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Posts posted by JC25427N

  1. On 8/7/2023 at 9:41 PM, KirbyCollector said:

    The good news is you have a solid lead. The bad news is, now you have to pray the US Postal Inspection Service in Dallas has someone who really wants to do the work ahead: First, an immediate subpoena to Ebay for subscriber, payment and bank/credit card info. After that is received, the agent should subpoena a) any and all financial accounts identified, b) any Google or Apple account identified and c) any phone records while also doing a full background on the subscriber. Once those accounts come back, he'll have a direction on how to move forward. The bad news is, what I described will take 2 months minimum -- so it won't go fast. The good news is, if he gets what I think he will get from the financials he should have enough for a search warrant for the seller's Google or Apple cloud account. If the criminal was using standard emails and text messaging (as opposed to encrypted comms like Proton Mail and WhatsApp), the evidence to charge him should surface via that warrant. 

    BTW contacting the seller won't help -- he's a criminal is a mail theft ring. Let USPIS do their job.

    Image tagged in grail knight you chose poorly - Imgflip



    Assuming the above post is true of course



    On 5/30/2023 at 11:46 PM, Lightning55 said:

    How can I order some of these comics that CGC is selling?

    I think that a company that has comics in the name usually sells comics. Like Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Lone Star Comics, etc. Since CGC does not sell comics, the name might be Comic Services. 

    If you find out, can you tell me how to order trading cards from CGC Trading Cards, and video games from CGC Video Games.

    It seems like they're just standardizing the logo to match the ones for those other CGC services since having CGC alone can refer to about 4 different services now.

  3. On 5/21/2023 at 10:42 PM, KirbyCollector said:

    The chickens are coming for the stock market this year, followed by a pretty decent recession. I don't envy anyone holding excess merchandise they need to sell, or new art they can't hold for at least 3 years. Things are going to get rough.

    Don't you get depressed preaching this in almost every thread?

  4. On 5/21/2023 at 11:11 PM, JC25427N said:

    And it is perfectly fine that you feel that way about other people's purchases, just like it's perfectly fine for those people to feel differently (and at the end of the day, the only person who has to be satisfied with their actions is that person themselves). But that's all it is at the moment, feelings. 

    p.s and just for clarity, I don't like Moore's art nor can afford it if I did. Just defending a principle.

    To expand a bit on what I mean here, initially I came into this with the thought that people were buying this art at these insanely high prices because they just really liked the art/artist and were ok at buying them at these prices regardless of their potential as investments. And that's ok if that's what they did.  Then I was presented with some information that makes me think it's reasonable for people to feel that these do have merit as investments too and it's not completely out of line for people to buy into this thinking "I really like the art, and I feel safe with the knowledge that if I have to sell it I could get some more value out of it". Personally, I'd be in the same line of thought as Michael in that I can't really bring myself to honestly say I think these pages can be resold for substantially more than the prices they were sold at. But I believe Felix, other people in this thread, and the few past auction examples I saw when that say SSB was successful in giving the initial buyers a significant ROI when they were resold. So while past performance isn't guarantee of anything, I think there's enough for someone to have a reasonable faith in the security of their purchases when it comes to these Tradd Moore pages, even if I (and however many others) wouldn't share that same faith

  5. On 5/21/2023 at 9:38 PM, Michael Browning said:

    Eh, I still say that all the people paying these truckloads of cash will be sorry when the time comes to resell because there is no way that these pieces are ever being resold for 2X and 3X (and MORE! according to a few people on this thread 🙄) in my lifetime.

    And it is perfectly fine that you feel that way about other people's purchases, just like it's perfectly fine for those people to feel differently (and at the end of the day, the only person who has to be satisfied with their actions is that person themselves). But that's all it is at the moment, feelings. 

    p.s and just for clarity, I don't like Moore's art nor can afford it if I did. Just defending a principle.

