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Everything posted by DrWatson

  1. Because you have a big fat date stamp on your head.
  2. Good question. Published by Timely Features, Oct 1961 ....Eight-year-old Jack [say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?] Jack Oh, I 'm sorry. For some reason I thought you were old, like upper 40s. My mistake. My age was in there. 8 years old in 1961 => No, I'm not old, like upper 40s. I'm FRIGGIN' ANCIENT, like mid-50s! And that was intended as "Say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?:" , Sonny. Jack You're still younger than my dad. (thumbs u
  3. It is Warning sign number one, You get invited to a wedding and sit with the older crowd You will always be young at heart, niky. As long as I can look down and still be able to see my johnson, I am a very happy 40+ year old
  4. It is Warning sign number one, You get invited to a wedding and sit with the older crowd You will always be young at heart, niky.
  5. So, is that what was considered racy back in your day? Good question. Published by Timely Features, Oct 1961 -- so to put it in context, one month before Fantastic Four 1's cover date, from the same publishing house. This book would have been on the racks at the same time as FF1. Funny to think that people would have been posting happyfaces left and right rather than chuckling if I had posted FF1, especially as a free toss-in! Goodman and company may well have made more profit from Laugh Riot 10 than from FF1. Was it considered racy? Probably yes. The content is mildly risqué cartoons from Bill Ward and similar cartoonists, pin-up photos only slightly more revealing than the one on the cover, and some text gags. Eight-year-old Jackie would not have seen this book at one of the the two nearby mom 'n' pop stores that sold comic books. The other store (right across Broadway) probably would have had it displayed somewhere between the comic books and the soft porn (of course, barely noticed until a few years later) in their huge, wooden magazine rack. Not a book that you'd leave sitting around on the end table in the living room, but probably a standard fixture in garages, factories, locker rooms, barracks and the like. [say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?] Jack back to the Pleasurama! Oh, I 'm sorry. For some reason I thought you were old, like upper 40s. My mistake.
  6. So, is that what was considered racy back in your day?
  7. Have to agree on this one. Enough with the fargin' birthday threads. I wouldn't mind a separate thread for B-Day's. I quit posting b-day wishes as there were so many, I was afraid I'd miss one and then come off like a tool b/c I posted wishes to one person and not another. So, I don't post any anymore (unless it's a creator bday). slacker If someone hasn't posted in forty forevers, then I don't leave birthday wishes. Likewise if I don't know you from Adam or if your main stomping grounds are in the WC.
  8. Right, like you're not a few clowns short of a circus yourself... I'm normal, everyone else is Coo Coo for Coco Puffs Damn, the test came back negative.
  9. I am sorry, but I can't see it as that black and white.
  10. Thanks! Though in full disclosure I must admit that occasionally I have some gas in with all that heart.
  11. Roy, I am not British. I am from Tennessee. Nothing personal, but my only point is that some slightly OT threads do have a place in Comics General. I am glad you are feeling better and wish you a full and speedy recovery. Jim
  12. Yes, I can see your disdain for OT threads clogging up CG. Link
  13. Thing, I have PMed TJ to come get you and take you back to the WC.
  15. Well we’re movin on up, to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up to the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie. Fish don’t fry in the kitchen; Beans don’t burn on the grill. Took a whole lotta tryin’ just to get up that hill. Now we’re up in the big leagues Gettin’ our turn at bat. As long as we live, it’s you and me baby There ain’t nothin wrong with that. Well we’re movin on up, to the East Side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up to the east side. We finally got a piece of the pie.
  16. That is vile. The only autographed picture I want of you is one of your azz walking out the door.
  17. You're all heart, Andrew. Maybe I was too hard on Thing... nah, damn conscience.