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Posts posted by A-DONIS

  1. I just re read this thread.


    I was talking to his art rep over the phone about possibly doing a sketch opp. What's the general consensus then?


    He takes too long? He doesn't do refunds?


    Don't do one????


    I would seriously like some imput.

  2. The Cuban in me would of responded with some less than educated phrases...


    My belief is that the moment you change a business pratice that has beein implemented for over 10 years now, is ridiculous. You can't constantly keep making changes without giving an excuse.


    For example:


    We are now going to charge everyone $5 per invoice submitted because we are completely overwhelmed with submissions NOT TO MAKE A PROFIT for a service already provided.

    We are no longer giving out grades during the GRADED stage of the grading process due to the possibilaty that the book could get damaged during encapsulation - Something that was never said.


    This is how you address issues in a business that has no competition. Keep the customers happy and informed.



  3. But back to the basics here. This new grade thing with CGC is REALLY starting to go a little sour with me. Granted, I love the SS program and everything that it stands for. But these little rules that are coming to surface are just plain dumb.


    About 4 months ago I had 22 books on a 30 book submission change grades from when they were "scheduled for grading" till they were actually graded. They were all cracked-out 9.8s that suddenly dropped to 9.6 yellow labels, but when the grades were finalized, went back up to 9.8.


    Even though I'm by no means new to subbing books, I must admit I was a bit freaked when I got the preliminary grades by email - I ended up mentioning it to CGC at the next show I was at, and they told me they were training new modern graders and I shouldn't pay attention to the grades till the books were actually slabbed.


    I realize that people, in general, are pissed at CGC for the long turnaround times and seem intent on complaining about every single thing that CGC changes, but how does it make sense to allow people access to grades until the books are finalized? There's zero benefit to CGC in doing so and it could very easily lead to confusion & ill-will amongst new submitters when they don't realize that the grades they're seeing aren't "real".


    The logic you use is sound Mike, and I agree with you. It had to have been a headache emailing PDF's and reading out grades over the phone. That part I get. Anyone who has been in business for an extended period of time knows they have to trim practices that waste time.


    The rub I see with CGC is that they only take away, they have never replaced one lost service with another. Do they have to? No, they don't. Would it be nice? We all know the answer to that one. Over time people do get tired and frustrated when less and less is given and nothing positive takes it's place.


    What is in place is working for CGC. They have zero legitimate competition. They have no reason to make any drastic changes. The consumer has no choice but to wait and pay what they ask if they want books slabbed. Maybe Matt and his crew will have an impact. Only time will tell. Keep in mind we are already in January and CGC is 120 days behind. In 2 months the convention season ramps up again. Will we be looking at 160 days soon? Who knows.


    Since my time here on the boards I can list many things CGC has done away with or reduced that would create a less than favorable environment.


    Increased pricing. Three times.

    No discount on bulk submissions or handing back in the old label from cracked out slabs.

    Horrific turnaround times.

    Not being able to check grades until the books are on their way out the door.

    No longer being able to pre-screen SS books.

    SS Witnesses having to be accompanied by a CGC employee.

    Charging you $5 per invoice for them to take your books.

    Periods of tight grading/loose grading.

    Not communicating changes with their customers.

    Losing head graders.


    You can see why any subtle change, at this point could send someone over the edge.


    Joey, you just echoed my fustrations.

  4. I am sorry that you are waiting and I am sure things will work out.


    Unfortunately I am still waiting for some color commissions from Moose Baumann from March 2011...we staid in constant contact until about a year ago where he stopped replying to emails...I read that his wife had some medical issues so I let it sit for another 6 months...I contacted him again a few weeks ago via email and deviant art(where he has been selling prints and taking commissions) at this point I just want the art back and he can keep the money lol still no reply but I haven't given up yet, I probably should but that's not me :)



    I love your sig line now!

  5. Yes and no.


    I could understand if I did own a WD 1 and the grade dropped from 9.8 to 9.6, I'd be pretty upset.. and the comments that followed ticked me off.


    But back to the basics here. This new grade thing with CGC is REALLY starting to go a little sour with me. Granted, I love the SS program and everything that it stands for. But these little rules that are coming to surface are just plain dumb.


    It's like providing customer service, without the service.