  6. On 5/21/2023 at 5:10 PM, KirbyCollector said:

    Yup, but whether it sold at that price is anyone's guess -- and it could very well have been a trade for no cash 

    Whether the other pieces that aren't marked as sold really went unsold is anyone's guess too, could be that they sold and the owner just forgot or is too lazy to mark them as sold  :baiting:

  7. On 5/16/2023 at 4:14 PM, Floyd Fernandes said:

    I purchased a huge art collection and so much of this is super hard to identify. Not sure how much of this I can post, but I'll give it a try. Help! Thanks in advance.



    The top image looks like the title page from Jungle Girl Season 3 #1 by Jack Jadson  https://www.dynamite.com/htmlfiles/viewProduct.html?PRO=C72513023008901011

    Bottom one could be page 20 from one of the books in that series too, but not sure which one if any


    On 5/10/2023 at 2:37 PM, Xatari said:

    Hi, happy to take it offline if you’d like to discuss but just to be clear, I was interested in the book as a complete purchase and made an offer over six figures. No sour grapes other than time spent. I think you’re making a lot of assumptions. 

    My point was simply this is being hyped up (“the one you’ve been waiting for” and “the most talked about comic book of the year”), and I hope the intention is to sell and it ends up in a closed transaction.

    I appreciate relationships built and deals closed as a result (as I mentioned previously).  I don’t appreciate the feeling of bait and switch which I felt twice previously with my time. 

    Reminder, this thread is for flip of the day, which this certainly qualifies given it just sold. 


    On 5/10/2023 at 1:50 PM, cloud cloddie said:


    Couple that with previous CAF posts about ‘grails’ that ended up on the last CAFlive at crazy prices, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of reason to imply what Xatari did, intentionally or not. 



    I might be remembering wrong and apologies if I am, but my recollection was that many people defended that listing during the last CAF live stating that either A) it was clearly satire, or B) If it's not satire, then a person stating "This is how much it would take for me to let go of this piece of art" is perfectly legitimate. Then I remember this chart being brought up which if my recollections are correct so far, I think it's pretty unfair that the same defense isn't being applied to Nick, or malicious intent is being projected onto Nick for the same action when people didn't project the same back then

    personal value -not by Jim Lee, Frank Miller, Jack Kirby, Todd McFarlane, Neal Adams or Barry Blair Comic Art

    Anyway I'm willing to drop it now, I'll admit I could be wrong. I don't have anything against or anything significantly towards Nick, I've never bought from him but I regularly watch his show and to me he doesn't come across as the sort of malicious actor that's being insinuated here. I'll defend him this far because I think the insinuations are unfair/unjust based on my experience and limited view of Nick as a person, but if others feel differently then of course they have the right to express that as well.

    Also nothing personal against Xatari, Cloud, or anyone else who disagrees with me. I think you're all splendid people, we just seem to disagree or have different views on this point. Feel like that needs to be stated around here where if you reply to someone more than 3 times in a row suddenly everyone thinks you've become mortal enemies. 

  9. On 5/10/2023 at 12:52 PM, Xatari said:

    Again, I shared my last two personal experiences and sited historical reference points that are verifiable.  

    Your last two personal experiences/historical reference points are that that Nick tried to sell the entire first appearance issue of Shuri two times as a whole (and I'm assuming you wanted just the first appearance page) and it didn't end up selling either time. It sounds to me based on what he said during the sales that he really wants to sell the entire issue and would keep the first appearance page anyway if he did break it up. So from an outsider's perspective who doesn't share your personal grievances, it looks like sour grapes, not a pattern of deceitfulness. I don't see someone standing firm on their selling price (no matter how high, if they've a reputation as a legitimate seller then however much profit or value they wish to assign on anything they want to sell is their business) as deceit, and just because his main selling avenue is a youtube show I don't think justifies insinuating that its done for clickbait unless you also insinuate that every online seller with a site who drops pages at (seemingly) outrageous prices are just clickbaiting traffic to their site.

