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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. It would look like this and apparently sold in 2011 for over 5K.....wonder what it could fetch today!?! While killer, I appreciate the colouring and the purple interior of the casket a lot.
  2. I've posted about this before. I think it rivals some Golden Age covers. A really fantastic piece that should be made into posters, t-shirts and many other things. Imagine a "virgin" cover with this on it. Awesome!
  3. True I think the correct answer to the original question is if you had 100K to blow on a comic that you could never ever sell, you would think about your family first (as one should) and use that 100K more wisely. If I were a bachelor, sure, I'd buy it. And gift it away to someone who could carry it on before I pass (someone who appreciates comics, be it a personal friend or even someone here) And as for would we pay full price, well....no one ever likes to do that. It never hurts to ask for if someone will take _____ for it, so long as your offer is not a lowball one. Even then, the response you get will let you know how they felt
  4. And that last sentence is all that matters:) Although I would be sad to own six a great book and have to hide it. I get it, totally I do by keeping in a safety deposit box, so that might mean I will never own an AF 15 because I would probably have to do the same. and yes I know I can read em in omnis and trades and online what not but I don’t enjoy those the same at all. But alas it’s my way and as you say, that is what works for me:)
  5. Madame Xanadu is a fun character and this Kaluta cover is one of his best IMO Also as a fan of Spidey, this Bronze Age ish is one I will think screams 70s and is great to look at.
  6. Weird that all the other images are from something except this. I mean, definitely possible it is some unpublished work or "leftover" art from another potential story or idea that ended up being used in this calendar (I love these calendars by the way...I have the 1977 one and now you have me interested to see if I can find where the images in THAT came from so thanks lol) But a suggestion...could the image be from the treasuries? I have not read all of the holiday treasuries but I know sometimes they contained art snippets in between the reprinted stories and, being christmas themed, perhaps this image appeared in one of those treasuries? I also feel like the image is familiar, almost like it was used in an advertisement from the time period....I swear that prior to you sharing it here, I had seen before....
  7. So nothing is worth owning if it can only be passed down or thrown away or gifted to someone else?
  8. Agree For me, there are enough comics I want to own one day to keep me going forever. I don't want to get to the "now what" part. I suppose if I sold a lot of what I have, I could get a copy of AF #15 (pretty sure it would take every book I own to get there). But then I would have to go back and do it again and I am not interested in that personally. I am content with my diverse collection and if it never gets me the AF#15, that is fine because in reality, while that would thrill me, it would be a book that I would be hesitant to handle often, worried about storing at home, likely get graded to preserve its condition/value and so it becomes no better than having a poster on a wall (albeit a helluva piece in my personal eyes).
  9. Well yes, of course, but does the desire switch from "yes, I got this great book I always wanted" immediately to "huh, I wonder how much I will make off this book I always wanted"? I tend to enjoy books for quite some time before ever considering selling. I don't immediately look at that book I just got and try to use it to fund my next goal. Maybe that is why I don't have any mega keys so hey, maybe I am collecting wrong in some people's eye lol. .
  10. I feel like I don't understand collectors constantly flipping books. Like, they buy a great books like AF #15 and say how proud they are and how much they love it and how it is a grail. Then, a year later (or less), they have sold it and moved on to something else. Did they ever REALLY love it? Were they just in love with the fact they had it and the fact they could profit off it? It seems like a lot of these collectors just love the thrill of buying and selling and have a hard time focusing. They chase what's hot or they want whatever mega key now and if it changes, they change. Now, I am not saying we all must die with our books in our possession. I get people downsize, I get focuses change and so I totally understand selling books to move towards another goal. I just have a hard time connecting with collectors whose goals change all the time. Like one day it's "I love this great Hulk #181, grail of my collection!" and then two months later they sell for a profit to fund something else. Did they really love it? Are they funding a better book? Or are they just chasing that feeling or making money on something and trying to find the next book to do the same with? That is not why I collect but I know there are those who do.
