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Everything posted by Aman619

  1. The outline doesn't necessarily mean it's a pasted on stat. A common inking technique is to NOT connect black bkgnd lines to the outline of. A figure so they pop a bit from the background. Our eyes "see" a separation, and artists have emulate that effect this way in pen and ink work.
  2. however, the blue in the OOAW title fades from left to right... Thats usually an indicator for fading and not a press (inking) issue.
  3. What I'm saying, and has been discussed here often, is that Comiclink refused to deal with GPA with their data. The data is considered proprietary property of Comiclink. Bob refrenced this approach earlier, saying that why should he, or any dealer, willingly share, or make public, sales data that fuels their business decisions? It's an edge dealers have, and have always had, knowing what books change hands for. We forget that while the Internet has flattened the playing field, it has also led some businesses/dealers to protect and cling to their data. Of course it feels wrong, and selfish to us, because on the internet information is supposed to be --or wants to be-- free. So that's the defense of Comiclink stance. And the data may in fact be their legal property which is why - while it would be easy for GPA to just take the data digitally, while its briefly displayed publicly, they refuse to go there, hoping Josh will see the light, as Heritage and CConnect and many many other dealers have been and are doing for the good of the hobby and the comics market. So don't blame GPA for what is ISNT... Rely on it for what it is. And maybe - some public pressure might make Comiclink see the light?
  4. As to the value one gets from GPA being less than one expects, as we have discussed many times here, which newer posters may not have read, GPA is a concept that works better or worse depending on what types of comics prices one is hoping to research. GPA effectiveness is limited by many real world roadblocks... but does the best it can. They can only include prices they are allowed to. Comiclink has made it very clear that they choose to not work with GPA, preferring to keep their sales close to the vest. Frankly I think they should share all auction and exchange sales that they currently choose to remain public by leaving them listed as Sale Pending. Anything they want to hide that they currently take down asap can remain private. Many dealers will send them data, but have proven to be less than totally inclusive, cherry picking what sales they include. GPA can only try to convince the owners of the sales data to share 100% of their sales so that there is transparency, or they must choose to disallow all of that dealers data. and as Bob pointed out, while GPA has digital data grabbing systems in place for auction house and dealers, this applies only to those dealers who maintain solid sales tracking and complete data records digitally. Many many dealers still use pieces of paper and their memories.. for these dealers the chore of reporting data can take days and is put off for months. basically mots of us have learned what books GPA is perfectly useful to research. Books that trade often on the sites that report to them enough for a trend line to develop. After that, you just have to do your own research. I think it's well worth the ten bucks a month for what they can and do report accurately. i wish it were better. i wish the market was totally transparent. I wish. A lot of things that are just not possible given reality.
  5. Well, onedifference I s that Hank Pam never appeared anywhere before TTA27. It literally was Ant Man -- or the guy who would become Ant Man not just the guy in the ant hill -- VERY FIRST APPEARANCE ANYWHERE. The Teen Titans issue is more difficult in that the three sidekicks existed for many years and issues before 54. The only thing NEW was them fighting together as a BB team up issue. Same as the adjacent BB issues: existing characters thrown together for a one off adventure. hank Pym was a throwaway story in a series of MaNY horror adventure stories in the pre Marvel ages. But yes, both led to ongoing poular series.
  6. Well, OOAW 81 is pretty well in-be'd at this point. Things change. I was solidly in the 54 camp all my life until this discussion broke down the differences. As Silve just pointed out, DC Released 54. And then nothing more with the sidekicks. Back then, we communicated by snail mail. Readers wrote letters. Sales results took months to come in. So a year later D.C. -- with the reader mail and sales numbers comes back with the kids together again, adds the remaining kid sidekick WG, and gives them an official name. so 54 led to 60. But 60 started something that still lives today. 54 has a greater claim to first appearance than OOAW 81 does... but both appear to be being eclisped by revisionist rethinking ..