    Regardless, I believe he already stated during one of his recent shows where he opened up and previewed the pages that he would be breaking up and selling individual Spider-Man #7 pages just like he did for his recent ASM full issue sale, so it won't be a repeat of the Black Panther sale where he was only interested in parting with it as a whole. 

    tl;dr: I don't think its fair to ascribe deceitfulness to everyone who attempts to sell something you want at a price you think is too high, even when they try to sell it twice and hold firm on their price. If I want a page from you that you're selling at $10,000 and I think it's worth $3000, if in 2 years time you're still selling the page at $10,000 I'm not going to accuse of you deceit whether you sell on a facebook/youtube stream, your own site, or CAF classifieds.

  10. On 5/10/2023 at 12:44 AM, Xatari said:

    For sure. That definitely happens and rightly so. Relationships make the world go round. I just hope the Friday event is a legitimate sale and not a platform to hype without intent to truly sell. I sat through the last two Shuri sales and waited until the end only to watch the pieces go unsold because of the price. It felt like a bait and switch. 

    Nick did a similar type of sale a few weeks ago where he was selling all the pages + cover from one of the recent ASM books by JRJR (Nick himself only wanted one splash page but Spencer was only selling the book as a whole. Nick even offered the splash page he wanted since he promised he would have the whole issue for sale), lots of pages sold then. Feels really unfair to throw around these accusations over a personal bad experience/sour grapes :\ especially when it seems you haven't really followed any of Nick's shows since 2020

  11. On 5/1/2023 at 6:41 PM, Michael Browning said:

    Quality notwithstanding, that page, if Moore art is so in demand, should have gotten at least a typical Deal Or No Deal offer of $100. It is Tradd Moore art, after all, so it should have at least gotten a lowball offer of $100 and … nothing. Not an offer. Not even someone saying “I will start it off - $50.” Everything else gets a lowball offer. Reselling a Tradd Moore page… nothing.

    Don't get me wrong, Tradd Moore art is amazingly beautiful and psychedelic and trippy and I wouldn’t turn one down for a lot, LOT less. He may be the nicest guy in the universe and I’m sure he truly is a wonderful person who is blessing his fans with his pages and covers. But, when his pages are selling for $50,000 the day they’re put up for sale, there’s no way possible the buyer recoups his money when his love of Tradd Moore art fades.

    Have any of Tradd's art from his previous drop with Felix turned back up on the market? Felix said earlier "SILVER SURFER: BLACK was four years ago. Beat similar naysayers' outlook already. And actually, even mine." Does this mean they have been resold since then and gave a positive ROI? 

    But regardless, I would imagine and hope that whoever is spending in this range on these pages are firmly set in their interests and know what they like and aren't so fickle as to suddenly want to move the page, aka are another "unicorn" who decided to buy these pages forgoing considerations of a ROI (or if they really are seeking ROI, maybe they just know what they're doing and see growth potential that most others don't, like what (maybe?) happened with SS: Black)

  12. On 4/30/2023 at 2:36 PM, Hockeyflow33 said:

    Wholeheartedly agree. I buy what I like and most of my 500+ piece collection is between $200 and $500 so I'm not in the big pond but I don't know who like spending $300 for $50 worth of art. If I think a commission or page isn't worth close to what I'm paying I won't enjoy the piece knowing it's money out the window. 

    I don't understand how never selling anything is a badge of honor. Unless you have unlimited space, collections need to be trimmed every now and then. I did a major culling last year of like 120 pieces and just sent another 40ish to auction this year. Tastes change and collections take new focuses so wanting your collectible to hold value is normal, it's part of what makes something collectible. 

    I don't think anyone has anything against selling, I certainly don't. That wasn't the point anyone was making, its more nuanced than that. It's just some people buy pieces for their collection (can be their entire collection or a subset) where selling or investment aren't immediate concerns in their mind.