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Posts posted by DrWatson

  1. How do you define "grail" in the context of comic collecting?
    in the context of comic collecting, a "grail" is an issue(s) of a comic that you most desire above all others, and actively hope to obtain

    And more accurately, there shouldn't be one on every dealers wall at a comic show either. The original grail wasn't easy to find and it was as scarce as hen's teeth.

  2. I know you think you're just soooooo cute with that response, but here's the burst to your bubble:


    1. Having someone "on ignore" doesn't mean there can't be any interaction.


    I wouldn't know. I've never felt threatened enough to use the ignore function. However, I'm sure that if I ever did, I'd be strong enough to actually, well, ignore that person.






    Rrrrrrrrrright. Especially if they continued to "make cute little jabs" at you.


    Oh, look! A unicorn!



    I know you know everything, but how is it that you know how I would react in a situation that I've clearly said I haven't put myself in?


    I'm fairly certain that it's been you who has been constantly railing against other people pretending to know what other people are thinking?


    I'm also fairly certain that it was you who insisted, no more than a couple of days ago, that it was ridiculous to think you actually knew somebody through internet contact alone?


    Are there two people who share your ID? (shrug)




  3. A cell call would be a great idea, but there are too many crack phones out there and it is so easy to buy a prepaid.


    EDIT: I know, I know, I wish I had an actual answer instead of pointing out problems with it. But a call would be better than nothing.


    Yeah but douchenozzles like Harold aren't going to buy a prepaid cell to register here so he can live out his fantasies of actually being a real boy.


    A douchnozzle like that would probably steal a phone.


    Douchenozzles usually do but that puts him closer and closer to his future employment as a license plate technician.


    You dropped an e.


    If only.

    That's not really funny.

  4. The various "shillwhisperers" on the boards are pretty good at ferreting out the true shills, although sometimes pinning down who the shill really is, is the tough part.


    It's always Goon. Unless it's Harold. Stu doesn't count.

    You forgot Red, Bug, CarolinaComix, KrazyKat, Dupcak, TFL, Deathlok, Major Khaos and Dad&Son. Plus, I'm sure I left one or two out.

  5. Hey Cal, how about telling your friends, like Bartlett, to mannup and not let trolls deter them from being a part of something they would otherwise enjoy. Opposition, criticism, hate...all these things are present in all aspects of life. If you can't push past them, you won't get anything done.


    Pain is inevitable, suffering and persecution are self-inflicted.


    COI who knows what it really means to mannup.


    See if you can get Dupont to man-up before the CAL haters PM him to stop to get all their gossip straight...


    CAL can man up too

    Sorry, I was busy trying to remember how to use the ignore function. Anyway, what I heard is this.


    A new member joined the forum. Just as it has happened many times in my experience, this person was immediately accused of being a shill. From what I hear you had a large role (maybe a solo role) in successfully convincing the mods this person was a shill, getting the account permanently deactivated. This person being a new member had no idea what had happened and called CGC to see why the account was banned. All was cleared up, the account was reinstated, and life continued on.


    Not registering at all. I wouild need to see the banned name, other circumstances, such as they were libeling me or calamerica-collectibles somehow, if what you say IS true, I will admit it immediately. But as of now, I really don't recall and can't recall without more specifics.


    CAL sticking to his ideas and guns


    You did this:






    Then got this:







    I am off to work so I will make this quick:


    Yes I did this


    Yes I thought Not*Sure was Stu


    because of her comments re: IMSM that Stu used to use



    I found out later she was who she is


    I did not know she was kicked of here and I will call Wednesday and inqure about that for myself


    We seem to get along now, or so I hope


    I was fond of her husband at one time, still am in the best way possible


    If she was kicked of because of me I will apologize on a sepearate thread


    Yes I have made many mistakes in life, and that day was one big one


    CAL who is sorry most for what CAL has done wrong, not others...

    not*sure* hasn't been kicked of the boards. She's still very... participatory.


    I'm going to leave it at this...


    I changed it before I even saw FT or your idiotic posts trying to cause an argument.


    Fact is...guys like you who hide behind computer screens can't see the forest for the trees.


    You attack the very people who actually try to make this community a true community. Instead of going after the real problems of this board you go after people who actually contribute and try to enjoy this place.


