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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. Are the staples discolouring/rusting? It is hard to make out. If they are, 6.0 seems right. If not, this book is more likely a 7.0-7.5.
  2. Yeah I am also in agreeance with everything here. A clean might help the bottom right but I have had books with some ink rubbing like that and it doesn't really come out (if it does, it needs a cleaning technique more agressive than what I am willing to try on my books). So 8.5 seems right. Also, might be a printing thing, but the inks don't seem as bright on the cover. Not sure how CGC differentiates that from slight fading....
  3. Printing creases on older books like this happen. If the book is pristine, and the ONLY flaw is a printing crease, it might keep it from obtaining a 9.8 and bump it to a 9.4-9.6 To be honest, those creases are the least of your worries. The slight spine curl, staple stress marks, top left corner wear and crease and spine ticks put you 7.0-7.5. Maybe a press ensures a 7.5 but I have a hard time seeing higher than 8.0 on it.
  4. Come out ahead of what? Not a 9.8. A clean might get a 9.4. There is some ink loss to some of the edges and smudging/a scratch on the bottom right corner. Safely, I would call it 9.2-9.4
  5. Waaaaavvvyyyy lookiiiiiin. That corner in the last pic puts it 9.0-9.2 for me.
  6. 4.0, outside shot at a 4.5 as I feel like cleaning that back could brighten it up.
  7. Yeah that tear sucks but 4.0-4.5 is where I am at. Without, I think 6.5 or so is reasonable but sadly, the tear cannot be undone. Still a solid low grade copy on a book I still need to track down
  8. I see enough defects (corners and top edge) to warrant the 9.4 all the way. Nothing to do but accept er as she be!
  9. 2.5-3.0 from me. I don't think it is nice enough to get to 3.5 and it is better than a 2.0 so this is the range I believe she falls within.
  10. For great knowledge on content and stories and artists, Comic Tropes is great. If you want to watch an honest guy showcasing collection finds and CGC submission as well as some live auctions, Very Gary is great. If you want updates on “hot” books and what is selling and trending, ComicTom is fine. I’m not sure what his angle is exactly but he and Gem Mint seem fine. I wonder how much they along with the folks who run the Key Collector app influence the market. I don’t know if they do or if they don’t or if it’s a good thing or a bad thing but I just tune in in case some of my dollar bin junk starts to have value and I can sell it to put towards comics I actually want. Comic Book Palace is great. Guys in an actual comic shop talking about comics. I don’t think they’ve done an episode in a year or so but even watching their stuff from recent years is entertaining. Regie Collects is also fine. Nice guy, gives some good info and has some knowledge. As for forums, there is a classic comics forum but I find more consistent and engaging conversation here every second of every day so this has become my home primarily for posting!
  11. Well I don’t see the point in pressing cheapo books and really for me, my copy in 9.0 is fine. I don’t need to press it just to make it a 9.4 raw. Maybe if I were selling but not my intent. I’ve happily sold raw all my life and it worked for me
  12. Lazarus is a book I want to get into. I feel like there are a lot of series outside of Marvel and DC that pique my interest waaaaay more. Like sure, Thor and Hulk and Venom and Carnage and Silver Surfer Black and 3 Jokers...they were all fine but they are standard superhero stuff that has been done in some capacity. Nothing there has blown my mind (although Immortal Hulk did get me to read a character I never liked, which is an impressive feat for the writers). But the the independent series that are getting praise (and I few that I only recently got around to acquiring and reading like Sex Criminals and Wytches) were very enjoyable, both as stories and artistically. Now if only they would print them on newsprint
  13. This says it all. People who collect modern stuff and read modern stuff and like modern art/stories are not "bad comic people". They just, for the most part, have different tastes than me. It is the diversity of this hobby that I enjoy but I lean towards the older comics. That being said, I pay attention enough so as to not miss out on generational talents and works that come up and are heavily praised. If a lot of people are reading and enjoying, I will give it a read for sure. But traditionally, I only find a handful of new titles or stories per year worth my time.
