up there with the dog ate my homework excuse.


    First off, a drunk hit his car, was he insured? was it a hit and run? does he have insurance? Since he was not at fault, the drunk would have to pay for the damages with no out of pocket to the owner of the parked vehicle. If it was a hit and run and he has no insurance, then it might be a different story, but as it stands the whole story is too weak and smells foul.


    Why can't people be honest and say, I made a mistake, I can't afford those books right now, I thought I could, but I was wrong. To me, an excuse is worse than just telling the truth in most cases.


    rantrant over, continue on :grin:

    Why would I do that to multiple people all at the same time?

    Why would I sell all my books that I have spent months tracking down for close to nothing compared to what I payed for them?

    I was at the movies and my car was parked in the first row of cars, when we came out my hole front-end was smashed in. I said it was smashed by some random drunkard cause I didn't see it go down and the angle of the hit had to come from somebody whipping in at 20+ MPH cause my car was in the other lain. I know this is your guys only way of keeping this site safe to buy and sell in but I really don't appreciative you all jumping down my throat for something that I really couldn't control.



    California requires that all motorist carry automobile insurance at all times. It doesn't matter whether or not you find the guy who hit you. If you are in California (as your profile says you are) you have to have insurance, and you can file a claim for your loss regardless of whether you find who did this.


    You should have filed a hit and run accident report with the PD, and you can give that to your insurance company and what for the adjuster to send you your check.


    If your car was parked and he hit your car hard enough to total it, his car would not be driveable unless you were driving a go-cart and he was driving and M-1 Abrams. That's pretty much a fact. Without your car being in motion, all of the momentum and force would be coming from his car and to destroy your car it's more than likely his car would be sitting there smoking next to yours when you came out.


    So it's possible your car was not totally destroyed and you "might" be able to get the insurance company to repair it. Either way if your car was destroyed in a parking lot by a car going 20 or so miles an hour might I suggest you not buy that same brand of death trap.


    Your insurance should cover it either way. Then you can keep your comics, get your replacement car, and still keep all your commitments without reneging.



    Thanks for the positive comment dude. lol

    Well I'm done talking about this but I don't have insurance, I'm a full time student and do what I can even if it does bite me in the in the end. I was driving a 89 Toyota corolla btw, which only cost me 1k two years ago and fixing that kinda damage would cost me three of my cars.


    So not only are you an ininsured motorist by choice you freely purchase comics instead of following the rules and getting yourself insured. You are going to college, right? They teach you things in college, right? Who is paying for college? No wonder California is broke.


    Now I'm just pissed off at you. Pay the man what you owe, get yourself insured and quit buying comics until you graduate life.

  2. As an uninvolved bystander, I see it as ranking up there with the dog ate my homework excuse.


    First off, a drunk hit his car, was he insured? was it a hit and run? does he have insurance? Since he was not at fault, the drunk would have to pay for the damages with no out of pocket to the owner of the parked vehicle. If it was a hit and run and he has no insurance, then it might be a different story, but as it stands the whole story is too weak and smells foul.


    Why can't people be honest and say, I made a mistake, I can't afford those books right now, I thought I could, but I was wrong. To me, an excuse is worse than just telling the truth in most cases.


    rantrant over, continue on :grin:

    Why would I do that to multiple people all at the same time?

    Why would I sell all my books that I have spent months tracking down for close to nothing compared to what I payed for them?

    I was at the movies and my car was parked in the first row of cars, when we came out my hole front-end was smashed in. I said it was smashed by some random drunkard cause I didn't see it go down and the angle of the hit had to come from somebody whipping in at 20+ MPH cause my car was in the other lain. I know this is your guys only way of keeping this site safe to buy and sell in but I really don't appreciative you all jumping down my throat for something that I really couldn't control.


    Ive said it before and Ill say it now in earnest. You would do well to not post bs like this on the boards and just deal privately with the people involved. Today, now more than ever before considering recent events, you will find few if any sympathetic ears and are likely just to fan the flames of your own pyre.


    Take my advice and deal with the issue quietly.

  3. Ebay






    Honestly though, I don't think there is a lot of interest in 100 pagers anymore.


    I hope thats the case because Im seriously considering working to collect them. I have fallen in love with them through my collecting and just love flipping through them.


    I only want Raw books that have good appeal to the eye. 8.0 or better is perfectly acceptable.

  4. Unbelievable.


    Yep. CapFreak, the shortfalls that occur in the refunding process are entirely YOUR problem. YOU fix 'em, take the (microscopic, to be frank) loss on the chin, make your creditors whole and move on.


    If this had been my problem, I would've be running around like crazy to make amends. My name & reputation are far more important to me than .42 cent here or a dollar there.


    Damage done. No need for him to put forth any more effort than is necessary at this point.

  5. Hopefully things can be sorted out but I doubt it. It seems to be to have been intentional. I bought one of Filers boxes and was very happy with what was in it.


    I would suggest that if any of you happen to be stuck with the books you might consider the following.


