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Come back Goonchild/Luke/ECX7Collection/cgc-overstreeter/Alex DeLarge/Thomas...

673 posts in this topic

I'd like the record to show that I started bagging on this chump when he was ALEX DE LARGE. I also took some flack for it, so to those bleeding hearts, kiss my @ss.


(thumbs u


Sun shines on a dog's behind too, once in a while.



















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I'd like the record to show that I started bagging on this chump when he was ALEX DE LARGE. I also took some flack for it, so to those bleeding hearts, kiss my @ss.


(thumbs u


As a follow up.......


I started calling this out here:




It's interesting to see who his defenders and detractors were in this thread.


A lot history in this thread...

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I want to state publically that I acknowledge Dave Cummings has never been wrong, is not wrong and never will be wrong about anything, despite the facts.



Carry on! (thumbs u


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I don't know nik.

Not another day of this. Page after page of sh*t and you don't even ing know him? Jesus Christ in heaven. This thread is one of the most pathetic displays I have seen on this board and it has nothing to do with Nik or Brad.



This is where it gets funny/sad.


Nik doesn't know me either! Get it! Two people doing the same exact thing are equally right or wrong.


You want to condemn and praise two people for doing the same thing. Illogical.


niks a saint but I'm a spoon. You added 1 and 1 and got 11. Congratulations.




You said Jesus Christ. Whose shill does that make him Andy??


There is not even a remote balance of fairness here.


You are right Dave, it's not fair.


It's not fair that you revise/forget facts and call people liars.


It's not fair you go on ad nauseum about how well you run a show but can't even follow your own rules.


It's not fair you call a dealer who supports your show and make baseless accusations against the integrity of said dealer.


It's not fair you bash up someone else's show thread by attacking people for a comment that was never made.


It's not fair that you treat people like and then wonder why people give you back. What comes around goes around. Being perfect though, you have no need to make apologies, remember?


These are FACTS Dave, though I bet you think that because I am a single child two income household house husband I have all the time in the world to make this stuff up. I don't that kind of energy to make it up, it just happens.



Opinions are not facts. You closed your eyes, grabbed the elephants trunk and you swear the elephant must be snake. Oh. okay.


Do you know what slander is?


I am sorry that I was only able to say "yes" to you 99.9% of the time and you have taken offense to the other .1%.


When I do it right nobody remembers and when I do it wrong nobody forgets.


Hey GA! I farted in 2003. I am sorry for that too. I am sorry for every horrible, terrible thing that I did to you over the eleven years that you set up at the Boston Comic Book show.


If I am so bad why did you stay for eleven years? Did I change?


The show must be good if it sold out and had a huge crowd in spite of the abusive promoter.


Oh thats right. The vast majority attends for logical reasons.




Oh by the way, I am also sorry that you saw a few moments of peace here and thought that was a good time to drop a bunch of leap-of-faith accusations that the tea leaves told you meant something much different than they are.


Have a good day Andy.


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Thom....how many times are you going to seel the same book?


Going Once....


Going Twice...


I see your shill (Crazy Joe) bought it the first time....so I guess that explains it.



Yep...its the same book.

What you neglect to mention is the guy overspent. He did actually buy I think it was JLA #1 off me, but then could'nt pay for the Spidey book.

No biggie...auction fever happens sometimes.

See your obsession with Goon is still going strong...I'll send you my autograph ;)


Looks like Crazy Joe was also a determined bidder on this antique tea caddy you were selling (see bid history). More auction fever I guess?



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I'd like the record to show that I started bagging on this chump when he was ALEX DE LARGE. I also took some flack for it, so to those bleeding hearts, kiss my @ss.


(thumbs u


As a follow up.......


I started calling this out here:




It's interesting to see who his defenders and detractors were in this thread.


A lot history in this thread...


Interesting posts too. Quoting Alex de Large:



May I suggest that anyone who wants to have a pop at anyone who has the integrity to post their Bios on here, at least have the guts to say who they are.


That sort of remark completely makes the point of this thread.

Making snide comments...great...fine.. Do it with honesty.

Don't hide behind anonymity.

Doing so just proves why we need disclosure on the boards.

Make hay while you can boys...because the day is coming when all those who hide & snipe will be gone from here.