  7. The books are clearly connected, because 60 references 54 as their first adventure together and the reason they formed the TT. But after going with the status quo that 54 is the first appearance, I've been leaning toward 60 more and more. We will see if the Sgt Rock analogy finally applies here too. The hobby speaks with its wallets.
  8. Right. It could be a mockup of the book for promotion purposes. But, it could be a scan they took of the book inside a Photoshop slab for whatever reason.. gets the point across. And we will see the book someday...
  9. Are we sure it's a scan of the slab? The 9.2 looks funny, and what's the first digit of the serial number?
  10. Where was the 700k 9.4 sale? And does this mean 9.6 s are back over a mill again? Thanx
  11. the seller's math I think is: "secure the book today at 2020 pricing, or Ill keep and and you can buy it in 2020 for this same price ... or more... or possibly lose it to someone willing to step up." its aggressive sure, and relies on Jason Momoa and DC/WB nailing it (not a given by any means) and this wild market for the HG copies of the big keys continuing its rise.... but hey, its his book. Shame he was such a goof here on the boards. Re-reading his posts does make me think maybe I could be off base on this.
  12. Price makes sense to me. If this were an announced sale we'd all say WOW and recalibrate. But just ASKING that much hoping for a buyer is what appears ... different. To the owner, or any of us, wouldn't you value this book in your collection around there now? And hope for a buyer? Especially is you're just as happy to hang onto it.. after all, while the AS8 sale might say this 9.4 is worth only 700-800 today, why not ask a bit more to buy it today since it will be worth the ask price in a few years..
  13. Fleepunyhumans was a regular on the old boards. Low post count probably a new boards thing..
  14. Stupid just begins to describe a person who would post such a thing... should have just tweeted it.
  15. My guesses are that Harris will pay whatever it takes for the AllStar 8. If that's over a million I wouldn't be surprised. In just the past year, Wonder Woman's position as a top rank movie superhero has been solidified. If I were buying the keys, and this were 15 years ago when 100k would have set a world record, I'd be a bidder. But in today's market, where it can take a million bucks for a piece like this in this grade. I'm happy To sit back and let this sale increase the value of my copy. if he passed on the One of the other two books, he will most probably pass again. The AS8 is the one to have anyway.
  16. So Doug or someone bought it weeks ago for 108k, and now it's for sale again? Or does Reece's site lost a book sold at its ask price and not whatever a negotiated sales was priced at?
  17. guess not. but geez, Id hate to get pushed up to my max "this ought to be way more than enough to win" bid cause some other guy who didn't really want to pay his max bid either showed up... wouldn't you?
  18. Well yes. But in the long run, I think buyer should be fine. Sure he's way in front of the market right now, I mean, had it sold for 3k it would have been amazing, right? But at 10k, well, and only two bidders going for it, he will have to wait for time to do its work. It's a scarce book that's in demand by many collectors...
  19. Yes it did break 10k but I'm told it was the age old situation of two I want it any any price Internet bids colliding in mid air. Winner and loser come away happy.
  20. I have seen that few dealers bring interesting Archie's to conventions. Either the demand isn't there, or dealers THINK thee demand is too low to cater to. So it's hard to gauge scarcity.
  21. This poll is harder than usual, imo, because of the movies and TV influence on our hobby. 2 years ago, I'd have picked FF48 because for 20 years it was THE key book. but a year ago FF52 was the hottest book by far in this era... surfer and Glactus have lost a lot of heat, and Panther has risen based on the movies. But now. Panther Manila has waned. I voted for Batgirl because her time is now. For how long, who knows. But if the film happens and it's a hit, she'll be on top. For how long is anyone's guess in this environment.
  22. you might be surprised how well DKR holds up mostly. I watched the (pretty tamely) animated version a while back and enjoyed seeing the same scenes in motion. I think I went all billy. (something like that)
  23. Wow. I forgot Year One! That was also filled with amazing moments... and great Mazzucheli artwork.