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Everything posted by Transplant

  1. I called him to express my harsh feelings. It's really the only time I ever call him.
  2. Maybe not explicitly. Good luck posting any opinion thread anywhere on the boards and limiting replies to only those who agree with you. Your analogy is more like someone threadcrapping a thread for just showing books. Mine is about people differing on who would win a fight between Superman and the Hulk. You're getting mad because you picked the Hulk and most people picked Superman.
  3. Your analogy is flawed. A better one would be if you posted "I Think Westerns Are Great and Will Pop in Value, What About You?". Then when someone posts "I disagree. No one who's under the age of 147 cares about westerns anymore." They would not be wrong per se and it wouldn't be off topic. It would be an opinion and probably one people would debate. If the OP in that thread then said, "You guys who don't agree that westerns will pop are all simpletons and don't understand the collecting market" that would be more analogous.
  4. I'm gonna hate myself for this. I know all about RallyRd and what they do and how they do it and how they're regulated. And I own crypto and I dabbled with NFTs and all that. BUT, fractional ownership (to me) doesn't give any ownership satisfaction. My perception is that it is just another form of investing. I own GA, but no super keys. I have no interest in owning a small % of one through fractional ownership. If I ever invested that way, I would do so for the sole purpose of hoping the value goes up and nothing else. My point is, I'm sophisticated enough to know what this is. I can set the clock on my VCR too, or program my HTPC I built. It isn't always: 1) people who can write a check for a super key without blinking; or 2) people who don't understand fractional ownership, who: don't like the idea and aren't sold on it. There is a group of people, especially here in the GA forum, who just view it as investing and would take no personal satisfaction in the "ownership" aspect. I really love the work you do with the census. I've personally used your site several times (single digits). But your reaction to the feedback you're getting is a little petulant. You earlier compared that feedback to people in your yard who won't leave. Perhaps, it's you who came into this GA forum yard and started screaming for feedback. Then, when you got it, you started to hurl insults at people telling them they're just too old or dumb or whatever to really understand it. Because, if they didn't agree with you, something must be wrong. Maybe, just maybe, they don't agree that there is a ton of ownership satisfaction or even investment potential in fractional share arrangements?
  5. Fair point. Haspel isn't an "employee" under CGC's "no employee can commercially buy/sell CGC books" policy either. But, to your point, I bet he draws a W-2 or at least a 1099 from both of them. Employee vs contractor vs paid advisor is a funny hill to defend.
  6. No. I make a market decision to assume some risk in a couple of ways. 1st, my stuff is insured while in transit both ways with a 3rd party, CIA. 2nd, I've known too many examples of CGC declining to take any responsibility for damage that occurred at their facility. For the most part, what I've seen includes an offer to press it for free and reslab, and/or grading fee credits. Would I entrust an Cap #1 to them to run around the country with on a promo tour, even now? Not without something in writing providing for what happens if it was damaged or stolen. I also wouldn't have let a brand new company like CBCS, even one shepherded by Borock who I think highly of, take some top census slab of mine and regrade it with no idea of what the market impact would be, without some assurance of being made whole. Frankly, I'd probably want to get some compensation just for lending my book out so they could advertise with it. I'm glad you trusted VGA and WATA, but it isn't super relevant to the point I was making. I might trust the MOMA a whole bunch. But something is going to be agreed upon before I hypothetically loan them a Picasso or Rothko.
  7. Simply lent to them, as did others with other notable games, to enable them to have some notable items for display. The same way others have lent artwork to exhibits etc. A lot of the questions you ask - what if it gets damaged etc, frankly weren’t considered. Maybe you think that’s crazy, but remember , I’m 90% art collector for a decade at that point. Those questions would have been asked if I was lending cover art. Lending a game? Meh, just a game even if a really nice one. Wait, what? Look, I don't know you or the facts behind this stuff enough to judge. Sometimes I jump in here to point what seem like really weird circumstances or positions or allegations, whatever. But, what you just laid out is a really weird fact pattern. I do recall enough to know that your passion seems to lie with videogame art and other art. But, this is a game that IIRC, you turned down $50k shortly before this time period. You said yourself that you advised the WATA folks on some things. I get it. But you just loaned them a $50k or more piece of {anything: art/game/comic/electronics/pottery} with absolutely NO discussion of it being insured against being damaged or stolen and no compensation to you for the advertising use of it? Forgive me if I'm putting words in your mouth, I don't mean to. And then, you let WATA (a brand new company) regrade it without any compensation or assurances of a grade? And you did so, with or without any agreement in place for the SMB to sell at a certain price later in its new WATA holder/grade? You just rolled the dice? Was there no deal in place to assure a minimum value or buy it outright from you before it went to WATA to grade and then to Heritage to auction? Nothing? Frankly, I do think it's crazy to loan, even "just a game even if a really nice one", to someone for advertising purposes, that's valued in the mid-five figures at a minimum, with absolutely no assurance regarding insurance or compensation. And I think it's a crazy gamble to let them regrade something you owned as the pinnacle of the hobby at the time, with no assurance regarding the new grade or any protection against a drop in value as a result. If you came on and responded to Jay with "none of your business" or "I'm not commenting on that"; I could understand that, but to come here and say, "Meh, it ain't no thang." Well, I'd love to hear more about your thought process. Those are some freaking good friends to let them roadshow it; crack it and auction, all for no gain to you.
  8. I wish there was someone here to tell one of you to go fist yourselves.
  9. I’m sitting in my new house, closer to Doc than ever and he has no idea.
  10. Sooner than your Canadian butt is getting over the border.
  11. Here are my rules. Read them carefully. Your life may depend on it. Whoever works out a deal for the book first wins. If that's in the thread here, fine. If it's in a PM, fine. Whoever gets to agreement on the terms with me first, wins. Here's the rest. I will take Paypal. I will possibly accept other forms of payment if I trust you (please check first). Shipping is US only at a flat rate of $10 for priority. Payment is expected within 7 days unless we work something out in advance. If I have you on ignore, or if you are on the PL or HOS, I will not sell to you. Sales on CGC books are final unless I screwed something up. Assume books are pressed unless stated otherwise. What else can I think of? Nothing at the moment. But the above is subject to change at any time. Listing a couple of books without pics, but will add tomorrow. To be clear, an unqualified takeit trumps one waiting on pics. Check out my thread in CA/MA for Star Wars 68, ASM 300 & ASM 361 and more.