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Thank You All...

267 posts in this topic


The way I see it, if you're going to post over 10,000 times in a little over a year (averaging about 25+ posts a day)... maybe stepping back and taking a little break isn't such a bad idea. (shrug)




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Bye, Bye...

Let me guess. When you come close to getting into a fight at a bar and the other fellow finally leaves, you strongly yell out afterwards, "Lucky he left or I would have shown him what-for!"


Why don't you go read something other than comics. Something more appropriate.



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The fact is that Mound City only attempted to put right what was clearly wrong (and there was a lot that was wrong from day 1) in the face of public outcry. That they are only now putting things right is not deserving of the outpouring of gratitude that has been seen.

Gav's a good guy who just wanted to see proper resolution happen for other forumites. The seller's responses show their hand was forced, so it's a shame to see Gav leave even for a short while. Hopefully, it gives him a chance to reflect and come back.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...if Satan had a sweet run of books, there'd be Paypal payments flying into hell right now. doh!


True words.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...if Satan had a sweet run of books, there'd be Paypal payments flying into hell right now. doh!

What makes you think Paypal's corporate offices aren't located there already?

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...if Satan had a sweet run of books, there'd be Paypal payments flying into hell right now. doh!

What makes you think Paypal's corporate offices aren't located there already?

There's a book close to that subject.



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I was just reading the mound city thread, and felt you were in the right. I also thought it was a stand up thing, in regards to speaking up for, "etanick".


I actually was going to reply in that thread, but couldn't, as I tried, I discovered it was locked.


I feel that the poster ID, Mound City, saying it's up to the owner was a bit B.S. And for them not to respond or refund Nick doesn't seem right. In regards to banning him, that seems sophomoric to me, very defensive, as the poster ID Mound City tried to ban you as well, hence when they requested you to PM them you contact info.


I do think it's nice they offered refunds, but it looks like it was the many, "complaints" that prodded such actions. I mean they were incompetent to rely on some gun for hire-shipper, to charge crazy prices and pass it on to the buyer. BAsically giving the third party free reign to charge whatever the hell they want with ones billing info. It does seem they learned from it though....although it's up to the buyer to let them know? :sick:


Yes, if it wasn't for folk like you, the corrections might not have been made.

I think you should stay.


I endorse this post. (thumbs u


Although perhaps a little too emotional about it, Gav wasn't wrong to take a stand.


The fact is that Mound City only attempted to put right what was clearly wrong (and there was a lot that was wrong from day 1) in the face of public outcry. That they are only now putting things right is not deserving of the outpouring of gratitude that has been seen. They created this balls-up and should be expected to do what they have now...finally...gotten around to doing. A brief 'thanks' would maybe be more appropriate for the circumstances? (shrug)


As for their treatment of etanick, they have no excuse and their current smart-arse attitude...adopted, I'm sure, because they're 'giving' you all something...is not how I would approach customer service.


I've said it before and I'll say it again...if Satan had a sweet run of books, there'd be Paypal payments flying into hell right now. doh!







while it's nice that Boozad felt as though he needed to keep reminding MC how he felt about them and their practise in this whole event, considering he didn't have any stake in the matter kind of made it a bit off-putting to me, which is why i asked him to back off.


at some point, there is a difference between a company that doesn't move as fast as we'd like correcting a problem and a company / person who sets out to defraud. did MC screw up the post-auction process? absolutely. did they take longer than some would like to fix it? perhaps. did they do the right thing at the end of the day? i think so, at least in my case they did.


i see MC as a small, family-owned company that got in way over their head on a significant comic auction. they had an unfortunate response to an e-mail in the face of a personal tragedy. okay.


all this "i can't stay around and participate in a community that allows this sort of behaviour to go on unpunished and so i will take your leave with a FDQ exit on par with anything joe_c has ever tried before" is so melodramatic to me. maybe i'm combining my distaste for public pronouncement of intention to leave here with the MC thread, but hey, none of us is perfect, despite what we'd like the rest of the board to believe

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...but hey, none of us is perfect...

It's "none of us are perfect." Us is are plural, not singular. No wonder Boozad left in disgust. It makes me sick.


Fix it for ya.

Not really. All you did was give it a Southern accent.

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...but hey, none of us is perfect...

It's "none of us are perfect." Us is plural, not singular. No wonder Boozad left in disgust. It makes me sick.


thanks. basic grammar screwups are so embarrassing. luckily, we've got you here. you're the board equivalent of superman or something

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...but hey, none of us is perfect...

It's "none of us are perfect." Us is plural, not singular. No wonder Boozad left in disgust. It makes me sick.


thanks. basic grammar screwups are so embarrassing. luckily, we've got you here. you're the board equivalent of superman or something

I always thought of myself more as the Loki type.

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...but hey, none of us is perfect...

It's "none of us are perfect." Us is plural, not singular. No wonder Boozad left in disgust. It makes me sick.


thanks. basic grammar screwups are so embarrassing. luckily, we've got you here. you're the board equivalent of superman or something




I like my grammar girls quick and dirty, me.

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