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Frisco Larson

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Everything posted by Frisco Larson

  1. AWESOME Steve Now that I know YOU won it, I'm very happy I didn't bid it up, because I was going to!!! In fact, I thought it sold VERY inexpensively and I considered it a GIANT bargain!! VERY well done my friend (thumbs u
  2. OH MY, THAT is a serious funny book right there boys & girls
  3. I'd never noticed this cover before. NOW it's on my want list (thumbs u Brother, I know the feeling. Wantlistitis (def. The malady of want lists growing much faster than budgets.) The boards have shown me SO many books that I hadn't seen before I'll likely never find all of the books that I'd like to have, but that's what makes collecting fun: The thrill of the search!!! I'm pretty sure if I could buy every single book I wanted, every time I saw it for sale, I'd become pretty bored after a while
  4. I'd never noticed this cover before. NOW it's on my want list (thumbs u
  5. You & me BOTH Jack I'd imagine (if I MAKE it that far), I'll have had some spine work, perhaps some piece replacement or at the very least, some reinforcement. There's already been a little professional (and a little amateur) color touch (too young to be gray), as well as some professional cleaning (had a knee cleaned out). I guess the real question is: Would I be considered "restored" or "conserved"?
  6. Well ..... I guess "technically" these are kinda group shots
  7. Thanks much Gino Someday I'll take some more group shots
  8. Thanks Jack! I have others, but don't have a 32, so no consecutive run beyond this one still
  9. I think this is the last book from this era in my photobucket Looks like I'll have to scan some more books .......
  10. Here's a group shot I took a few years ago (still have them all), just so ya know what we're expecting with those U.S.A."s GAtor
  11. VERY nice GAtor!!! Also, that is probably the most praise I've ever seen for a set of "top labels" ever before in my life!!!
  12. This is a Cap 16 - 31 group shot I took a few years ago. Although I've purchased higher grade copies of some & maybe one or two were re-graded higher, I still have every one of these copies. Sorry about the low quality pic
  13. OH YEAH Heck Jack, that one can even go in the 80 year old thread
  14. GREAT collection of books you've posted Sqeggs!!!! These 3 Tecs ALONE are pretty impressive, but factor in your other offerings & you've got one mighty fine stash of Platinum my friend
  15. Thumbsucker is first to catch the typo!!! Well done Tim (thumbs u Kudos to Tim for being first outta the gate, but you should at least acknowledge the Egyptian papyrus comic. Where's your pre-June 1038 papyrus? Seriously, them's some perty books! (thumbs u Sorry Cat, but I fixed it However, you can continue to give me as much grief as you want about it, provided you don't post any more pictures of yourself I half expected to see a shot of you poolside, in a speedo, sipping some Dom while nibbling on a wheel of the finest imported cheese FTR, love the pre-6/38 books & sorry 'bout the teasing. Don't worry, I'll keep personal photos to a minimum, especially since you've stated a preference for "raw". No worries Cat, it's all good (I just couldn't help but return a little ). Yeah, no "raw" photos from you mister A wheel of cheese would probably be ok though ....
  16. OH MY GOODNESS Have the inside front cover shot of this. Does that count.?