    Ship them off to soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan. I do that with many of the numerous reader books I have around and I know they enjoy them and trade them amongst themselves.


    Donate them to a local charity, childrens hospital, DHS shelter or homeless shelter.


    Somehow turn a bad experience into good karma.

  6. So ... just because it's cheap you automatically loose your right to complain if you don't receive what's advertised?

    Sounds like the logic someone tried to use with the CAP FREAK situation. I think money spent has nothing to do with being allowed to raise concerns.


    I was under the impression that the probation list was for deals that one party or another didnt honor. Money changed hands and books were sent...that is not disputed.


    Dissatisfaction with the product is another matter and probably needs to be dealt with between the two parties and leave the boards out of it. Someone else might be completely happy with what they got. Its a subjective argument and therefore not a valid concern for the probation list.


    Thats my opinion.

  7. The probation list does not forbid anyone from buying or selling books on the boards. They are free to make deals with whomever they wish. It is incumbent upon the buyer/seller dealing with the probie to determine if they want to deal with that person. Not a defacto restriction except by harassment.


    o.k. i mis-spoke.




    And just to be clear...I would harass the tar out of them and I would not deal with any of the shifty folk on that list.



  8. The probation list does not forbid anyone from buying or selling books on the boards. They are free to make deals with whomever they wish. It is incumbent upon the buyer/seller dealing with the probie to determine if they want to deal with that person. Not a defacto restriction except by harassment.

  9. i'm currently working on a resolution at this time with connor to make sure all are reimbursed. so whoever was impacted by this, send me a pm with your email address, how much is owed and if possible a link to the thread that you bought the books (just for verification). it looks like it is almost impossible to get him the money to disburse at this time and i and everyone else wants this over with asap.



    You're a good man J for taking all this on to resolve the situation.


    Thanks for showing so much care. (thumbs u


    I'll second that. Looks like the little turd gets away without even doing any legwork at all.


    I seriously hope you learn from this CAPFreak. There won't always be people who are willing or prepared to dig you out of your own holes.


    Even if capfreak clears up his problems I think he should stay on the probation list.

    Judging from his COMPLETE history in board transactions, I have to agree.


    A person only gets off the probation list if the people who put him there agrees to do so - as I'm one of those people, I can guarantee you that he'll stay on the list (thumbs u



    don't forget to pm me with your info, looks more and more that i'll just be paying the people he owes.




    I commend you in these efforts but I have my doubts. Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way or they will never sink in. Its a character building process.

  10. Just for clarification Someone here thought I didn't train race horse{s}. Go to www.harnessdriver.com Then to Photo's, page 3. Dewers Gingernlime photo.

    I am the person wearing the brown Stetson. That can be proven as well. Porcupine 48 knows me very, very well. No trolling or masking here. Just simple clarification.


    This has got to be the least successful attempt at deflection in history. You would have done better to just keep quiet.



  11. anyone have any updates on cap_freak? anybody receive their books or $$ back since the meltdown? i'm coming up on the 30 day mark for paypal and i need to make a decision about filing a dispute to get my money back...




    Dont hesitate....file it

  12. From Dictionary.com


    char⋅ac⋅ter  /ˈkærɪktər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kar-ik-ter] Show IPA

    –noun 1. the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.

    2. one such feature or trait; characteristic.

    3. moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.

    4. qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity: It takes character to face up to a bully.

    5. reputation: a stain on one's character.


    In the end....all you have is your reputation and the knowledge that you were honorable in your dealings with other people. On the death bed all that will matter is how you carried yourself through life.


    Ive seen a supreme lack of the above word evident on these boards recently....and far too often.




  13. Since this keeps getting lost in the discussion, and I think it IS pretty relevant, how do you respond to your actions with Sergio when you take into consideration this whole deal-gone-south with Adam?


    I'm not trying to attack you here, but I do think this sort of action is more bothersome to me than a business deal gone awry as it really speaks to a violation of our board's community.


    I doubt seriously he will answer to this as there really is no excuse for it and merely bringing it up causes him to be completely......



  14. All of the people reading this thread can think what they want to think. I have answered Adam's Probation List thread. I can go on and on. Copy and Paste this and that. I don't go for this type of stuff. I did what I did with a complete and clear conscience. I can't and wont try to prove anything to anyone but myself.. Carry On..... I will be sure to check this thread out at some point in the next 2 or so years...


    ...and in two years, your name will still be at the top of the Probation List.... (thumbs u


    This changes my life how?? I did what I did. Adam did what he did.... We will always agree to dis-agree. Life goes on...


    Than go on..live life away from the marketplace forums.


    Don't let the hypocrisy hit you in on the way out.



  15. i just wanted to know where everybody else stood is all. i was hoping that i was the one on the hook for the most


    So let me get this straight, kiddy-scammer Cap Freak has not come through on a $200+ deal with you, yet he pops into YOUR thread and tries to buy one of your books?


    Does this seem insane to anyone else?


    I am not much for piling on but it does seem to me that Cap has really overstepped here. I was not really in favor of a permanent probation but Im starting to lean that direction.