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Archie Comics to introduce a gay character

92 posts in this topic


Also, seeing as how Archie has somehow managed to still be in publication after 60+ years, I'll go out on a limb and say someone must be buying them.


This is why such a radical shift in the basis of the "storyline" is surprising. I doubt Archie's wedding would have nearly the negative effect on any large section of the readership as adding an openly gay character will. It is simply not as divisive of a plot element.


I would be surprised if there was not a large percentage of conservatives in their core readership who will drop the title. These are the same conservatives who have kept them in publication for 60 years. And now Archie is trying to be more like mainstream titles? Again purely from a marketing angle it is probably not a good idea to break down those walls that have separated Archie from the mainstream.


Why would you expect that the conservative base is what kept Archie going?

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Also, seeing as how Archie has somehow managed to still be in publication after 60+ years, I'll go out on a limb and say someone must be buying them.


This is why such a radical shift in the basis of the "storyline" is surprising. I doubt Archie's wedding would have nearly the negative effect on any large section of the readership as adding an openly gay character will. It is simply not as divisive of a plot element.


I would be surprised if there was not a large percentage of conservatives in their core readership who will drop the title. These are the same conservatives who have kept them in publication for 60 years. And now Archie is trying to be more like mainstream titles? Again purely from a marketing angle it is probably not a good idea to break down those walls that have separated Archie from the mainstream.


On the other hand, this could be the honest to God boost Archie needs to become a more successful title again. Taking chances like this is sometimes what a company needs to do. I recall reading a long while ago that when Archie introduced Chuck and Nancy (two African American characters) into the story, it caused a stir as well.



Gay characters, I can deal with, but African Americans? In Riverdale? Get Out!

It's not like I hate them or anything but why does reality have to cast its ugly nose into a kids comic?

Next thing you know, there'll be African American Super-Heroes, African American baseball players, I dare say that someday there might even be an African American in the National Basketball Association.

All cause of some kids funny book.

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Also, seeing as how Archie has somehow managed to still be in publication after 60+ years, I'll go out on a limb and say someone must be buying them.


This is why such a radical shift in the basis of the "storyline" is surprising. I doubt Archie's wedding would have nearly the negative effect on any large section of the readership as adding an openly gay character will. It is simply not as divisive of a plot element.


I would be surprised if there was not a large percentage of conservatives in their core readership who will drop the title. These are the same conservatives who have kept them in publication for 60 years. And now Archie is trying to be more like mainstream titles? Again purely from a marketing angle it is probably not a good idea to break down those walls that have separated Archie from the mainstream.


Why would you expect that the conservative base is what kept Archie going?

The last Archie I read had him driving a hybrid and the story was about recycling.
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Also, seeing as how Archie has somehow managed to still be in publication after 60+ years, I'll go out on a limb and say someone must be buying them.


This is why such a radical shift in the basis of the "storyline" is surprising. I doubt Archie's wedding would have nearly the negative effect on any large section of the readership as adding an openly gay character will. It is simply not as divisive of a plot element.


I would be surprised if there was not a large percentage of conservatives in their core readership who will drop the title. These are the same conservatives who have kept them in publication for 60 years. And now Archie is trying to be more like mainstream titles? Again purely from a marketing angle it is probably not a good idea to break down those walls that have separated Archie from the mainstream.


On the other hand, this could be the honest to God boost Archie needs to become a more successful title again. Taking chances like this is sometimes what a company needs to do. I recall reading a long while ago that when Archie introduced Chuck and Nancy (two African American characters) into the story, it caused a stir as well.



Gay characters, I can deal with, but African Americans? In Riverdale? Get Out!

It's not like I hate them or anything but why does reality have to cast its ugly nose into a kids comic?

Next thing you know, there'll be African American Super-Heroes, African American baseball players, I dare say that someday there might even be an African American in the National Basketball Association.

All cause of some kids funny book.