  11. You are implying that simply because I cannot resell the book, I shouldn't pay its current market value? Or rather that someone wouldn't? First things first, we all love a deal. I like to get my books for as much under "value" or "commonly sold price" as much as the next guy. That being said, sometimes a book comes up that you don't see often and you buy it. I've paid $50 for books that if I was reaalllllty patient, maybe I find one for $30 or so and hey, maybe $30 is the more common sale price. But because I don't see it often and I want it, I pay a bit more to have it. And my intentions for books that I do this for is not to sell. Case in point, a book I bought this past year was 3-D Sheena #1 (the one with Dave Stevens cover art). Raw, this book sells anywhere from $5-20 in VF shape or so. And there are never a ton of sales because not a ton of people are hunting it. So when I saw one that looked decent for $20, I grabbed it because I wanted it. I could have shopped around and waiting and this and that and found a copy cheaper but I didn't mind paying for it at the time one bit. I have that book, zero intentions to sell, and zero care if down the road I ever make my $20 back (or a profit) from selling it. So I guess for me, if is a book I wanted enough, I would spend the $100K. Would I like to get it for 9-95K? Sure! But sometimes if you like something enough, the time to buy is the time you see it. What if I don't see another one for years? or ever? Granted with a book like 3-D Sheena #1, that isn't the case but I felt it was the time to grab it as I had not bought something in a couple weeks and it was something I wanted. I feel I would apply the same logic in this scenario. Final note.....that Sheena comic came with a double cover Sometimes buying it when you see it gives you that extra reward!
  12. I have a question for those much more knowledgeable than me on EC stuff but why are there two different Haunt of Fear issue 17’s? I have the “zombie” cover one but I know there is another issue of Haunt of Fear 17 that has a green background and different art...numbering snafu? I know a lot of books from this time frame were renumbered and messed with but wondered if there was any clarification....
  13. I’ll agree with 9.4 being the low and 9.6 the high.
  14. A final point I will add here is that it is most likely that “insert website or price guide you used to determine your book’s value here” is saying that a NM graded copy is worth $50. Typically a NM raw is less, sometimes substantially so. For example, a 9.0 graded copy of Avengers 223 might sell for $50 graded. The same copy raw is closer to $15 or so if lucky. Just to put in perspective... Still doesn’t really make it worth grading but rather means if you try to sell that book raw for $50, it’s likely gonna sit a loooooong time
  15. Who valued these at $50? What books are they? Some books you are right it is not worth grading them unless you like the book and want it encapsulated. In fact, probably 80% of all comics ever created are not “worth” grading.
  16. Sucks about the stain. Def not 4.0. Def nicer than 5.0. I think the stain keeps in somewhere in the Fine range so I’ll go 6.0 outright.
  17. That would upset the boss. And I’ve gone over a decade of making sure that happens rarely.
  18. Am I living life wrong? I bought a house before an AF 15..... man I need a better life coach. Awesome book and congrats on the sale!
  19. Wolverine underwent surgery to be prepared for this ^ He wasn’t pleased...
  20. Has someone ever asked Dwayne Johnson that? Like in a deadpan serious tone? ”Hi Mr Johnson. Eric here from the CGC forums. Curiosity has always had me wondering what was the Rock cooking? Or rather what does he prefer to cook that smells good?
  21. You are not alone! There are a lot of "key" books that, if I do acquire them when buying collections or lots or whatever, I am only happy to sell them to those who really want them. Take Hulk #180 for example, of which I have owned 2 in the past couple years. I have zero interest in Hulk from that era (and a lot of Hulk in general) and rather than have that "key", I sold it and put the money towards books I do like...with either characters I like, or stories or art or both. Now, there are a handful of books in my collection that I have that really, I wonder why I keep them. They are "keys" but really are uninteresting to me. Batman #635, Avengers Annual #10, Hulk #340 to name a few. I have these in high grade and could sell and put towards others but I have not done so. I think reason being these kinda of fell into my lap and were acquired so cheaply (couple bucks each). The same goes with a healthy chunk of X-Men issues from the Byrne/Claremont days. Call shame on me, but I am not a huge X-Men guy and really, I should probably sell these however the covers on many are very nice, even if I don't love the characters. For me, the only way a Hulk #180 or #181 or some other big key that I am not actively hunting (like New Mutanst #98 or Batman Adventures #12) makes its way into my PC is if I have crossed off several other more important books. Until then, having these would be fine but having single digit ASM issues or ASM #50 or Golden Age Cole stuff or insert a large range of this I prefer is much more important to me and my collecting.
  22. Mystiques scent has always intrigued me....scaly and reptile smelling? Or seductive? One will never know.....