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Pont's Picture-less and Possibly Pointless Boston Comic Con Report

25 posts in this topic

Let’s start by getting the downside of the day out of the way.


I found out just before I left the house that Mrs. Pontoon had accidentally left our camera at our pediatrician’s office the day before, so I was unable to take any photos. This was doubly disappointing to me since besides being unable to snap any photos of board members (always a favorite part when I’m reading other Forumite’s con reports) or artists, I was unable to capture any shots of the ample costumed talent on hand. Boston may not be the biggest show, but I saw many nearly bare behinds to rival those of larger national conventions.


Secondly, I was really disappointed to miss the dinner. I came to the show early and planned to leave early and come back to hang out, but it was late by the time I left and I ran into heavy traffic backed up for miles on Route 1. Basically I had to choose between family and friends. When I walked in the door, my little boy came running up to me arms out, and gave me a hug as hard as he could. I just couldn’t just give a brief hello and turn around out the door again, especially after not seeing him all day. GACollectibles suggested bringing the missus and him, but he’s at the age where getting him into the car and dealing with him in a restaurant is nigh impossible. I was torn, and looking forward to meeting folks like MacMan and Rob React in person, but it just wasn’t to be.


Okay, onwards.


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I wanted to write this last night, but scanned books in lieu of con photos and ran out of time. If anybody would like to add any to this thread, feel free.


I literally was awake and ready to at the crack of dawn. I arrived to the show insanely early, and snagged parking right in front of the doors. Using my Super Secret All Powerful Ability to Cloud Men’s Minds and Make Friends with People, I found myself walking down the steps during set up. Taking my cues from Mile High Chuck, I didn’t even bother to wait until the longboxes hit the tables; I started tearing into them while they were still being wheeled in on dollies and carts. Even this wasn’t fast enough to score the deals for me, however, and I soon found myself in the back of Superworld’s van, pulling out all kinds of gems. Although I believe I may have made it difficult for Ted to back into the loading dock. Sorry, Chief. :foryou:


Once I had beat out everybody with my pre-show wheeling and dealing, I tried to make myself useful and help out some of my pals with their setups. After some very minor assistance at CKBs booth, I felt it necessary to lend SilverandBronze a hand. He casually meandered in about 9:45, did some shopping, and then decided he might as well set up his Toon Tumbler display. The cursing came fast and furious, as the cheap Chinese plastic parts refused to stay put on his shelving units, but we managed to assemble and stock the shelves with some great looking glasses.


I don’t think he mentions his glasses here enough. IIRC, the last time somebody brought them up in a thread, many people were unaware of them. These are nice, top quality heavy pint glasses, and he had a plethora of great new designs. Here’s one of them in use:




And here’s the rest of my pickups:




I’ve being trying to cut down on tchotchkes on my kitchen cabinets, but these are just too nice. And these are just a handful of the new designs I'd like. I think I may just stock up, and use them on a rotating basis, keeping some down in the basement. Hopefully, no bugs will crawl in…


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So let’s see…the room seemed pretty packed throughout the day, often almost too packed to move around as quickly as I would have liked. I believe the show is moving to a new venue in the spring, so maybe that will alleviate that situation. I picked up a great batch of books, but still didn’t manage to hit all the tables would have liked to. I didn’t have a chance to go through Ted’s older stock, just the new collection he picked up in Detroit, and only glanced at Storms’ boxes (he had a great selection of slabs and raw wall books, too.)


Hotflips was there, always great to see Jeff and Charles. Bechera had tons of great OA as well as some sweet books. I was afraid of looking through every piece however, at the risk of seeing something I couldn’t live without. And it was nice to see Patrick from Comically Speaking, and Larry of the infamous Larry’s Comics and GACollectibles, you know, the usual suspects.


I got to briefly met MacMan and sort of met Mike H.. I also sort of met Mrs. Universal Soldier while watching GAC’s booth so he could take care of some Sig Series business. I didn’t find out who she was until later, though, or else I would have introduced myself. When Andy returned I told him an attractive blonde had come by, and was informed she was Universal Soldier’s missus. doh!


Seeing people in person is at least as much of a reason for going as the comics, so once again I do wish I could have made it to dinner.


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Well, I am sorry to hear about to mishaps but, it wasn't all bad, it sounds like you did make the most of it...at least you had fun, thnaks for the report, I like details like this when people do reports...

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If I had time today, I’d like to sneak back for some more books, but with pumpkins to carve and costumes to make, that seems iffy at best. I’m already looking forward to next next one, and Larry’s show in November to tide me over. I had a great time and picked up some swell books.


Here’s some of the pickups for those of you who think visually.


I've still never read Simonson's Thor run, and although I picked up the ubiquitous #337 to have signed, lamented to CKB that what I'd really like to have signed would be his run on the Rampaging Hulk magazine. My copies are just too ratty. Lo and behold, he walks over to a short box and pulls them out. Not only that, he practically gave them to me. Here's the #2 with sig at the bottom.




Ken Barr did the covers, Simonson did the Hulk stories.

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I also picked up some other books from CKB, including this one that I need for my run. Righ now isn't a good time to be needing one either, and again, the price was above and beyond reasonable:




Anybody seeing an uptick on this book?


Nice report btw



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I wanted to pick this up from Superworld the last time in Boston, but I had to run out in a hurry. Luckily, Ted still had it. There's a slight spine rub that bugs me, but otherwise its super sweet. it's from the recent collection he picked up, and one of my favorite covers from the Trimpe run. Severin is my favorite inker on Trimpe.



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You are notorious for missing dinners.


:( I think I'm only notorious for missing one, but have never been able to live it down. That time was due to poor planning and a little sheepishness; this time I just had to spend some time with my son. In fact, I need to hurry up and do that now!



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Okay, I better get going. I didn't scan everything I got; this was my big purchase for the day, grabbed on my way out. The technical grade might be a bit lower than I'd prefer, but it has great eye appeal and the price was right.




Thanks for reading!

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Okay, I better get going. I didn't scan everything I got; this was my big purchase for the day, grabbed on my way out. The technical grade might be a bit lower than I'd prefer, but it has great eye appeal and the price was right.




Thanks for reading!

Marie Severin :cloud9:

btw, is it Marie Severin inking Trimpe on that PF Hulk? I think it is.

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Just got back from a walk in a park by the water a stone's throw from my house, on a beautiful fall day. Sorry to wax poetic and wussy, but I feel really lucky to live in such a great spot, and to have such a wonderful family. And friends! It was great to see some of my board buds yesterday.


Anyway, to answer the question, it was Marie's brother John who did the inking on the Hulk #153. He did a bunch of issues around that part of the run. He adds a lot of his own style, but it works great with Trimpe's pencils. The coloring in those issues is nice as well. I forget who's responsible.

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