Has Archie ever developed a asian or latino character? hm

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To the seldom few who are all "they should have a warning" before the story; You're welcome to what you think, but eventually the kids will enter middle/high school where gay issues are very much so the norm in todays society. Having them exposed to a gay person (even though the person is a comic book character) may avoid some hate crime later down the line.

+1 (thumbs u


If this can save one person from a hate crime down the road -- or stops one person from growing up to hate -- it's a great thing.



While I agree with this sentiment, heck, I used to live in Berkeley and I voted for Obama, I still think that parents should be aware of what their kids are reading/viewing/absorbing. They are the ones who are the gatekeepers, for better or for worse. It shouldn't be the government, the schools, or the church (of any sort). My fear is that some nutjob is going to buy an Archie comic thinking it's wholesome entertainment, and then become shocked and outraged when they see a gay character and we'll get some sort of witch-hunt for the next 20 minute news cycle. Best to disclose up front so when the outrage hits, no one can say Archie comics were hiding anything.


And if people choose not to read Archie because there's a gay character, that's their business. I bet many others will read Archies because of it.

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How would you propose they warn people? A sticker saying " Gay character featured in this book"?

I'm sure Glenn,Sean, Rush, Mark, ect, ad nauseum will certainly be warning their listeners about this latest obomanation.

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Also, seeing as how Archie has somehow managed to still be in publication after 60+ years, I'll go out on a limb and say someone must be buying them.


This is why such a radical shift in the basis of the "storyline" is surprising. I doubt Archie's wedding would have nearly the negative effect on any large section of the readership as adding an openly gay character will. It is simply not as divisive of a plot element.


I would be surprised if there was not a large percentage of conservatives in their core readership who will drop the title. These are the same conservatives who have kept them in publication for 60 years. And now Archie is trying to be more like mainstream titles? Again purely from a marketing angle it is probably not a good idea to break down those walls that have separated Archie from the mainstream.


Why would you expect that the conservative base is what kept Archie going?


The problem is the margins in the comic publishing business are so thin that permanently losing even 10% of core readership is probably enough to lose any profitability they have. Of course the short term benefit will be in excess of that. But once Archie is forced to compete more in the mainstream, it is more likely that the initial boost will wane and that conservative core that decided to leave will not return (and may grow larger).

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To the seldom few who are all "they should have a warning" before the story; You're welcome to what you think, but eventually the kids will enter middle/high school where gay issues are very much so the norm in todays society. Having them exposed to a gay person (even though the person is a comic book character) may avoid some hate crime later down the line.

+1 (thumbs u


If this can save one person from a hate crime down the road -- or stops one person from growing up to hate -- it's a great thing.





Fortunately, in just about a generation, people will be accepted for who they are - until then, we just have to wait for equality for all.



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The innocence shouldn't disappear for anyone except the ones who still think homosexuality should be frowned upon.


I think this WILL help ease kids and adults alike into accepting homosexuality as a normal thing.


Just my 2c


Some might consider homosexuality normal behavior, but in a country were the majority are Christians or other faiths of one sort or another the people that think "it" is normal would be in the minority. Doesn't seem like a good business model to inject something into a comic book that the majority of people might not want their kids exposed to.

I think Stormfront might be selling comics more in line with your thinking (thumbs u


I think some Adult specialty stores in the village might be selling some comics more in line with your thinking (thumbs u Look between the between the k-y and the toys.

Was that a gay joke? I think adult book stores cater to heterosexuals quite often :gossip:


But seriously, wouldn't you feel horrible if you spent your life raising your kid to hate gays only to have him come out 20 years later, after a lifetime of shame and sadness?


Just because I don't agree with the gay lifestyle doesn't mean I hate them. That is a tactic that people from your side always use. To each their own. Do what you want, just don't force me to accept something as "normal" which my beliefs tell me is not.

Yeah. They should also put a warning label on the cover if it shows integrated schools and interracial dating, because some peoples beliefs say that stuff is wrong too. Interestingly, I bet they would see eye to eye with you on a lot of things.