    It's a sport to you and to F_T and others to attack those who didn't happen to join the forum before 2010.


    You can try to attack me on things like changing my post to make it more clear or other superfluous innocuous and benign issues.



    I happen to know the answer already. Because you are so inept in your own little lives that the only thing that makes you feel better is to attack others. To try and find every minute detail that could make someone look bad...you get off on it.


    That to me is pathetic.


    So go on....focus on other issues that have nothing to do with the fact Comicdonna had his life threatened. That's not important...what's important is that I changed a few words in my post to make it more clear so fools like you don't try to attack me for it.


    Newer members have to walk on egg shells in this place every time they post something because the lame post nazi's like yourself have to jump all over them for it.


    I feel sad for people like you. Get a life and focus on what is important in this forum. Attacking others for innocent mistakes is beyond lame. It just shows how sad you are.





    Oh that's right you "happen to know some police officers who are close friends."

    Maybe you can tell them a bunch of "Nazi's" on a comics board are being mean to you :ohnoez:


    Yep, stop posting pics of your mom after she gave birth to you. It's really not a nice image of her.


    She just found out she bought a dupe of Journey Into Mystery 96.



    Get your story straight watson...


    She looked like that after she had to drive 70 miles round trip to Miami and didn't get to return the JIM 96. You would too if you had to drive in South Miami. (thumbs u

    Speaking of which, I heard you kept the copy you bought from Jamie and sold your original copy. Is that true?

  7. I really enjoy getting this kind of PM.


    "donna i'll put a bullet in your head"


    Really? At what point do the moderators review registration before accepting someone as a member here?


    They have more important mess to take care of.

    Like banning me for a month for talking politics. A plaguing problem that they seem to have no issues with as long as I'm not taking part in the conversations.


    I consider every PM from you to be threatening. :foryou:

  8. We all have issues, I got a PM from someone the other day saying I was mean to them. :acclaim:

    Now, who could that have been? hm


    Was it you, Mr Meany :sumo:

    No, if it were me, I would have gotten a PM from skypinkblu saying I was mean to her. I'm the aggressor, not the aggrieved.




    I'm going to leave it at this...


    I changed it before I even saw FT or your idiotic posts trying to cause an argument.


    Fact is...guys like you who hide behind computer screens can't see the forest for the trees.


    You attack the very people who actually try to make this community a true community. Instead of going after the real problems of this board you go after people who actually contribute and try to enjoy this place.


    It's a sport to you and to F_T and others to attack those who didn't happen to join the forum before 2010.


    You can try to attack me on things like changing my post to make it more clear or other superfluous innocuous and benign issues.



    I happen to know the answer already. Because you are so inept in your own little lives that the only thing that makes you feel better is to attack others. To try and find every minute detail that could make someone look bad...you get off on it.


    That to me is pathetic.


    So go on....focus on other issues that have nothing to do with the fact Comicdonna had his life threatened. That's not important...what's important is that I changed a few words in my post to make it more clear so fools like you don't try to attack me for it.


    Newer members have to walk on egg shells in this place every time they post something because the lame post nazi's like yourself have to jump all over them for it.


    I feel sad for people like you. Get a life and focus on what is important in this forum. Attacking others for innocent mistakes is beyond lame. It just shows how sad you are.





    Oh that's right you "happen to know some police officers who are close friends."

    Maybe you can tell them a bunch of "Nazi's" on a comics board are being mean to you :ohnoez:


    Yep, stop posting pics of your mom after she gave birth to you. It's really not a nice image of her.


    She just found out she bought a dupe of Journey Into Mystery 96.

  10. An Englishman and a Welshman sitting in a bar get totalking about how many sexual partners they've had.

    The Englishman says "I'll have to count them up", and does so in his head. "Thirty-four" he says.

    The Welshman says "I'll have to count them up too." He starts counting in is head and falls asleep.

    If any of those sheep were black, then that's racists.

  11. He has not responded to my PM.........

    I did not think it was that low-ball of an offer


    I usually don't respond to PMs or post from my iPod when it involves a sale as I can't remember what I have book s priced. I will, however, read a PM and not respond until I get to a regular computer.