  14. I respect your opinion, although I disagree being labelled a snob. Never have I said that my way was better. Nor do I call other people stupid or dumb for what they read, how they read or why they collect. I may disagree and it may not be for me....that is my opinion. I acknowledge that there are plenty of people who love Liefeld and 90s art and current books. There are several I currently read and enjoy immensely. But overall, my preference is older newsprint copies of Marvel books from the 60s through the 80s. I am not interested in a debate because all of it is an art form. Your opinion will be different from mine. And I am fine with that and open to reading stuff people suggest. If you pose some of your favourites from the 90s, perhaps I will dive in. Perhaps not. I don't think everyone needs to like certain things. People like what they like. If they want to miss out on stuff, hey thats on me. I have plenty of stuff I do like to chase that will last me a lifetime.
  15. Enlighten me! And the feel is not the sole reason. But it plays a factor. It just doesn't feel like a comic to me. Plus to know that a lot of the art process is digitized now factors in.
  16. I hate comics from 1990 to around 2000 or so. For both the art AND the stories. Is there some good stuff? Sure but not enough to make it something I hunt for. As for stuff from the last 15 years or so, sure there is great art but for me it is more so the way it is printed. I don't love handling non newsprint, it doesn't feel right. And art is only half the battle. The story has to be worthwhile on a more modern book. Very VERY rarely will I pick up a modern book for cover alone (a few artists are exceptions). Now you may say that the stories from the 60s, 70s and 80s are nothing amazing and that a lot are just standard fare. But that simple standard fare is what I love about comics. Combine it with a great classic artist on a newsprint book that I can hold and smell and feel and it just creates an experience that I don't get from most modern books.
  17. I am hesitant to dive into pressing...is it that easy to do? I have stacks of "junk" books for practicing cleaning, which I started doing. Pressing though would be the next level and I don't know if I am there yet. My fear would be that if I went to try and press some key issue, I would destroy it and never find a way to replace it. For example, my ASM #300 is probably a 9.4 as is and mayyybee a press makes it a 9.6 but since I would just be selling raw some day anyway, I don't think pressing is needed for me.
  18. Ya know what, why not. I am interested to see how many comics I actually read in a year. My focus will be on the neverending unread pile that seems to grow bigger each year as I add to the PC and as life tends to permit less time to reading that one would like. Maybe this thread will help me get a move on! Okay, so to start... Marvel Superheroes #17 presenting the Black Knight! Great art, and a good story adding to the origin of the character. The reprints don't grab me much so I tend to glaze over them but the original Black Knight tale was worth picking it up. Descender #1, 2 Excited to dive into this run having recently acquired it. The story seems solid to start, and the artwork is odd but I kinda like it. I don't normally read "newer" books but I have started getting into acclaimed series from indie companies and this was one that piqued my interest. Sci-fi is a hard genre for me to really love so for it to grab me right away within the first two issues is promising. I like Sci-fi visually, but often times I find the stories bore me. Hoping this entertains me throughout.
  19. Waaaay back in 2005 or so, my brother and I convinced my Dad to each buy us a "grab" bag comics on eBay. They were $9.99 plus like $4 shipping. I got my ASM #252 that I currently still have as part of my ASM run and my brother got ASM #381. Somehow, I convinced my brother that the #252 was mine. My brother also never really got into comics and eventually the #381 also made its way into my PC Only time I ever bought one and doubt I ever will again.
  20. Lol probably just a brain fart comment. That being said I am kinda amazed at how high the bidding seems to be going on that book. It appears quite trimmed plus some major colour touch along spine. Assuming it sells for $200-250US personally I would rather spend the extra hundred or so to get a decent raw but I guess there are all kinds in this hobby.
  21. Now that’s a cool double cover situation. Me want!
  22. Is it ironic that, like Cap, this thread was thawed out and reused after 17 years frozen on ice?
  23. I feel very fortunate that 2020 went the way it did for me. I know others were not so lucky. If anything I hope we can all have health and hope and prosperity in 2021. At least more than 2020.
  24. You’d be happier keeping it in that slab than you would finding out how it actually should be graded? For me, I’d wanna know for sure. I wouldn’t be happy knowing I had a “PGX who knows what grade this really is “ when I could send to the best in the biz for verification and to ease all my queries. And if it is restored or trimmed, lesson learned on who to avoid. At least you would know and could decide to keep or seek out something other than the Wolf in sheep’s clothing that this was. All said, looks fine to me. Might dip to a 5.0 but still has a shot at 5.5 I think