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Everything posted by MyNameIsLegion

  1. Sergio and I have come to agreeable terms as well.
  2. Boy . . . Cap Freak, Comicseekers . . . you're on a roll! Who ya' gonna buy from next? ComicSupply? yeah, I'm 2 for 2. Weird Paper and I just got several boxes from ft88 though that are on their way. Ed's not going to screw me over. I still have comics that I got from him when we were in college together. (thumbs u
  3. FYI: I got notification a couple days ago from Paypal that I was being reimbursed from Cap Freak. (thumbs u
  4. Ditto, that, if more people were like Sharon, the rest would feel too guilty to do them harm.
  5. There is no mechanism for banning. The closest we have is the "Hall of Shame". The poll would indicate that he is a qualified candidate Has 30 days from initial payment for any malodorous box transaction passed yet? well I don't really see him making amends in the next 11 days, but July 10th would be 30 days. Sergio has my email, and my address, and I gave him multiple options that I would find acceptable. Balls in his court.
  6. So what is the procedure for getting someone put on the Probation List? Especially someone who's a repeat offender? A poll was started about this in the Comicseekers Longbox Debacle thread: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3271767#Post3271767 So far 85% are for adding to the list, if not banning.
  7. Here's the latest report on the long boxes of from Comic Seekers: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=4&Number=3276425&Searchpage=1&Main=163944&Words=&topic=0&Search=true#Post3276425
  8. Will Joe Collector be moderating this forum!?!?!??!
  9. While I'm the one that has been perhaps the most vocal about the ComicSeekers thing, as Sckao said, this is ongoing. I'm pretty hot under the collar, ComicSeeker is pretty hot under the collar as well as we've exchanged PM's but I think we both realize that we need to cool off. Sergio is going to get back to me tomorrow and I'm going to shut my trap so as not to add fuel to the fire. I think all the pertinent facts and positions have been adequately presented so there's no need to beat a dead horse when the funeral is tomorrow.
  10. ooookay, so there isn't a correlation between complaints and probation?!?!? can't wait for someone in general to chirp "hey! take it to the probation thread!"
  11. Sergio Candido, AKA ComicSeekers just cancelled my paypal request for a partial refund. I'm fully prepared to go nuclear.
  12. Is there a general complaints forum? In general right now, they're discussing National Parks. I'd hate to interrupt! I don't see another forum here even close to this, as CS may find himself on the famous list and this is the best place for everyone to chime in. IMHO.
  13. well, before we all whip ourselves into a fervor, I want to see what others who are getting boxes think. I'm very curious about the contents per box. If each box is essentially identical, it should have been noted and potential buyers warned not to get more than one box of the same thing.
  14. I agree Rock, the only person that makes out on this is the post office. I can't see how Sergio could possibly want these back. These comics are like toxic assets/ credit default swaps. These books were sliced and diced and repackaged just like all that financial chicanery. They were over-rated and now their true market value is coming to light. We need a bail -out!
  15. I should also point out that this was Advertised as Marvel and DC. I have more copies of Heroes Inc than I do DC comics. That theses are 85% Marvel makes a huge difference in a person making an informed purchase. I would not have done it, not one box.
  16. No argument that you will lose money here but you took a chance and lost. CS takes a hit to his reputation as he deserves. But his refund should be based on what he promoted that turned out to not be true. Ie how many comics at no more than 5 copies of any one issue did you get? The percent less than 300 you should get refunded. You can only do that on a per box basis and not in aggreagate if you bought more than one box. Same with condition to a point. But some of the allegations seem as over the top as CS saying he did nothing wrong. In the end I don't have much sympathy for those buying mystery boxes and then being outraged when they are disappointed. The misrepresentation - yes, value for what you paid - no. A number of the guys that got boxes are comparing notes, which is how we've come to figure out that every box is the same content fro the most part, with the same 3rd-tier issues in bulk. The "filler" of Heroes Inc, isn't filler, it's what go the sum to 300 per box. I've got 80 copies in 3 boxes. That's not as advertised. I had 5-10 copies of certain issues in certain boxes. If I can't take the aggregate of having multiple boxes, then the distribution is actually worse. I'm not going to take the aggregate in CS's favor that's for sure. There are not enough unique issues over the four boxes to ever get rid of them. I have a stack of Marvel Tales, Star Wars, BattleStar Galactica, Heroes, & Conan that fill one whole box and have maybe 20 unique issues. I've sent a paypal request for a 50% refund. That's my minimum acceptable restitution. I'll eat the other $300, as it's barely worth fooling with these books at all, the opportunity cost and labor is too high. If he balks at that, it will be a paypal dispute, I will use this thread as evidence, and I will encourage others to do the same. Paypal will track the number of complaints against a seller and it will impact him negatively. He has every means to make this right, if he digs in his heals over $1000 in refunds, it will cost him a helluva lot more in future business.
  17. I suggest refusing to receive shipment and filing a paypal claim.
  18. Ed, honest to god, you'd be hard pressed to break even at $75 a box. That's 25 cents apiece. Of the 4 boxes, if I blew them out at a show, I might git rid of one box worth, but the rest would languish for years due to the extreme number of dupes from a very narrow range of 3rd-tier titles. If I got $75 a box refunded, I'd still be in the hole and doing sergio a favor for taking these off his hands. Deception by omission and some very misleading photos is what sold the books. I'm the one that asked for pics of the boxes to get an idea of what was there. He claimed most titles were there. Not even close. Most single issues are not warehouse copies, they are old comic store stock in vg from a hand-full of comics stores. If this were ebay, and he presented these as such, he'd have nothing but negative feedback.
  19. I didn't just get a "bad" box, I got the same bad box 4 times. Virtually identical content. I'm actually penalized for making a larger purchase. Bonus!
  20. this is a case where if everyone had just been quiet, or handled this in private with CS via PM, no one would have known the extent of the deception. The cats out of the bag now thanks to the boards. I know Sergio is having some difficult personal issues, and is trying to raise cash, but you don't where you eat. If you don't make this right, you're pretty much done as a seller on this forum.
  21. He didn't just skim the cream off the top. This is 2% skim milk laced with melamine. The half dozen boxes that he sold off or held back mean he at least broke even or better. If he'd offered these dregs for $50 a box, and was explicit about the contents and was clear about people not wanting to buy more than 1, he MIGHT be able to walk away with a clear conscience. I offered to accept a 50% refund, and that's being generous, and he balked. WTF am I going to do with 100 copies of 5 issue of mid grade Star Wars, or Marvel Tales, Conan, Marvel Premiere 3-D man, etc. I'm going to end of throwing them out is what.