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Everything posted by DiceX

  1. Not as famous as the ASM #60 Kingpin Afro Variant. Kingpin is a member of the "Rent is Too Damn High" party.
  2. Spoiler! I was given an advance scan of the sketch in question. Seems Bill is doing a sig series book for Wrightson Fan. Appears to be well worth the wait.
  3. The plant that printed them in Sparta Illinois used to give away comics to their employees. They'd bundle up stacks of around 100 books and have them by the employee entrance. Each employee could take home a stack every week as a little "thank you" from the publishers. All the comics given to the employees were stamped with these same stamps. This practice went on for many years, so there's countless books the stamp can turn up on.
  4. Yeah. That's to me. I'll pick it up in the used section at FYE for $20 a few months after it releases.
  5. Someone made a comment on it taking 3 years, but the comment has disappeared.
  6. Brilliant! that is so awesome,shove it in his face.We should make T-shirts with the image and all of the board members wear it at cons.Every con he's at he'll see it. I want my hundred dollars.
  7. You are such a sweet packer. Only a brave man would buy my Cherry Poptarts. I hope you use rubber gloves.
  8. Literally puts a new perspective on "Man-Thing."
  9. I've never had anything packed as well as Frank can pack it. Thanks a lot, man!
  10. I was being facetious. You guys don't know me.
  11. Have you ever met Bill? It's not that he doesn't care; it's that his ADD won't let him focus long enough to understand the problem. Honestly, the guy is very nice and I've never seen him be a dick to anyone. However, I have seen him blow off people because he forgot they were standing right in front of him after something else caught his attention (no kidding). BS excuses. ADD? That's utter . What he did was offensive and uncalled-for. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it? I didn't excuse anything away because of ADD, I said he can't focus on anything long enough to actually give a krap about it. Remember, I'm the guy who first told Scott that his money was gone. My opinion of this is Bill probably already had a pre-drawn dick in his portfolio and just did some finishing dicktouching for Scott. That gets a purple label.
  12. I wish I could take credit for it, but I was not the person who found the hidden picture.
  13. In this enhanced version of the picture, it takes an even more eerie resemblance to a . This is uncanny.
  14. great idea actually That really is! List it with his name big and repeated and leave it up for months. It could eventually become a major embarrassment for him. I suggest leaving it up for three years. I suggest leaving Linda Carter in your sig line! I've had sig lines off for months. I turned them on again last night and just realized you guys have been suffering with that old one forever. I figured I'd change it to give you something new to look at.
  15. great idea actually That really is! List it with his name big and repeated and leave it up for months. It could eventually become a major embarrassment for him. I suggest leaving it up for three years.
  16. Now that's a sketch Junk. Literally. What are the odds Bill was just dickin' with someone? I'm stunned that I didn't see this. I think I'm starting to lose a step.
  17. So be it. Yeah. How dare you expect him to do something you paid him to do three years ago. The nerve of you. What were you thinking? OK Dice.....I admit it....I am an ungrateful, selfish , bastid. That's how I roll.
  18. So be it. Yeah. How dare you expect him to do something you paid him to do three years ago. The nerve of you. What were you thinking?
  19. I think the symbolism in this piece is strong. The condom on the head. He's calling you a .