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Smallville vs. Lois & Clark

14 posts in this topic

I admit that I'm a big fan of the WB series "Smallville", much as I was a big fan

of the "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" series in the 1990s. I

happened to catch a little bit of a L&C rerun this a.m. (it's in syndication on TNT)

and was wondering what people thought of the two series vis-a-vis one another.


As good as the new Smallville is, to me the first two seasons of L&C were

still tops for me (and then Lois discovered Clark's secret identity and the series

quickly fell apart)...Teri Hatcher in her prime was incomparable.


Agree? Disagree? Who would you rather date - Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane or

Kristin Kreuk as Lana Lang?



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The strengh of each series lies in the characterization of the villian: Lex Luthor. Would say Smallville is better now b/c we r watching the evil in Lex unfold. For eye candy, I prefer Teri Hatcher b/c I don't want to be labelled a pedophile w/ Kristin.

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I hate to admit too but we watch Smallville every Tuesday - I feel weird lusting after Kristin cause I am probably 2x her age but my wife likes the show cause Superboy looks like a boyfriend from high school. That comment from her almost got the showed band at the clobberin' house. But the stories are pretty good and Pa Kent brings back fond memories of the Dukes, gen Lee and Cooter!

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I have to say that they made an inspired choice with Michael Rosenbaum

as Lex Luthor, though the guy who played him in L&C was pretty good too.

I just hope they take their time bringing Lex to the dark side...


I'd have to go with Teri Hatcher too. Not that I don't like 20-year old women,

but Kristin Kreuk's a 20-year old that looks 16. grin.gif



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I might be biased towards Smallville b/c it is shooting in the suburbs of Vancouver (like X-men 2, DD) & creating much needed jobs for the local economy. Lois & Clark got more & more silly in the last season w/ all the supervillian x-overs.

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"I feel weird lusting after Kristin cause I am probably 2x her age but my wife

likes the show cause Superboy looks like a boyfriend from high school."


You lusting after Kristin and she lusting after Tom Welling...sounds like a fair

trade-off to me. grin.gif


I was both simultaneously turned on and mortified by the episode where Lana

loses her mind, seduces Clark and strips down to her skivvies in the school

swimming pool. Yowza!



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I agree about those last seasons of Lois & Clark - they pretty much did in whatever good feelings I had about that show. Although I do remember liking the first couple of seasons.


I watch Smallville now and really liked the first season - although at times it seemed to be getting old with the routine: bad person gets exposed to kryptonite that's just laying around, bad person gets super powers, Clark beats up on bad person. (Of course, that sounds like plenty of comic books that I've read over the years....). But they do seem to be moving along the other storylines (Lana and her boyfriend, the photographer girl, Lex, etc.) of the show and the characters seem to be evolving and growing over time. So far Smallville beats L&C for me.

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I have heard Josh Hartnett and Jude Law mentioned as possibilities to play

Superman next on the big screen. While that may appeal to the female

segment of the population, what self-respecting XY chromosome holder is

going to want to see either of these fragile pretty boys portray the epitome

of manhood, The Man of Steel?



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My wife also lusts after Tom Welling (supes). As well as LOTR'S

Orlando Bloom (legolas). I guess that's cool because any

kind of understanding of this inexplicable hobby from my

beloved works for me smile.gif oh yeah, Kristin over Teri all the way.

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Lust aside, I have to go with Smallville. They've done a great job juggling two very different tasks: making the characters and mythos appealling to a wide range of a new generation while treating the same mythos respectfully. And aside from the preoccupation with Kryptonite, I think the slow pace at which all of the familiar elements are revealed, combined with witty references about what's to come, make it the clear winner for me.



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WARNING - READ NOW - this is a big topic for me: L&C vs SMALLVILLE- so be warned this is a long reply! My thanks!


The writers of SMALLVILLE seem to have very little grasp of what made Superboy, well, Superboy. His costume was a BIG part of that. SMALLVILLE has teen angst galore, modern music, and modern chic. What it lacks is the CONCEPT of Superboy. Superboy does not exist in the SMALLVILLE series. Because what makes Superboy...well, Superboy, is that alternate identity that everyone can see - the yute (you said "yutes?" "Oh, pardon me Your Honor...YOUTHS") errr - the youth who is flying around Smallville in a costume and known to all as a do-gooder of the nth degree. And also the youth raised by simple and true parents who really know and understand what he is all about. In my opinion, SMALLVILLE is an X-FILES for a younger market.


As far as LOIS AND CLARK- the first 2-3 seasons were wonderful. Dean Caine (dissed by many) brought a genuine feel to his role. His relationship with Ma and Pa Kent was just wonderful. K Callan was amazing as Martha . Yes, her proclivities for things like abstract art were not accurate but that made no difference. Her affection for Clark (and vice versa) was wonderful to see. And it made her a truly fine "Mom!". Her modernish interests actually added to her character in the same way DC would modify things as time progressed. Eddie Jones as Jonathan Kent was probably one of the best written characters. He exhibited a bit of restraint in most situations with JUST enough eyebrow raising to make his performance very human. And very Jonathan. And in certain scenes, such as in my favorite episode - the CORN FESTIVAL, where Clark is first exposed to kryptonite, Jonathan cradles Clark in his arms, rocking slightly and saying "my boy...my boy". This is right out of classic DC. No modern twists or "winks" - just pure affection from father to son. From Jonathan to Clark.


Next...Lois. Her character is taken a bit from the SUPERMAN movies as portrayed by Margot Kidder - an ultra-modern Lois, wise and sassy. But you know what? It worked well for she brought out much of Clark's inherent personality. Terri Hatcher brought great energy to her role and was, again in my opinion, the perfect foil to Clark. The way she was written made Clark react in certain ways that were very reminiscent of how the real Superboy would react. SMALLVILLE, again, depends upon just angst to try to portray the same thing, often with modern background music to help make us realize this is a sad or an enlightened moment. We really don't need such cues if the writing is up to snuff.


Lex Luthor. I will readily admit that SMALLVILLE's Lex is a really well drawn character. A very different character from L&C for one simple reason: in SMALLVILLE he is still a youth and in L&C he is the fully realized Lex. They work well together and I can actually see the SMALLVILLE Lex transforming into the L&C Lex. The loss of Jonathan Sheah in L&C was a major bottom for L&C. A favorite line - delivered perfectly by Shea - "I'm doomed" when he realized he was actually in love with Lois. Two words: "I'm doomed"...but they exhibited and revelaed volumes about the Lex charcater in L&C.


I will end this soon- will not talk about the loss of "Cat" - Tracy Scoggins in seasons 1 & 2 (another great line from Lois to Calrk - "Catnapping?" or the preferable Michael Landis as Jimmy Olsen in the (again) first 2 seasons.


Oh - Perrry White? I am a fan of Lane Smith and yes, that Elvis thing was a bit out there but you know what? He was a reallty endearing Perry White. But he really does not count, nor does Jimmy etc because the SMALLVILLE Clark has not yet hit the Daily Planet so they must be discounted.


Bottom line? I believe that L&C was much more faithful to the Superboy mythos. And again, SMALLVILLE is basically a youth-oriented X-FILES.





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