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Everything posted by nepatkm

  1. @ADAMANTIUM, not your posts, many of them are very informative..that’s why you’re up for boardie of the year for consecutive times. 👍 I’m just maybe coming to an end with the boards. The topics lately have been mostly self congratulatory, for no reason, even disrespecting older members. Maybe I need a vacation from the boards. Never even had a warning before, so why do members have to fight? And post 💩?
  2. Yes, happened in the 90s also. Sales to strong. Will probably happen sooner than later now that Disney controls the character. So far, looking good... popular character is hard to kill. rules!
  3. For members to consider what they are posting about, also the (other) members/experts they are posting to... Lot of knowledge here on the boards. Not members just creating topics of any useless 💩 that comes into their mind. I love the boards, but lately, “somehow” meaningless posts have become the norm. Even propelling the posters of such to “stardom”. I like 🍆 jokes as well as others, but we have to get more informative, and help other members learn more.. So I’m hoping for more informative topics, friendlier responses, and less garbage posts ❤️ You all, but lately
  4. Can’t wait for these new members to show up @kav
  5. Jumping the gun by posting this, as I haven’t received it yet ( I normally do not post until officially in my collection) However, if all goes well this will be my 800th graded comic in my personal collection, and it kind of seems fitting. Punisher: Year One #1 Tough black cover...
  6. Welcome back to the addiction, or I mean collecting.
  7. Hello Mollie, Could you please add the series -Punisher: Year One (1994) issues 1-4 into the Punisher Complete set? —Thanks again for everything that you do for us.
  8. Like it, for what it is. 👍 outrageously unreal and violent! Does not belong on this list!! —I’m biased though. 😆
  9. Nope, in fact she loses points also for accepting this role! 😆
  10. Easy movie to forget about...Thankfully 😆
  11. Congratulations!! Black cover to boot, very tough.
  12. Thanks, you may regret this statement if I decide to drink, and post. I’m sure you’d join me in drinks though. 👍
  13. Hiss if you want to @ADAMANTIUM, I know who not to mess with. He’d out debate me in a heartbeat 😆
  14. Truth @RockMyAmadeus However I like opinions, and hearing them either new or old ( still knowledge to be gained, or at least some laughs ) We both know, as well as older board members do which threads to go to for amusement purposes. Definitely know where to still find educational discussions, there is room for both on the boards In my opinion. B.T.W - I wish I could put my thoughts into well phrased sentences, and comments as you do. I really lack in the brain to written process.
  15. Sorry @TwoPiece, going off your topic here. Another collector I know that wants some Free books My daughter...loves comics. 0 posts, has over 200 in her own collection-10 slabbed... life is good. (And pretty good at grading to boot, loves reading the boards with me.) —Oh to be that age again... ... Anyway, sorry for the interruption, back to getting Twopiece his Rom #1
  16. @ADAMANTIUM -2016 doesn’t even come close to the debates had here in the earlier- late 2000’s, not even close... However the knowledge learned then just observing was Incredible!!! Yes—the ability to upload pictures straight to the sight was a huge plus.
  17. No offense, you probably wouldn’t have even consider entering the ring at that time. It was facts or you were boardkill, no funny business.
  18. I understand what you are saying @RockMyAmadeus, definitely true. The Tolerance I was referring to is a newer members ability to ask a simple question that may have come up a couple of years ago, and not be tore up for asking. Also the restraint that older board members have nowadays to let newer members join in conversations that they have little or no knowledge what it is they’re commenting on. The ability to pick and choose bigger battles, and gloss over comments that would over a decade ago receive some brutal honesty, and torching — That’s The tolerance I’m talking about. There was much to be learned, and sitting back and getting educated without chiming in ( unless you really, extensively knew what it was you were posting about) was highly recommended. I do miss the old debates though -fun to read in real time, and very educational..
  19. Some sweet DC @ADAMANTIUM Rocking them keys out!!
  20. Sweet, congratulations— loved this book.
  21. If your referring to me @FSF (not sure ) I’m not complaining, I do understand that topics come back up, not against that at all 🙂. Just a different time, and believe me the patience on the boards is much better than it was in mid 2000’s which is a Great thing. People are able to learn more, and have more fun now, then back then. Tolerance is a good thing 👍 As far as being afraid to post- No, just basically reserved, as many people here have more knowledge than myself on most subjects. So I save my for where it may be appreciated.