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Amazing Spider-Man ---- No More!

61 posts in this topic

I can understand that. You can only do so much with some things, i.e. Spawn, the amount of stuff that came out in the 90's in the pace that it did - really killed that character. I don't think Spiderman has gone to that extent, but it completely nearly feels there.


Do you guys blame anybody in-particular for Spiderman not being the same? or do you think it just ran it's course?


Man, that is an excellent question.


For me, it just lost it's magic. I can't say anyone in particular is to blame. The last story I felt that actually had that old Spider-Man feel was the issue he beat up Firelord. Of course I was only 19 back then.


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Do you guys blame anybody in-particular for Spiderman not being the same? or do you think it just ran it's course?


The last time I really felt great about Spider-Man was in Spider-Man II when Spidey was unmasked and about killed by Otto. The way the passengers responded after he had saved their lives was terrific. That's what I love about Spider-man. He's a flawed nerd who just happens to have the proporationate strength of a spider. Ever comic-reading nerd out there can tie into the idea of being bitten by that same spider. OK, at least that's why I loved it way back as a kid. Now, I mostly love ASM because like my kids, it ties me to my youth and to the great feelings I had growing up. Now that I'm older with kids of my own, I get to be a kid even more, and my kids think Spidey is very cool.


Anyway, I continue to buy the current ASM, even the variants, because it's really not that much money, and I love having the complete run in high grade going back to double digits. Yes, the current art and story line is often lacking, but it's had many a rouchpatch in the past. They are comics... The only thing really I don't like is how much space my ASM collection is taking up!


Go Spidey!



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Spider-man is not dead he just hasnt been written right for years. Not saying some of the new stuff isnt great, its just Marvel dictates are pushing the character the wrong way. Just because you age Spider-man some doesnt mean you cant write decent stories anymore that just . Change him some of for the times. Newspapers are dead find a him a job doing something else.(They might have I havent read an issue in a few months now.)



Dan Jurgens wrote the hell out of Thor for over a good 50 issues of his run. Most never read it because they gave up on Thor years ago. The characters are only as good as the writer/artist make them. Had he a decent artist other then Romita for the later part of his run it might have been better recieved.


Its the same problem with the X-men who havent been good for a great many years. I thought even Brubaker failed with them at some level.


Another example is Wolverine. The title in general has lagged for quite a while, but Millar and Hitch caught magic in a bottle with Old Man Logan. Even though many hated the ending I would go back to that universe with them in a heartbeat for $4.00. Blackest Night has the same type of potential. Comic buyers dont mind paying $4 for a book if its good its just rare that it is.


Just my two cents from a 80s comic book fan. You know when alot of books had both good art and writing. Not one or the other.


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I've been buying Fantastic Four and all its derivitives new off the stands or at comic stores since 1977. 32 years, god that is hard to believe. Like the OP I've been buying Ff even though most of the stories make no sense and/or they rewrite past history and destroy my connection to the characters.


Never thought I would say this but I totally agree with the OP and I'm about ready to close my pull file. Frankly, I can't figure out why I still buy new FFs other than a loyalty to the idea of comics.

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Never thought I would say this but I totally agree with the OP and I'm about ready to close my pull file. Frankly, I can't figure out why I still buy new FFs other than a loyalty to the idea of comics.


I stopped buying new comics almost 4 years ago. I know exactly where you are at. If you do stop, you will probably find that you don't miss them. I am still into comics, just not new ones.


Although, if I run across the ones I am missing for dirt-cheap, I probably would buy them, just to "keep the run going"... :blush:





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Never thought I would say this but I totally agree with the OP and I'm about ready to close my pull file. Frankly, I can't figure out why I still buy new FFs other than a loyalty to the idea of comics.


I stopped buying new comics almost 4 years ago. I know exactly where you are at. If you do stop, you will probably find that you don't miss them. I am still into comics, just not new ones.


Although, if I run across the ones I am missing for dirt-cheap, I probably would buy them, just to "keep the run going"... :blush:






It can't bode well for the comic industry if long time collectors are packing it in. There aren't many new guys coming along.


I will say that I've been picking up Cap. America trades and it is :cloud9: beautiful :cloud9:

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It can't bode well for the comic industry if long time collectors are packing it in. There aren't many new guys coming along.


I had been buying Uncanny X-Men (and then Wolverine, and then adjective-less X-Men) since 1983... but it's as many here said, I just didn't care about the characters anymore, everyone had changed so much it was ridiculous (not to mention they killed Jean Grey, again... and then brought her back, again... just to kill her again, and then bring her back, etc.)


I even have the X-Men logo tattooed on my shoulder, so you know it's bad when I give them up. The good thing is, when I get an "allowance" for such things, I can concentrate on my back-issues that I am missing, all pre-94.







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I think Straczynski and Quesada are to blame. They are the ones who felt the need to ditch the history of the character. For all the horribleness of the 2nd clone saga, they did at least set things back to the status quo.


I don't think it is ever going to be quite the same again. The reason I liked Ultimate Spider-man so much is that Bendis understood the character so well. Yes, it was wordy, but I personally like to READ comics, not just look at the pretty pictures.


