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Everything posted by Axelrod

  1. Man, considering how much I rushed it, still three bullseyes! But then had the Cap at 9.4. That grade still seems harsh, light stain or not. And the Sentai at 8.0. And, I mean, I looked close. That did not look like camera glare to me. Still, I guess I take the 5 pts this round and go on about my business.
  2. I mean, yeah. It's not that I don't want to enjoy it, but I can imagine myself being extra critical of every flaw. I also know nothing about Young Justice except it's animated. Is it like a Teen Titans adaptation?
  3. I have not watched any of this show. Can someone tell me - as a big fan of the Perez/Wolfman New Teen Titans - how disappointed am I going to be if I watch it? Yeah, yeah, TV is different from comic books. Have to allow for some changes. No budget big enough to really "do" the comics (but is it really low budget...?) Seriously, how disappointed?
  4. Well, that was sufficiently gripping. It was funny, both me and the person I was watching with - after Rhaenyra sent her boys off to be "messengers" - just looked at each other and were like "oh, yeah, there's no way that could possibly go wrong...." I actually own the Fire and Blood book this series is based on, and it's hard not to spoil myself as to what's coming, but I'm trying.
  5. Man, they really missed an opportunity with this film to have the kid who played Short Round in Temple of Doom come back. I can't really blame them for not realizing he might be available, as he apparently retired from acting when he was a kid and has been doing other things for 30 years. But he just came back for Everything, Everywhere All at Once, and he was awesome in that, and it would have been so cool to see him revisit the role for this. I think audiences would have lost their collective minds. Sigh. Might have beens....
  6. If you truly don't care what it is "worth" and are just looking for books that "look" the best, I would say that you can definitely find 9.6 books that - to all outward appearances - look just as good as a 9.8. You may even be able to find 9.4 books that look just as good from the outside. And on the flip side, just because the grade says 9.8 doesn't mean that it will look perfect. You can find many, many examples of 9.8 books with notable, visible defects. So with comics, if what you only care about is appearance, there is no substitute for looking directly at the book and visually inspecting it. The numerical grade by itself isn't going to tell you what you want. Though certainly the chances are much better that the book will look perfect if it has that highest grade.
  7. What I notice (and I'm sure this has been commented on many times before) is that, on older covers, there were (gasp) dialogue bubbles on them. Like, characters speaking, usually having something to do with what the issue was about. And if there weren't dialogue bubbles, then often some kind of blurb. A caption of some sort. Again, descriptive of what was happening. Not all covers, obviously, but it was common. Now it seems it's all just about dynamic poses.
  8. I mean, I guess you can think of it like, what if the signature on the book was "Doofus McGee." Do you think the book would/should take a hit to the overall grade with that writing on the cover? CGC basically says, unless they personally witnessed the signature as it was being made, they are all "Doofus McGees" to them. Might be a little harsh when there's little question of the authenticity of a sig. But that's what they do.
  9. I have no idea who that critic is except that it says he is a critic from indewire. Why would he be trying to fool us? Is there something I missed where people (critics) are blackballing this movie with bad reviews for reasons? I didn't read the review, and will be seeing this movie pretty much regardless of reviews, if that makes you feel better.
  10. I realize these are the early fanboy/please follow me on twitter/reactions, but, it does sound encouraging.
  11. Well, the bolded is what I was saying. I know there was/is more story, just that they ran out of what GRRM had written. If GRRM actually offered to help them with the remainder of the story - to essentially tell them the story that was not yet written - and they refused his offer, that's something else. I had not heard that one before. I always heard GRRM was pretty tight with giving up details, and I thought that he actually was sad that the show was outpacing him and was going to "reveal" his secrets and endgame before he got to tell them on the page himself. Not that he had anyone to blame for that but himself (which he was aware of, that just didn't stop him from being sad about it).
  12. You just seem to be saying (and you can correct me if I'm wrong) that they could have made up more story if they had wanted to. But they didn't want to. And, like, okay? Maybe we're just assigning blame differently then, and you think it's solely their fault they chose not to make up more story (above and beyond all the story they already had to make up to fill out seasons 6-8). And maybe you think the reason for the shortened final seasons was just their desire to wrap GoT up quickly so they could move on. Whereas I am more sympathetic to them that they ran out of material to work from and had to start manufacturing story they probably felt they shouldn't have had to be doing. And when it was clear there would be no further book, they had to plot towards an endgame, and they made up all the story they felt comfortable making up - which was basically adding some meat and bones to a rough outline GRRM had given them at the very beginning of the whole process. And that equalled the 13 episodes of seasons 7-8. And they decided not to pad it out anymore with more story completely made up by themselves. I'm saying GRRM had no business pushing for all those extra seasons when he wasn't supplying them the story they needed. Personally (and I've not actually studied this) my feeling is that adaptations that stick closer to the source material are usually much better than adaptations that maybe start from a source and then fly off and start doing their own completely different thing. I'm sure there are exceptions.
  13. Not sure what you are saying here. They totally ran out of story. I think that's well documented. These articles you are linking don't have anything to do with that. The second one in particular is talking about how their new Netflix deal was what soured the Star Wars people on them, and that was after Thrones was already finished.
  14. And in this case it's not even the same cover! Like, the art is different. Similar is not "the same."
  15. Much as I admire (most of) his writing, GRRM needs to not speak about some topics. I think he also said he thought original Game of Thrones should have run at least 10 seasons, which was pretty rich of him given they ran out of story and he rather failed at providing them with any more. So, he thought they should have completely made up even more stuff? Or padded the show out with more of what he did actually write, regardless of how important it was (see: the entire Quentyn Martell storyline....)
  16. Man, I was looking at that sweet George Perez original art page in the current auction that was sitting at ~$200 for a while, and I knew it wouldn't stay there, but now it's over $1,200 (which, probably still a bargain for a Perez original art page, and may go higher yet), and I'm way out. Which just means I'm never getting one. Alas. All good though.
  17. Not that I get a vote, but in as much as anyone is paying attention, I am very much team Get Marwood & I as to how these books should be labeled. What CGC is currently doing is just a really poor way of labeling foreign editions.
  18. Well, the phrase wasn't "Entertainment over historical accuracy," or even, "Entertainment over physics". I could get behind those (for the most part. Re-writing history and defying physics can go overboard). Just not "Entertainment over logic." That's dumb (literally!)
  19. Yeah, well, that's cute, but "entertainment over logic" is not, in fact, a great policy for the writer's room. I might go so far as to say it's a godawful policy. Top Gun Maverick's exceptional success does not change or validate this.
  20. I have not watched any of the new Star Trek stuff because I don't have Paramount+. But that did look kind of epic. And that guy...Very cool. I hope they do him justice though and don't blow it.
  21. No disagreement. I thought the Murder on the Orient Express remake was passable, but the Death on the Nile version was just miserable compared to the Peter Ustinov one. I'm partial to Ustinov, but probably just because that's how I was introduced to the character.