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Everything posted by Axelrod

  1. Hey, Taskmaster is cool. Even if the movie did completely botch the character. Also, I don't think the book is even worth all that much, relatively speaking, and has been dropping hard like a lot of other similarly aged books. Hard to see how it could be "way" overvalued. /person who owns two copies of this book.
  2. Eh. I think my main issue is, I simply don't believe they have worked out some kind of grand, unified cohesive storyline that will be told through all these projects. Or that they even have a storyline for most of these projects. And the reason I don't believe this is that there simply hasn't been sufficient time for them to have developed such a storyline. None of these projects have been written. None have been cast. At best they've sat around a coffee table and brainstormed some "ideas" and maybe a (very) rough outline of what they hope these projects will be. But this announcement feels like a rush job for publicity's sake. Sort of like Universal's "Dark Universe" all over again. Not saying it can't work out. Lot's of projects get announced before they are written/cast/filmed, and then they still turn out okay. But kind of a crapshoot/hope for the best situation here.
  3. It's interesting, I looked again at the Transformer's book because my ego was still telling me this was a harder book. I see 61 overgrades vs. 23 undergrades, which looks like the greatest disparity, with the exception of the Batman book, where there were 22 overgrades vs. 65 undergrades. But the "average" grade still comes out right at about 9.0 because the overgrades come in increments of .2, whereas the undergrades are in increments of .5. Well, I thought it was interesting....
  4. (I am the most surprised that the Transformers was dinged as hard as it was)
  5. Still kinda hoping they don't just lay out an entire sequence of planned movies/TV shows for the next X years. Just tell us the first thing you're doing, and then please make it good.
  6. Off topic, but what are the books with very brief character appearances, akin to single page/panel cameos, that are also the more valuable book (far as the market is concerned) as compared to the book with what we might call a "full" appearance where the character is more featured? That Jimmy Olsen book with Darkseid on the TV monitor? Other examples? I guess Secret Wars #8 kind of falls into that category, too?
  7. The thing about SW #8, which I guess everyone knows but no one is mentioning, is that it represented the "answer" to the "mystery" of where that Black Suit came from. Like, it was the single biggest piece of hype from that whole storyline. The Secret Wars literally happened in-between regular issues of the comics, and you were supposed to wonder WTF happened, and get excited to read about it later. So, it makes some amount of sense for that issue specifically to have interest. Even if it's not the "first" appearance of the suit in comic books. Should that be valuable? As much as any comic "should" be valuable. It's not like it's thousands of dollars either.
  8. I want to say the Thor is going to be more variable, as in more prone to spikes and dips. The NTT is going to be a bit more even. So, I would say I think the chances of the Thor moving one way or the other are higher. But it's a crapshoot guessing which way it moves. Probably will stay where it is or maybe down a little, given we just had a Thor movie and it's less likely Thor or Thor characters get hyped in the next 6 months.
  9. I mean, this is all good and I'm happy the movie is doing well, but once you've gotten to the point where you're hyping the "9th biggest 4th Tuesday of all time," you need to stop. It's just stupid. (I'm talking about this Luis Fernando person, not Bosco)
  10. Well, there was the Among Us game with (1) Angela Lansbury (2) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (3) Natasha Lyonne and (4) Stephen Sondheim. Yo-Yo Ma was at the party at the beginning. And then the private session with Serena Williams. And apparently the "voice" of the clock - "dong" - was Joseph Gordon-Levitt?
  11. I think another factor here is simply the dearth of other options. I see a lot of movies and there is not much else out there right now. Puss in Boots? And....? Avatar really has the market all to itself.
  12. Wasn't expecting any packages to get delivered today, but went out on my front porch, and low and behold, there it was. I was very happy to get this Hulk 148 slab in the raffle, as Hulk was one of my series back in the day. And it looks great. But wait! There was more! @WEBHEAD secretly sent me a bunch of bonus books also! Which was so incredibly cool of him. 14 more books even! None of which I've read before. And that Green Lantern now officially becomes my very first $.12 book. Thank you again so much @WEBHEAD! It's a very nice start to the year indeed.
  13. Received these very sweet books today from @fmaz This is like only my third 9.8 CGC. Thank you again so much!
  14. This was very good. Very clever and a great twist on a lot of murder mystery conventions. It makes a pretty cool companion piece with the first film, which itself twisted a lot of standard conventions. I was impressed with that part. Only a tiny bit disappointed with the ultimate resolution, which seemed a bit less clever than what had come before, but that didn't really put me off the while thing.
  15. And lurking the end of the draft was worth it all along! Thanks so much to @The Sledder!
  16. Well...you don't have to.... It was like my 35th pick, I think.