Amazing Spider-man #269 & 270 were the Firelord issues and they were great.

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I personally like to READ comics, not just look at the pretty pictures.


I hear you on that. One of the reasons I liked reading Claremont's Uncanny X-Men back in the 80's, it took 15 minutes or longer to READ the thing, sometimes there were more words than art on a page!


Amazing Spider-man #269 & 270 were the Firelord issues and they were great.


The only ASM's I own are 268-270, sheerly for the Firelord story. It's that awesome.


(thumbs u





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I like the the current spiderman. I actually believe it is one of the better marvel super hero moderns. I really like the fact that I don't have to wait too long for the next issue and I find I am already looking forward to the next issue once I have the last one down which for me is a good sign.


With regards Comics vs Tpb. I enjoy both, but if I had a coice I would always go for the individual books other the Tpb and I really can't see that changing, I tend to only buy the Tpbs when I have missed the boat like with the Walking Dead.


I am just going away from paying $2.99 and $3.99 per book and having it sit in a bag and board for years where is not going to go up in value (Most Moderns) as where I am enjoying see other collectors have book shelf's of Hard Covers Trades on display.


I just like Trades better on the newer stuff, especially the hardcovers.


When I buy just the trade I feel like a kid again and not a greedy collector.



I've cut back to buying only the comic books that I know I'll really enjoy, such as Green Lantern and Captain America, and for me Spider-Man hasn't been in this category for a long while. Once the title changed to the current schedule I didn't feel confident that the writer / artist teams would deliver enough value for money to justify purchasing three comics a month.


Instead I do with the title the same as with anything that I have even the slightest uncertainty about. I don't buy the individual issues upfront, I wait until the reviews come out and if they suggest I've missed something really special then somewhere down the line I'll consider maybe buying the trade paperback version. So far I haven't done this at all with any of the post-BND story arcs.


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Well, after collecting the Amazing Spider-Man consecutively since the Feb. 1976 issue, I have officially given the title up. I completed the entire run back in 1993 with the purchase of Amazing Fantasy #15 and have been a faithful collector up to issue #600. But it's time to finally let it go.


I long ago gave up on the story and only collected to keep the run going. But with the advent of the "three issues a month", plus variants, I have just lost interest in keeping up on the title. Alas, you might say I gave up.


I'll still pick up bronze age back issues, as that is my love, but just can't see me going back.



I think writing this post has helped me come to some kind of closure on it. Curious to hear from others on long time titles they gave up on and if they ever went back.

Im right there with you, canceled almost all my subscriptions, including hulk :(
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Well, after collecting the Amazing Spider-Man consecutively since the Feb. 1976 issue, I have officially given the title up. I completed the entire run back in 1993 with the purchase of Amazing Fantasy #15 and have been a faithful collector up to issue #600. But it's time to finally let it go.


I long ago gave up on the story and only collected to keep the run going. But with the advent of the "three issues a month", plus variants, I have just lost interest in keeping up on the title. Alas, you might say I gave up.


I'll still pick up bronze age back issues, as that is my love, but just can't see me going back.



I think writing this post has helped me come to some kind of closure on it. Curious to hear from others on long time titles they gave up on and if they ever went back.


All this variant nonsense reminds me of the 90's. I can understand a variant now and then but it seems every issue has multiple variants....it's exhausting and expensive. The stories are horrible as is most of the art.


No moderns for me :sorry:



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I dumped Spidey shortly after the McFarlane run ended. It really started to go downhill then story and artwise. I collected the X-Men from #200 - #300 or so, but after a while the two titles, multiple new characters, weak storylines, etc. killed my interest. Right now the only moderns I buy are the new GL and GL Corps runs (and Blackest Night), and the Dark Horse Conan books. I missed out on the Walking Dead, and I have a lawyer buddy who said The Boys is a great series so I might check it out. Other than that, the majority of mainstream superhero books lost me a long time ago.

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Sorry to hear Reggie, but if it has lost its lustre, it is time to move on.


I'll still pick up bronze age back issues, as that is my love, but just can't see me going back.


I know you know there is a ton of good stuff out there besides ASM. Start another run that doesnt require monthly moderns.


I think writing this post has helped me come to some kind of closure on it. Curious to hear from others on long time titles they gave up on and if they ever went back.


I quit trying to finish certain runs in the past like ST, TOS, and TTA, but always think about those missing issues. It bothers me, but I can live with it.


Right now, I have pretty much been able to maintain focus with just a few minor deviations. There is always something cool out there to collect. So what I am saying is, if you really like comics, you will be able to find something.


Here's hoping you find a short box of 194's with a sticker on the front. :wishluck:

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Thanks for all the responses guys. I feared I would wake up this morning to a plethora of "who care?" responses.


It is hard letting go of something you have done every month (more frequently lately) for 33 years. But if the passion is gone, I can't see continuing on with the new stuff.


It does seem like this last couple of years Marvel has attempted to exploit the diehard collector. The three issues a week I feel were to capitalize on the guys that only collected the ASM title. Then sprinkle in all the variants.

Marvel has just bleed the stone dry.




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