Drama queen much? Speaking as someone in a interacial marraige you sound like a f'in insufficiently_thoughtful_person. People like you always play the same card. You don't like what someone is saying, try to label them a racist or homophobe. People like you are only tolerant of people that agree with you.

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To the seldom few who are all "they should have a warning" before the story; You're welcome to what you think, but eventually the kids will enter middle/high school where gay issues are very much so the norm in todays society. Having them exposed to a gay person (even though the person is a comic book character) may avoid some hate crime later down the line.

+1 (thumbs u


If this can save one person from a hate crime down the road -- or stops one person from growing up to hate -- it's a great thing.



RIght on!


The Matthew Shepards, Lawrence Kings, and Carl Walker-Hoovers of this world--and there are MANY--who can't walk the hallways of our schools without bullying and harassment because they are gay or perceived to be gay . . .they deserve better. A stat that always gets thrown out [but I feel sums up the problem rather well] is that LGBT youth are 3X more likely to commit suicide than their straight peers. Is that something that so-called conservatives can sign on to? A more Jesus-like thing to do would be to figure out how we can fix this horrible societal malady and act accordingly. . .unless, of course, you think that LGBT youth DESERVE to be bullied in the halls of our schools. Acting accordingly would, by the way, not entail just kicking back, shaking your head, and letting it happen.


Whoever said it was a lifestyle choice apparently has never walked those hallways and taken the brunt of that bullying, because NO child would choose to enter into that realm of anxiety, marginalization, and fear. Students have enough concerns and anxieties over the course of a typical adolescent or teen day withOUT being bullied for being different in some way. You wanna talk choice? I'd say subscribing to religious philosophies that condemn people for their sexual orientation or gender preference is a choice. You can continue to drink the Kool-aid from the intolerance bowl all so that you're nice and malleable when it comes time to vote for important things like health care, public education spending, and corporate greed. I'd say THAT's a choice.


A gay character in Archie will likely have little lasting effect on sales, but if it does save a single child's life because the character isn't portrayed as some cliche, but rather, as a fully human character, then it's worth it. It'll be hard to tell whether any lives would be saved, but I can tell you that as a third grade teacher with a treasure chest full of comics (incentives for accumulated good behavior), there are few comics that are more popular with 8 year-olds than any of the Archie titles. They love them. I have a hard time believing that these 8 year-olds are part of the "conservative reader base" somebody was referring to.


What core conservative readership? Is there some anecdotal research you're basing this on? Or is there some empirical evidence? Please point me to the data, either way. My students haven't developed much in the way of long-term political philosophies just yet, but I can assure you that there are few people with a purer sense of social justice than a bunch of 3rd graders. I'd be willing to wager most kids are the same in that sense, regardless of religion or affluence in any classroom in the country, (going by anecdotal observations, no doubt). That'd place my third graders amongst those evil people who believe in a world where all people are treated fairly. The Becks, O'briens, & Hannity's of this world would have you believe that it's some commie or "socialist" conspiracy. I think it's just that kids tend to want fairness for all. Call it what you like, but that doesn't sound like a conservative readership to me.


And I'll buy my students Archies until the cows come home when the publisher makes a commitment to addressing the societal malady of homophobia by doing something as revolutionary, as subversive, as beautiful as inserting a gay character into a plotline to underscore how life for characters like Archie and the gang can continue unabated and along a totally normal trajectory in the otherwise escapist realm of Riverdale. Take a deep breath. Some of our closest neighbors colleagues, friends, and [shudder] family are from the LGBT community. . .and we're all going to be just fine.

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If people want to stop reading the title because of a minor new character who is gay then I say good riddance. As usual people are making a big deal out of something that is minor. Introducing such a character is only updating the book to meet modern times. It's in Archie so its not like there will be 2 guys making out, its only mentioned that a guy don't like Veronica because he prefers the same gender.

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