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Everything posted by Jeffro.

  1. Not all 9.2s (or any grade for that matter) are created equal, not do they necessarily look the same. I've seen 9.2s that look barely 9.0 and I've seen 9.0s that look more like 9.4s/9.6s Just because you think it isn't a 9.2 doesn't mean it isn't. Could it be a 9.0 sitting in a 9.2 slab? Sure it could. It's not like that's never happened before. CGC has gone through looser and tighter grading cycles in its history. However, to call it a scam is quite a stretch. What boggles my mind is that you looked at that book, didn't agree with the grade, and discounted all other possibilities and went right to 'scam' as the answer.
  2. Damn! That Sad Sack HD 12 is insanely tough. However, good luck (I think you're gonna need it) finding a higher graded copy.
  3. At this point, well even long before now, you have to assume that all "reality" shows are staged. And the History channel was far better when they were interested in, you know, History and not aliens and batpoop conspiracy theory shows
  4. Good god! There are people out there who actually believe the diagonal mark was added post production and denotes a returned comic? I'm speechless.
  5. I've been a paypal customer for about 17 years and have never has one single problem. Last month I decided to list a bunch of stuff on ebay after not selling anything for two years. I sold three items and got an email from paypal that my money was being held for up to 21 days due to potential fraud issues. I called ebay and they said it was a paypal issue, although ebay said with my history they shouldn't be holding my money. I called paypal and got nowhere, even with a supervisor. My nearly 20 year history on ebay (no issues, no returns, no negatives, no issues buying anything) and my 17 year history on paypal didn't amount to squat. My money would not be released until tracking showed that the items had been delivered. They didn't even give me the option of proving my identity or anything. I was treated little better than some noob who just signed up. It's funny that they never had any problem with me sending money for purchases in the last two years but I try to sell something and apparently tripped some kind of BS algorithm that caused my money to be held. The good news is that the payments did eventually clear but here's the weird thing. My money was held on those first three items sold but then I started selling more and those payment went through without a hitch. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever. What bothers me the most is that paypal doesn't even have (or more likely doesn't care to have) a system in place that would have allowed me to prove who I am and then get my money. I was just shut down.
  6. Frickin' noobs with their frickin' noobish opinions.
  7. Very important. Much more so than whether it's encased in plastic or not.
  8. I’m not sure the pods will give them the same softness as the dryer sheets. Probably not but you can always eat the tide pods
  9. Nix on the dryer sheets. just throw a couple tide pods in there and you're good to go.
  10. That's BRILLIANT! I've got boxes of 80s indie garbage that no one cares about...I'm asking for an "unloved" designation, STAT! Will you two STOP IT!! You're going to give CVA new sticker ideas.
  11. Next month's code - WEWEREROBBED Use it and it increases your order's dollar amount by 75%
  12. Hopefully they didn't get Chuck's "medicinal" products
  13. Try not to characterize my question with the words "cater, request, far-fetched" I asked a question. He's not wrong though. Your request has about as much chance of becoming reality as it does me flapping my arms and flying to the moon. I'm surprised (honestly, I am, no sarcasm) that you would make such a request.