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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. to me what you suggest as a next direction for the show etc, rebuilding society is the PROBLEM bot the solution. The comic got to the point where they were safe from the walkers, and were telling these stories of rebuilding, and it just not al that interesting. It will take decades, or a century. You wanna watch all that incremental evolution of all the mundane stuff we live with? Wheres the story in the? You'd need drama and excitement, and thats just the Big Bad cycle all over again. Isn't this why Kirkman ended the series because of what was left to tell wasn't worth ten more years oc comics stories? Why would it work on TV or in the movies? Walking Dead was about waking up in a horrible new world. That was the hook. But we are long past that now after 15 years of adventures...
  2. Not being a coder, I cant explain why so many are still having issues... last night I logged in and had a stable session, looking around. Change is difficult. But we have to assume GPA knows what they are doing, and we will all be back up and running soon enough, and shortly after won't even remember how the OLD site worked. Just like here on the Boards. my issues with the new look are many too. too spread out, should be more compact. so we see more stuff and have a better idea where we are. Before you knew you were looking at a series of grades and popping them open. Now you only see 2 or 3 grade levels cause so much other stuff is so loosely arranged vertically, using up our whole screen. Graphs should be optional, they take up too much vertical space and are too big, and really how many of us need the graphs? Moving them off to the side and much smaller like before would be best if making them optional is not doable. Feels like there a lot more clicks, but the old system was all about opening up and closing down sections so I think its a wash. Whats different -- again -- is that opening up just one grade section fills or runs off the bottom of the screen. Obviously theres a lot of info that has to be organized here, Id struggle to think of another way to present it all... just want it to be less spaced out vertically.
  3. yeah. its a nest trick to light up LIVE when its on the current auctions list, but I never used GPA as a search tool for buy listings, just recorded sales data
  4. When I looked at a book with one sale mentioned off to the right, and clicked to open it up, the Total books sold said Infinity/infinity instead of $7900 / $1981. I was looking at Batman #1 where I saw what Im talking about. but I hope you're right that its still there...
  5. fully was typed fugly...fu g ly Overall we will adapt after hopefully GPA massages the white space. Obviously its a design nightmare to display every book in a title in a concise listing.. AND to also display 20 different grades for each book too. The old method was a loy of arrow clicking, opening and closing issues data, but while a bit clunky feeling, you had the sense that you were working with a single list of all issues of a title in as tight a space as it could. like these boards though, Im sure we will all learn to navigate once we learn where they moved our cheese. And put back the full data for each sale listed!
  6. I was using the link on the email announcing the new site. that took me to it earlier. but it's ok. it will get sorted out soon enough. The old site was fully and showed its age designwose... but this uses too much space, needs too many clicks and scrolls, and from what I could see briefly, no longer give you specifics on older sales it lists. (serial#, etc/ thats a bummer as it was helpful in tracking sales. This was happening with GA books with few sales. but the one sale listed from years ago no longer had any backup data.
  7. cleared my GPA cookie, but get the old site saying its under construction
  8. site was working for me 10 minutes ago, but now I get a 404 error.
  9. Well, printing comics is very fast, so no point to that theory... save a day? Big deal if the shipping takes weeks or months... right ?
  10. I agree. So if the covers were printed same day and same press with just a brief plate change delay, and then assembled at the same time, (or printed elsewhere and shipped to the assembler/printer) they are all first printings to my thinking . And prob most of us would agree with that. Thats not to say that some of our clan wouldn't gladly pay extra for these variants if it were proven that the pressmen got them over with first (smaller batch) and THEN printed the US covers.. meaning that all the variants were sitting in bales ready for shipping while the US copies were still being worked on.
  11. I actually forget what the issues you were originally seeking to solve with the variants... but I do recall that a big question was where and when these were printed: by Marvel, or overseas. In retrospect, now it seems to me the answer was pretty obvious and in front of us from the get go. Based just on the wording in these Thorpe and Miller indicias.: "Printed Exclusively FOR......" duh. When a publisher prints their own comics, the wording is just like the US indices: title issue# owner publisher rates etc etc. But all of these state that FURTHER to Marvel/Atlas' indicia fine print, that these copies were "Printed FOR" somebody else. Only the primary publisher/printer would feel the need to say that to mean that these copies were being shipped overseas for sale there. If Thorpe or Miller had hired a printer and banged them out, the indicia would include them in the main body of the text, with Atlas listed as " licensed from Atlas" or some phrase as to true ownership. pretty obvious now really. But the hard work still had to be done to suss it out. Scientific method, right?
  12. Light tan pages should keep bidders responsible. But nice copy
  13. who knows? there was no internet back then, so leaked photos, or studio promotion images weren't as easy to see as today. But there could have been crossover between movie people and comics artists, and Adams may have been made aware of "that" look or seen sketches. (quite a few comics artists WERE hired as sketch artists for movies around then) Neil was always good at using reference in his work. I once believed he could draw from his head like photographic memory, truth is after years of commercial artwork assignments (storyboards etc) he learned how to draw stuff from years of using reference materials. Who knows what magazines he had in his photo morgue! Theres absolutely nothing wrong with it!
  14. Is it just me, or does the maligned B/W Pedigree label look pretty dignified with a white cover comic cover?
  15. late to the paper quality issue. Most newsprint was manufactured to professional standards that allowed some variance in tone quality. But overall its manufacture was a chemical derived process. Therefore any overages or underages of ingredients within batches of paper would lead to color variances from whitish to yellowish right from the printer and throughout its lifetime/existence whether in a magazine, or comicbook. Meaning that each huge roll of newsprint will age differently related to its contents at time of manufacture PLUS its storage/temperature conditions --- in their warehouses, in transport to printers, sitting in printer inventory AND in collections. chances are good that Sparta would rarely reject a roll based on its whiteness alone, nor would off white tones constitute rejection and returns, preferring to just run the presses as is to make deadlines.
  16. Searle was a known artist and if the distributor knew of him, and liked his work, and felt he was the appropriate artists for the film since he did similar work, and the art director had the budget and feedom to hire who he pleased, there’d have been no problem asking for sketches from someone overseas. A known artist would not have been a risk there are similarities to the line work to Searle. Though the est looks too pedestrian and very different, especially the war scene.
  17. cool So if you own an AF15 in 9.0 or higher, you're in the Top 1% ! Even an 8.0 is top 3% Instead of "6th highest graded", sellers could quote your chart ... sounds better!
  18. and by the way, get off my lawn too!
  19. I agree. Book has been in a death spiral for decades... I think final price will disappoint its fans..
  20. In the US, I th8nk what you are referring to is called a “step up”. When asset ownership changes hands in an estate, the new owners cost basis is stepped up to current market value. That a sweet tax “dodge”, except for the Daffy Duck problem. Like in the classic cartoon where he’s a magician auditioning for a gig, and blows himself up, and drifting up to heaven says, “but I can only do it once!” basically to sell at full retail and have no taxable gains, you just have to die first! : (
  21. Sorry. I read you wrong... you posted a list of copies you DONT have. I read it the other way around
  22. You can also watch the movie version with Ghandi...