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Everything posted by royaluglydudes

  1. Roy Thomas editing a magazine with ego in the title has always been a little too on the nose for me.
  2. Are they owned by the same people as Dynamite or are they related to each other in some way?
  3. I'm sure that the mouse that chewed on it would agree that it tasted very fine.
  4. Is it possible to have a FedEx package held at a hub or store for pickup? I pick up my UPS packages at a local UPS store to avoid any issues. I'm aware that may not be possible depending on peoples' location and is an added inconvenience that we shouldn't have to do because of these companies' failings, but it would provide some peace of mind on high value packages.
  5. So many great Charlton horror covers from that era.
  6. Wonderful artist and person. She will be missed.
  7. A genre I never knew existed.
  8. Their grading is super tight. I'm confident that just about anything I buy from them below 8.0ish would grade at least a half point, and sometimes a full point, higher most anywhere else.
  9. I had $5 so I was able to buy two comics and a treat at the local greeting card store that also had a couple spinner racks. I will never know why I chose these two and not heroes I had actually heard of. Maybe I wanted to try something new and Night Thrasher must have looked really cool to ten-year old me.
  10. I thought this might be a good place to ask about this new Nightwing Compendium. It's one of my favorite runs from the 90s, so I'm likely going to grab it, but does anyone know what type of quality these are? What type of paper stock do they use? I also worry about a paperback binding that large falling apart easily. https://www.amazon.com/Nightwing-Knight-Bludhaven-Compendium-Book/dp/1779525869/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3G01ZQ03A1QGV&keywords=nightwing+bludhaven&qid=1705676975&s=books&sprefix=nightwing+bludhaven%2Cstripbooks%2C108&sr=1-5 Thanks!
  11. Even two books that come off the same printer in succession might not weigh the same. Printing presses aren't calibrated machines that will turn out the same weight down to fractions of an ounce for each book, which is what we are talking about with a MVS. Weight as a way to prove or disprove is a nonstarter for me, even on raw books.
  12. This has lessened my skepticism as well, but I would still love to know how someone with seemingly no knowledge of the hobby would know to come post this here and say they had the answers to the questions we have been asking.
  13. One other thing concerning me about GoCollect's statement is that there is no mention of having to prove the fraud or of a mechanism to do so.
  14. I'm completely aware, and appreciate it. I wasn't referring to him and I maintain my stance that at this point it's not helpful to keep people in the dark and risk more people falling victim to this fraud.
  15. Can someone explain to me why the name of a store or dealer you have proof that you purchased a suspected tampered book from has to be kept a secret? I'm not seeing how stating a verifiable fact puts any one at risk, while not naming the store puts others at risk of unknowingly buying books that have been tampered with. Especially since if these people are trying to liquidate their stock of these books they are likely offering cut-rate prices and people are getting duped into thinking they scored a great deal. In some cases it's coming off as people enjoying being "in the know" while keeping others in the dark.
  16. Oh yeah, CovrPrice. I forgot about that. I haven't looked too much into that, but it may provide more of what you're looking for in terms of potential keys, @Gavin Crawford. There are different price tiers, and I don't know if it functions as a collection database if it's not linked with CLZ, but it might be worth checking into if you want to track what people are considering key issues on a week to week basis.
  17. It does provide a list of all new releases weekly which you can easily pull from, but I don't believe they mark what they may consider potential key issues on a week to week basis. I'm attaching an image of the interface for the weekly releases