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Everything posted by Axelrod

  1. I don't know. The fact I have never even heard of this before now and it's releasing in less than 2 months does not bode especially well. Especially given there are some real actors in there. This looks a lot like Gods of Egypt all over again. Maybe it has cult status potential? I hope they didn't spend too much on it.
  2. Well, don't get too excited. I actually think that chart is hotly disputed, with some maintaining is is based on completely fictional and/or made up numbers. I have no idea.
  3. I know nothing. But saying something "sounds fun as hell" to you (after hearing the plot) is not at all the same thing as saying you've heard that a film is testing well. The one thing is just your opinion, whereas the other thing is something that is either true or not. If you don't believe that a lot of dudes out there got it out for Brie Larson, you aren't paying attention.
  4. I feel like you are leaving out the most exciting part of this story.... Though the part where you sell all your comics for $50.00 is fairly tragic.
  5. Ah, the traditional Twitter-Hype reactions. They raved about Ant-Man too, right?
  6. You aren't the first crook nor will you be the last who attempted to hide their crime behind a wall of bluster and/or ignorance. We get it, you have no remorse and as far as you are concerned the people you were trying to scam who probably thought they were getting a good deal deserved it. Many crooks think this way.
  7. Update! I checked and this book (not technically a comic book, but still) is also from 1974 Now, mind you, this is not my copy. My copy no longer has a cover I read it so much. But the point is, I've still got it, and this might count as my oldest Marvel/DC book.
  8. I posted elsewhere my not especially exciting story about how I caught the true collector's bug at the age of 11. I've never posted about my first comic book shop though. For almost two years (pretty sure), I bought strictly off the spinner racks of my local drug stores and 7-11 equivalents. Because at that time, I didn't know any other way to do it. This was in Metairie, LA. Then one day I heard about this place - a comic book store. Like, a store that only sold comic books. How amazing was that? That place was BSI comics. Not quite close enough for me to walk or ride a bike to, but I got my dad to drive me there. And, wow, walking into that place for the first time was like a little bit of Heaven for a boy like me. And behind the counter was Carl Tupper, in his wheelchair. I'll never forget him. A true character. He passed on 2011. I read this obit years ago, which I feel like sharing: I was one of those kids. He was amazingly kind, in a crabby sort of way. After my first visit, I was there at least 1-2x a month, right up until I turned 18 and left for college. That was kind of the end of my collecting days. But my love for comics - at least the ones from my day - doesn't look like it's ever going to fade.
  9. Definitely don't remember my first comic. Fairly certain it would have been a Harvey, because I know I read plenty of Richie Rich, Casper, Hot Stuff, etc. But none of those survived my transition to adolescence. I've posted before on the book that officially gave me the collector bug - which happened in 1980 - but your post inspired me to go look back through all my comics just to see what, in fact, is the oldest surviving comic from my youth. Apparently, it's this one: Which is from 1973. So obscure I can't even find it in the MyComicShop database. No idea why this one is still here when so many other (better) books went by the wayside. Additional curiosity for me, what was my very oldest Marvel/DC book. That turns out to be this one: From 1974.
  10. For me it is the over-priced popcorn. And I'm only 1/2 joking. I love that stuff. 55" though? In this day and age? Why so small? Mine is 65" and it's 5 years old. (only 4k tho')
  11. Is the top one the fake one and the bottom one a real one? Because, uh, the "space between letters" looks pretty darn close to my (inexpert) eyes. The font on the numbers looks different though?
  12. Saw it. It was watchable in the way that pretty much all Marvel movies are watchable. But, not great. And - more specifically without being specific - it was incredibly formulaic. Were there any characters introduced who we were supposed to care about? I feel like the people making the movie thought there were, but then forgot to make them care-about-able. Literally every "big" moment felt almost completely unearned. And events that were supposed to be dramatic, or emotional, came off as just...flat. Maybe that's poor writing? Jonathan Majors is a true movie star though. The man has presence.
  13. I don't feel like I've been around long enough to have an "origin" story. On the other hand, I guess it's not changing no matter how long I stay. I bought comics regularly from roughly the ages of 11-18, at which point I went off to college and didn't see them again for about 30 years. Until my mom told me she was moving and it was either come and get them out of the closet they'd been sitting in all that time, or they were getting kicked to the curb. So get them I did. Then I wondered whether any of them might actually be worth anything after all this time (some were, a little bit, my 11 year old self wasn't especially astute at what series to buy), and a little bit of further internet searching led me here. I wasn't necessarily going to make an account, but this was right around Christmas, and I saw the Holiday Raffle as well as the gift exchange threads, and those looked like so much fun, that I decided to up and join, so that maybe next year, I could participate. And I did!
  14. I looked up the answer to my own question. "We're figuring it out..." https://movieweb.com/supergirl-sasha-calle-future-figuring-it-out/ I suppose they could be waiting to see how this actress gets received in the Flash before making a final decision. Or, they might very well know already, but don't want to say she's out before the movie even opens, because that might leave a bad taste in some people's mouths.
  15. I didn't even know there was a Supergirl in this movie. Do we know if they plan on retaining this actress for the future Supergirl film which was announced? Or is she a one-off legacy character and gets re-cast along with most of the "new" DC?
  16. Dude, there is no weird agenda going on. The Flash movie is/was shot. There are 100s of millions of dollars on the table. They are not going to cancel it for anything Ezra does short of a homicide, and maybe not even then (he is not, you know, the only one who has a stake in the film. Presumably, he already got paid. All this talk of boycotting it to not support him is kind of misguided.) And Cavil not getting re-hired to be Supes also had nothing to do with agenda. He's too old for what Gunn wants. That is literally it. You can say it's stupid, but you really should leave the "pushing agendas" stuff out of it.
  17. I think it's 5 this round. 3 decent rounds and one blow up. I think that's about typical for me. I would also like to thank Mike for another fun contest. I really appreciate what you do!
  18. Weeeeeell, not to defend this guy, but there are certainly some books out there with grades that do not seem correct for the book inside the slab. Just because the slab says "9.6" doesn't mean the book should have that grade. Plenty of people out there who won't pay "market rate" for a book - even if it has the grade - because they don't think it looks good enough. Assuming you posted pics of the book before he bought it though, not sure what he was expecting?
  19. A respectable 4 this round. But for completely tanking the last round, we might have been somewhere!