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Everything posted by Davenport

  1. Are these not statues? DC COLLECTIBLES UNVEILS Never seen WW with a mace before. "Art of War"? And they show some Black & White Batmans and a couple of Bombshells.
  2. I wonder how it will affect the "garage kit" industry. Moebius Models did a badazz line of Movie Monsters... And Janus did a Jack Pierce/Boris Karloff tribute kit that's just insane... That tiny industry is their biggest fans and lives or dies by being able to deal with licensing issues. So I hope Universal cuts them major slack or goes easy on them with this new venture..
  3. Those are something I wouldn`t mind getting into again. Anybody have price ranges for those old Aurora sets? I use to have some of them when I was younger, and yes, my parents threw them out.
  4. The last Frankenstein I saw had that Highlander-car-wreck look.
  5. In a way CFTBL gets short shrift when lumped in as "Universal Monsters". If treated with respect Creature could be a franchise unto itself. Anyway, how does Universal do a Disney-esque lock down on what are essentially 'public domain' characters? Do they base it on unique "look & feel" of their original films? And if that's the case, is there a Karloff estate, a Chaney Jr estate, and so on that'll lawyer up? What prevents another studio from following right behind Universal, taking the Hammer Films route?
  6. I was thinking more of Creature From the Black Lagoon. A mystery set in the Amazon seems worlds away from all the Euro Gothic stuff. But, I'm probably wrong and it will all turn out great. A classic I do think they could remake for today... The Man from Planet X. I wonder who owns the rights.
  7. I think Gothic horror can always work, if done correctly. I had the Aurora kits too. In fact, I think I still have a few. I hope I'm wrong. But just because Universal owns them all shouldn't mean they share a universe. Unless of course, they revive Abbott and Costello to pull 'em all together.
  8. Huge fan. Grew up with them, had all the Aurora kits and all that. But... They were unique to their time and probably should be left alone. They're really not like Godzilla or Planet of the Apes or other remakes. There's a certain innocence and charm that's not going to translate well with re-imaginings. imho. I put it on par with re-doing The Three Stooges. Anyway, good luck with that Universal.
  9. Be sure and post up your Invisible Man model whenever you get finished. (thumbs u Fun stuff.
  10. Wasn't aware Polar Lights had done a Wolverine either. Looks decent enough. Some dood detail in that Sentinel head base. Have plastic figure kits made a come-back of sorts?
  11. It's about they coolest thing I've seen in a long, long time. Your Wonderfest post really made my day. THANKS!! That kit is real and around $30.
  12. THANK YOU for posting those. (thumbs u Wonderfest. After the herky-jerky intro this video scans the Model Contest entries. I had no idea Polar Lights had done a Neal Adams Superman kit. I had to do a screen-grab when the video panned by. If it's real I'm going shopping. . And whoever painted it comic book style NAILED IT.
  13. , looks like the next frame would be full metal fellatio. Probably not the best way to kick off an expanded DC universe. The Superman selfie while forcing a Batman smile is actually pretty funny, whoever the artist was. Not sure why everything gets sexualized. Is that the newest meme, and hint of friendship and they're automatically butt-buddies and chicken hawks?
  14. This tread has me browsing statueforum.com again and all the 'home grown' sculpts. Ran across this guy who did a Neal Adams head for his Batman PF. Love it when creativity and 'can't leave it alone' meet. It's kinda like kit-smashing back in the Aurora days. Neal Adams inspired Bat head for my PF
  15. What would be really fun, since it's so damn far off and they're filming anyway, would be to film some sidebar-snippets and "leak" those. Nothing from the actual film. Just bridge scenes. Clark glancing at a headline scene, Daily Planet office chatter scene, a Lois off-screen scene, droning on and on about Bruce Wayne, with a dead-pan "enough already" close-up of Clark's face. Just anything to tie Clark showing up for work (last we saw him) with other superheros making their appearance in his world (without us seeing them...yet). Create some buzz that way, small universe-building snippets, rather than temp actual leakage to fill the insatiable demand for insider info.
  16. Thanks guys. Great thread, and I have to say that Daredevil sculpt several pages back blew me away. It has to be the best Daredevil done so far. The seam work, the transition from suit to gloves and boots, just stunning overall.
  17. I haven't had any issues, but I dust regularly and have them far away from any open windows. Enclosure is ideal, but the materials they use are very high quality and are easy to clean with a lint brush or soft paint brush. Most cloth can't be removed, and you never want to use water, ever. Thanks for the info. (thumbs u Is the cloth sealed with some type of plasticizer to help hold its shape? If so that would help prevent air from flowing through it as well, and make it more dustable.
  18. ..."interchangeable classic and modern versions of his iconic mask"
  19. All the Sideshow stuff looks awesome, but I think the same thing every time: Cloth. Are the cloth parts a nightmare? Seems like they would be a dust-magnet over time. Porous air-filtration from months or years of display. Or do you remove those parts for a gentle soaking/wash every so often? Are plexiglass or glass enclosures a must-use for Sideshow sculpts?
  20. One of the better Superman arcs was the aftermath of Superman killing three Krytptonian criminals. It was his worse-case scenario, so he removed himself from Earth and headed into deep space. Handled right, written well, it can make Superman even more relateable. I haven't seen or heard of this before but I'll definitely be checking it out now, thanks (thumbs u You're in for a real treat. (thumbs u No spoilers, but the timeline is important. In a way it's prequel to all the Death/Doomsday stuff. It's epic in scope and introduces new elements to the Superman mythos still relevant today. The arc went across Superman titles except Action Comics, where he was a no-show. Until his return...
  21. One of the better Superman arcs was the aftermath of Superman killing three Krytptonian criminals. It was his worse-case scenario, so he removed himself from Earth and headed into deep space. Handled right, written well, it can make Superman even more relateable.
  22. Yeah, you really do. Of all the DC Animation greatness (which is considerable), 'Superman/Batman : Apocalypse' would be somewhere near the top. If they could manage to capture even a 10th of that level of quality storytelling for the live-action effort, it'd be a mega-success beyond imagining.