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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. I mean you could say the same about a number of comic characters, not just Star Wars ones. The fact that Marvel heroes and Star Wars project to be relevent for decades to come has everyone buying in. I don’t foresee a market crash but I do foresee some “spec investments” that don’t pay off.
  2. Oh I’m not wasting any more time than needed. But I will gladly make him feel uncomfortable. Nothing will happen. But I’ve said and done something. I can move along now and feel I did the right thing. A few more people know now and maybe that’s one less person affected by this seller which is a positive.
  3. So I messaged this seller and asked why he wasn’t letting buyers know what it used to be graded. He replied politely that he pressed it and thought it looked much better. A couple of other cordial messages went back and forth before I presented the evidence that he photoshops his pictures. the immediate response was a reply littered with profanities, telling me to eff off and that I had nothing better to do. From civil to completely off the rails. That shift in response tells me that he/she is definitely a shady sunnuvagun.
  4. If you agree with and are someone who does what this seller does, in my books I don’t wanna buy or sell to you. I disagree with how you do business. I view you lower on the totem pole of people in this hobby. You can be upset about that but that’s how it is. You don’t like being thought of this way? Then do what I suggest. A shred of honesty and integrity. And if your answer to doing that is “but I won’t make as much money”, then I rest my case.
  5. But that’s the point. It’s not. Hes grading as though it would be. I’m willing to bet he knows it’s not but it looks strong enough (with a little potential manipulation) to get buyers bidding high.
  6. Here is what I would do and hope others do too: ”This IM 55 was a former 7.5. I cracked and pressed it and believe it looks much better but you be the judge (shares as many NATURAL pics as possible) Perfect, legit, honest person. When I ask the question “Why are you NOT disclosing the press or former grade in the listing?”, the answer is likely because I want to make more money. Which is the shady part for me.
  7. At any rate, I called him out on it. He seemed surprised that I knew he had bought a month ago. I told him my issues and concerns and that all he had to do was answer this question: "Why am I not telling the potential buyer that this book has been pressed and used to be a 7.5?" His answer to that question would tell himself and everyone else what his true intentions are. My guess is the answer 1000% is "if I don't disclose some stuff here, I will definitely make more money". And that is a risky game to play and one I don't appreciate.
  8. Here is the real kicker question..if he really thought it was 9.4 or even 9.2 as his listing suggests, why wouldn't he spend the money to grade and then make a $1500-1800 sale? However, he knows its not but that it "looks sharp". So he adverts high, greedy others who think they can get that 9.2 or 9.4 bid it up and it sells for $1000 or so raw...higher than paid for it and a nice profit.
  9. If CGC calls it a 9.4 after it gets a press, that is fine. However, self-pressing, assuming you automatically up the grade, assigning a higher grade, selling raw and not disclosing the prior CGC grade or the fact that you pressed (and possibly taking photos that are not true to the item) are the problem.
  10. I have reached out to a couple people, to see if contacting him is possible. No replies as of yet...
  11. Would it be poor practice for me to enter an obscenely high bid so I win, and then never pay but ensure that I make his life hell and somehow leave feedback that shares his nefarious practices? I took time to send some messages and click on some ebay reports....if enough people do, maybe something will happen. Maybe not.
  12. I mean, I don't need to buy high grade raws so thankfully, I will never buy one of his books. I see listings like his raw one going for near what nice graded copies sell for and I always fear that someone is greatly overpaying, thinking they will get a NM or better book. There are enough inexperienced buyers out there with cash to burn. Seems like this guy is willing to take advantage of that but from experience, those types of sellers/dealer/collectors never fare well in the end.
  13. Is anyone doing anything about the downgrades? Really, just make pics available to be seen. The rest we can suffer but I miss the old pics!
  14. Reminds me of life....hey things seem ok. Then mess happens. At work, at home, everywhere. Always something. Good times. Thank god for comics. And most of you all. Truly.
  15. I did a little digging, found an email contact for a Sanho Kim in South Korea with an art profile on a website (much more modern style but maybe it is him?)...so I sent an email. We shall see
  16. Couple questions here...has anyone ever met or seen Sanho Kim? Has he ever visited a con (past or in the more modern day) and did he ever do any signatures? I only ask because I own a couple of his issue he did for Charlton and I like them and wondered if he does or ever did sign any books? According to some weak internet data, I believe he is still with us, although he may not be residing in North America.
  17. If book three is what I believe it is all I can do is tip my hat to you kind sir! And I will be reaching from off panel to push people out of my way to select said prize. People won’t know it was me until years later. But by then we’ll be terrorizing you all!
  18. Yeah imagine if Dr. Strange was on the cover? I have often thought it would be cool to reimagine famous first issues and appearances artistically...problem being, I cannot draw. But Strange Tales 110 I always wanted to see reimagined in Ditko-esque or Kirby fashion with Strange front and center. I have had these thoughts about many classic "dud" covers that had they been presented differently, would likely be much more desired and valuable.
  19. Sometimes I am just so curious as to the reason for the post... The topic suggests a legit question. However, the fact that there are no capitals and the grammar is poor lets me know that maybe this person has a hard time communicating in writing. But either way, it is a topic I feel I can help answer or provide some thought to so I click it. When I do, WHAM, I am hit immediately with a blurry photo of some pretty common dollar bin books. Okayyyyyyyyyy.......no explanation, further questioning, nothing. Then below that the post of "looking for captain america annual 8 ft. wolverine, get at me comic fam."....what? Is this something you want to trade? Are you offering up the Superman for that issue? Are you just showing off your stuff? Come at you? With what, a Cap Annual 8? You...you want me to hit you with it to knock some sense into you?