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The prices some people are asking for O/A are Ridiculous!

156 posts in this topic

Welcome to the boards Dumur. Glad you stopped by.


I dind't even get to see the piece in question, since the page won't work for me for some reason. But from the sounds of it, $500 seems like a reasonable price for a Zeck page these days. His stuff goes for big money constantly. $500 doesn't even really sound that bad considering how insane Jim Lee, Frank Miller and Michael Golden goes for.


It's not exactly a page of art and is more a production item from my view.



Thanks a lot fot posting this nearmint. I see what you're talking about now. It looks more like a promotional piece. (thumbs u

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Like with JesusJon... I was actually offered his Killing Joke prelim FIRST at $900. I immediately said yes. It was a prelim, but from a great book AND a great page. Tony said yeas and I thought the deal was closed. Tony wrote back that someone else was also interested and was going to pay $1500, but if I was willing to match it, it would be mine. I said "no." No hard feelings on anyone's part. That's just the way it works. JesusJon was willing to pay almost double what I was for a prelim... because that prelim is important to him. So, maybe I'm a chump, but that is okay.


Hi Dumur:

After reading your post, I had to de-lurk myself and say I agree with Nexus and that you are understanding to a fault to have "no hard feelings." Legally, an offer was made by the seller and an acceptance was made by you. That's a done deal, legally binding and that my friend is actually "the way it works." Are you leaving anything out? There must be some other issue because if not, then what the seller did in this case was extremely unethical.




Yeah, Dumur and I chatted via PM about some other things going on behind the scenes of the deal. On my end, there were actually a lot of moving parts and permutations, so I wanted to make it clear to him I wasn't trying to pull the rug out from under him on it.

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Oh, no, no, no... guys, it's cool. Honestly. The seller put out the option to a couple of us on CAF. I was told I responded first, but I may not have been contacted first. JesusJon just contacted me about some options presented, but I never knew about them... But it is all cool. I don't consider it unethical... at all. Really. It's not like I paid the money and he refunded it because he got a better offer. I just agreed to the price of $900, but the terms were by no means closed yet or anything. The seller offered me some other pieces even, I just didn't want them. (a) they were going to cost a bit more and (b) to be honest I didn't think they were as nice. But the seller seems like a good guy and I hope maybe I can wrestle away one of the other prelims from him. He honestly seems like a good guy who couldn't resist getting a lot more than he expected from a piece he had. It's all good.


Alright, obviously you have zero problems with how he behaved. But just because you're a nice guy doesn't mean that he didn't renege on the deal. Did he state "best offer gets it?" From what you've told us, it was "hey, I have this prelim for sale for $900. Do you want it?" You replied first and by right, legally and ethically, the piece was yours provided you paid in a reasonable time.


I wonder, what would the reaction or outcry be if one of the dealers had done the same thing as this seller? My guess is a virtual online lynch mob of outraged collectors.



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Yeah, Dumur and I chatted via PM about some other things going on behind the scenes of the deal. On my end, there were actually a lot of moving parts and permutations, so I wanted to make it clear to him I wasn't trying to pull the rug out from under him on it.


Hi Jon:

I think I understand your part in this. I'm not saying you did anything unethical; unless you knew that Dumur already bought the piece and I know you well enough to know you didn't. And I also understand that there might have been other parts to the deal that we are not privvy to that occurred between you and the seller. But as between Dumur and the seller, I think the actions were pretty cut and dry. Offer + acceptance = legally binding agreement.



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Welcome to the boards Dumur. Glad you stopped by.


I dind't even get to see the piece in question, since the page won't work for me for some reason. But from the sounds of it, $500 seems like a reasonable price for a Zeck page these days. His stuff goes for big money constantly. $500 doesn't even really sound that bad considering how insane Jim Lee, Frank Miller and Michael Golden goes for.


It's not exactly a page of art and is more a production item from my view.



Thanks a lot fot posting this nearmint. I see what you're talking about now. It looks more like a promotional piece. (thumbs u


Ahh, yes, maybe that is what actually attracted me to the piece... The fact that it looks like a Promo piece. Promo's and abstract ad art for upcoming books are actually one of the forms of OA that I like to collect. I loved the promo stuff in Marvel age and that were posted up in the stores. I love that stuff.

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Well, when you put it that way, I guess you are right. If a dealer had done this I would be pretty pissed. MAybe what the seller should have done was complete the transaction with me and then ask me if the other buyer could have my info to make an offer. That has happened to me on two other occasions and on both occasions I sold the piece to the other buyer... Not because of the money (Which wasn't much... In fact I lost money on one of the pieces in the long run) but because they pleaded their case and just seem to want the piece more than I did. I don't like the thought of holding on to something that someone seems to want WAY more badly than I do.


But, no you are right. I guess I never thought that bad of the KJ transaction, because he wasn't a dealer. It was never posted. He just offered it at $900 and I said yes. I suppose that is binding. MAybe something will work out in my favour down the road for that one going sour on me.

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And I don't know if "production piece" is the right word. It may not be to your liking, but it's not like it is a STAT. It is still "hand drawn". I recently saw the pencil sketch of the hand drawn BATMAN title from the Paul Pope 100 books (Just the sketched Title) and they wanted $200 for it. I actually almost bought it. I like that sort of thing. I'm weird like that. I like the design aspect of the books and insignia's.