When that day comes, I think this forum will improve 1000% overnight


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May I suggest that anyone who wants to have a pop at anyone who has the integrity to post their Bios on here, at least have the guts to say who they are.


That sort of remark completely makes the point of this thread.

Making snide comments...great...fine..but do it with honesty.

Don't hide behind anonymity.

Doing so just proves why we need disclosure on the boards.

Make hay while you can boys...because the day is coming when all those who hide & snipe will be gone from here.

When that day comes, I think this forum will improve 1000% overnight



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Thom....how many times are you going to seel the same book?


Going Once....


Going Twice...


I see your shill (Crazy Joe) bought it the first time....so I guess that explains it.



Yep...its the same book.

What you neglect to mention is the guy overspent. He did actually buy I think it was JLA #1 off me, but then could'nt pay for the Spidey book.

No biggie...auction fever happens sometimes.

See your obsession with Goon is still going strong...I'll send you my autograph ;)


One last little bit of housekeeping and then I'm done for the day.....


If Crazy Joe isn't your shill.....then why are you the only seller he's bid on and won items from since 2006.....looks like he won the ASM before the JLA 1. And he kept on bidding after that......nice!




In the one auction for the AF13....he displays classic shill probing of the high bidders top bid...needing to get that final price up over $150....





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blueboy posted a laughing graemlin and was attacked but it was his (her?)


Ok, this is the second time you've said "her" when referring to yourself, and you are talking about Nik coming to your show in drag. Is there something you're not telling us (other then the obvious)? It's ok, there's nothing wrong with that.

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Thom....how many times are you going to seel the same book?


Going Once....


Going Twice...


I see your shill (Crazy Joe) bought it the first time....so I guess that explains it.



Yep...its the same book.

What you neglect to mention is the guy overspent. He did actually buy I think it was JLA #1 off me, but then could'nt pay for the Spidey book.

No biggie...auction fever happens sometimes.

See your obsession with Goon is still going strong...I'll send you my autograph ;)


Looks like Crazy Joe was also a determined bidder on this antique tea caddy you were selling (see bid history). More auction fever I guess?





His denials about his eBay shill bidding activity have now officially crossed the line into being too pathetic for this forum.


And that's saying something.

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Thom....how many times are you going to seel the same book?


Going Once....


Going Twice...


I see your shill (Crazy Joe) bought it the first time....so I guess that explains it.



Yep...its the same book.

What you neglect to mention is the guy overspent. He did actually buy I think it was JLA #1 off me, but then could'nt pay for the Spidey book.

No biggie...auction fever happens sometimes.

See your obsession with Goon is still going strong...I'll send you my autograph ;)


Looks like Crazy Joe was also a determined bidder on this antique tea caddy you were selling (see bid history). More auction fever I guess?





His denials about his eBay shill bidding activity have now officially crossed the line into being too pathetic for this forum.


And that's saying something.


Every now and again, even the most entrenched bars need to be lowered. Luckily for us, Goonie is a pathological liar. Who knows how far down that thing can eventually go?

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blueboy posted a laughing graemlin and was attacked but it was his (her?)


Ok, this is the second time you've said "her" when referring to yourself, and you are talking about Nik coming to your show in drag. Is there something you're not telling us (other then the obvious)? It's ok, there's nothing wrong with that.


Do you mean in a Victor/Victoria sort of way? hm


My board name being langur doesn't make me a langur.


blueboy may not be blue or a boy.



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This is my take on all this krap...



Goonchild/AlexDeLarge/Thomas/Luke/Whatever you call yourself - It's obvious you are shilling your own auctions - that is a move!


Pretending you are going to work with another Forum member by saying you aren't going after a book and then sniping him at the end is a TOTAL move!


Posting your Green River Pedigrees on your sig line simply to rub another forum member's nose in it is a move! (BTW you never had any of your other books posted on your sig line, so this enables me to believe this is more than just coincidence at this point).


Taking a pair of scissors to a book because you are a savant and capitalizing on CGC's labeling error and continuing on with a PURPOSELY misleading auction is a move!


Throwing a hissyfit when someone makes a simple joke on your FS thread and you acting like it's the end of the world is a move!


Sticking around and pretending you are innocent in all of this is just plain ignorant, and a move as well...


hm I know the PERFECT custom title for you

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