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A few years back, a prominent comic collectibles dealer emailed me and offered me several covers, pages and corner box drawings from Charlton's 1970s comics. Included in it were several Ditko pages, splashes, corner box drawings, a few Suttons and a few Byrnes. One of the John Byrne pieces was a color painting he did for Many Ghosts of Dr. Graves 54. It's of a fisherman stabbing a big creature in the eye with a harpoon. Beautiful piece and one I'd wanted for a while, since I'm a big fan of Charlton Comics' 1970s stuff. The seller told me the price he was asking and I quickly agreed. I thought the deal was done. I even got the money together to buy it. Then, a few days later, he emails and said he had received other emails from other collectors offering more than what he was asking and asked if I could go any higher. I agreed to go higher and thought the deal was done, again. But, he emailed again and said he had received an offer for $1500, which was about double what he originally asked — and we originally agreed upon. When I said I thought I had bought it at $700, he called me an A-hole and said all us collectors were alike. He said that he never said it was for sale for a certain price (even though I sent him the email in which he did) and that he had sent it out to several other Charlton collectors and it was up for auction. He said he'd gladly accept bids on it — indefinitely — until he arrived at a Best Offer and if I made that Best Offer, I'd be able to buy the piece. I refused and he sent me several emails calling me various nasty names and telling me how I was trying to take advantage of him. It wasn't even his art, he said, and he was selling it for a friend, who had prices in mind, but those prices went up as higher offers came in.

That dealer was a jerk and should have stuck to the original, agreed upon deal.

I've never dealt with his since.

Mike B.

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Not that it justifies breaking a deal, but $700 for all the stuff you're describing, even a few years ago, sounds like you WOULD have been ripping him off! A John Byrne cover painting?? That was at least $700 even back then, no? Add some Ditko and Sutton pages and some misc. to the mix??

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Not that it justifies breaking a deal, but $700 for all the stuff you're describing, even a few years ago, sounds like you WOULD have been ripping him off! A John Byrne cover painting?? That was at least $700 even back then, no? Add some Ditko and Sutton pages and some misc. to the mix??


About seven years ago, when this all happened to me, Charlton art wasn't selling for anywhere near this amount, if I remember correctly. It doesn't seem that far off, but art was a heckuva lot cheaper then than it is now. I was buying art for $100 a page and trading it for $150 and that art got sold for hundreds more and I've seen it sell since for hundreds more than that!

But, the dealer, OFFERED IT TO ME (and I can't remember if it was $700, but it somewhere in that ballpark). I didn't email him initially. He got my email address from someone or somewhere and emailed me with the offer to buy the art from him. He had the art priced to sell. There was no hint nor warning it was all up for auction. I thought I had bought it outright. Heck, I didn't know the art even existed before he contacted me. He told me what he was wanting for the piece and I accepted and was ready to send a money order the next morning, but he ended up making a deal with someone else. He told me he was selling it for a friend who was in bad need of cash and he never told me he'd sell it to me... even though he had contacted me, made me the offer, I accepted and then accepted an even higher deal, which he renegged on.

I think I ended up going as high as $1200 for the art and thought he had accepted that deal that time, too, but he wanted more, more, more... and, finally, I walked away. It wasn't really one of Byrne's best covers, but it was a Charlton cover that I really, really wanted. at the time

Mike B.

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None of the original Zeck Cap/Deathlok have ever been sold on the open market (and likely never will). Rumor is that the owner of the #286 cover was offered $35k a few years ago, but he wouldn't sell.


Steve Donnelly has the cover to the reprint book that came out in the 90's.




I believe he is asking in the $10k range for that cover. Anyone interested should contact him.

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yeah, I'm not defending some slimey actions, a deal is a deal, but come on, we're still talking about a byrne cover painting and some ditko pages, even if it was charlton stuff and even if it was 7 years ago.


Do you think maybe he offered it to you and 20 other people at that price and simply didn't show everyone everyone else's e-mail address? And then the acceptances and counteroffers started flooding in?

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yeah, I'm not defending some slimey actions, a deal is a deal, but come on, we're still talking about a byrne cover painting and some ditko pages, even if it was charlton stuff and even if it was 7 years ago.


Do you think maybe he offered it to you and 20 other people at that price and simply didn't show everyone everyone else's e-mail address? And then the acceptances and counteroffers started flooding in?


At the time, he offered it to me and there were no other names in the email, so why wouldn't I think he was offering it to me — and ONLY me?

If you get an email and it said "Blob, I noticed you're a Charlton art collector and I've got a John Byrne Charlton cover for $700 for sale. Do you want it?" What would you think? Would you think, "Hmmmm, okay, there's no other email addresses listed in this email — anywhere — so he still may beoffering it to me and a whole bunch of other people at the same time so I think this might be an auction rather than an outright one-on-one sale."

I don't care if it was $7, $700 or $7000. He offered it to me at a SET price, I accepted and then he came back and said he needed more money, which I agreed to give him and then he still renegged on the deal we had made and called me names for questioning why he wasn't selling it to me.

And, seven years ago, not all Byrne covers were selling for such high prices. Especially not his Charlton art, which was still fairly cheap when it could be found. Heck, there are still Byrne covers out there for less than $700 (there's one on Mike Burkey's site for $650) and, like the one I mentioned, the Charlton cover didn't have any featured characters on the cover, just a fisherman stabbing a monster in the eye with a harpoon. I even asked a bunch of Charlton art collectors if it were worth the $1200 and many of them said "No."

Mike B.

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Does THIS AUCTION belong here?


The high bid right now is about the most I'd pay for that page. I'd rather have the title splash that sold for a grand.


Agreed. But I still think the $1000 for the title page was a bit high. And if this page is "worth" $6k, I wonder that the splashes would go for. hm $15,000 lol lol lol

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