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Jerry's All Star #8 better pics

1,135 posts in this topic

I can understand anger at books sent to CGC then damaged. It does happen from time to time. Its happened to myself and others.


But in this situation it seems like Bob has clearly handed the case extremely poor to say the least. It would be nice if he could take a step back and calm down but sadly it looks like he's gone into full Hulk mode. :P

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Wow. Bob is melting down on Facebook. Started a group called "CGC Is A Ponzi Scheme Fraud", wrote a lengthy, profanity-laden diatribe about CGC, and added people to the group without their permission. Jim Halperin, Steve Borock, Steve Geppi, and Gary Colabuono have already responded in strong language that they do not approve of the group and want to be removed immediately.


Just looked at it now - crazy stuff.

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A tiny look into a tattered mind...


"Some how they have been trying to make me in to the perp who messed with Jerry's All Star #8. They have no idea who they are ****ing with here. Please pardon the harsh words, because they have seen nothing yet.


I have friends in major media and CGC has brain washed enough unsuspecting souls long enough with their "bigger fool" theories of comics mercantiling.


They want to mess with me, they better bring along bigger guns than they have to date. I have been standing tall in this hobby turned in to a business for 47 years now. Rewrote the history books that America's first comic book dates to 1842."


How can someone pull this off without a single iota of shame, and embarrassment?! He's like a rabid hamster on the wheel chugging away at a perceived windmill.

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A tiny look into a tattered mind...


"Some how they have been trying to make me in to the perp who messed with Jerry's All Star #8. They have no idea who they are ****ing with here. Please pardon the harsh words, because they have seen nothing yet.


I have friends in major media and CGC has brain washed enough unsuspecting souls long enough with their "bigger fool" theories of comics mercantiling.


They want to mess with me, they better bring along bigger guns than they have to date. I have been standing tall in this hobby turned in to a business for 47 years now. Rewrote the history books that America's first comic book dates to 1842."


How can someone pull this off without a single iota of shame, and embarrassment?! He's like a rabid hamster on the wheel chugging away at a perceived windmill.


i would have gone with "a tattered look into a tiny mind."

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It's almost as though something has happened recently to trigger it. Something possibly involving the boards, which he appears to conflate as being something under CGC's direct corporate control

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It's almost as though something has happened recently to trigger it. Something possibly involving the boards, which he appears to conflate as being something under CGC's direct corporate control


It's THE CABAL! :o

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It's almost as though something has happened recently to trigger it. Something possibly involving the boards, which he appears to conflate as being something under CGC's direct corporate control


His little Board vacation probably knocked what's left of his cheese right off his cracker. By forcing perceived participation by Borock, Geppi, Halperin, and others I'd bet he finally let his agenda paint himself into the proverbial corner.

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It's almost as though something has happened recently to trigger it. Something possibly involving the boards, which he appears to conflate as being something under CGC's direct corporate control


It's THE CABAL! :o


"A small cabal started attacking me thereon as if I had damaged Jerry's All Star #8. And the sociopathic attacks have been on-going ever since"


Since I posted the close-up of his tacking iron and glue does that mean I am finally a validated cabalist??

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Presented without comment:


"Robert Beerbohm

8 hours ago ·


CGC is a Ponzi Scheme Fraud which should be exposed for the harm it does to the hobby of collecting comic books.


I have heard many horror stories about this firm Comics 'Guarantee' Corporation which guarantees nothing except take your money and leave you out to dry dangling in the wind dating back to its inception.


CGC plays "favorites" with a certain inner circle few who receive preferential treatment over the vast majority of its "clients."


CGC damages collector's comic books, then basicly tells the hapless victim to go *spoon* themselves. This is what happened to the Jerry Bails copy of All Star Comics #8 when his widow Jean Bails asked me in early 2007 to broker the remnants of the founder of comics fandom.


I sold the art he had left in one package to one person for well over $100K. That came off with out a hitch.


So many "experts" in the field of vintage comic books insisted I had to have what was left of his All Star Comics collection 4-32 34 35 37-57 "certified" in coffin slabs by this firm CGC located in Florida.


That I would be doing an injustice if I did not.


Turned in to a nightmare


CGC damaged All Star Comics #7 getting a swath of two inch wide packaging tape across the front cover. Whoops


Popped the lower staple on its gem key first Wonder Woman appearance All Star #8 - and when I stated to them their insurance company should pay a check directly to Jean, they told me to go *spoon* myself


When I informed Jean Bails of this turn of events, asked her as owner to call CGC direct, they told her to *spoon* off


And then tried to shift this blame on to me as if I had done this damage


CGC is a liar fraud company and it is high time they are exposed for the fraud they have been to many an unsuspecting collector


Several prominent collector persons local to me here inspected the comics before I placed them in a jewelers display briefcase, boarded a plane to Florida, hand delivered the All Star Comics to them in good faith


As one enters CGC HQ there is a glass enclosed conference room to the left. I was directed in to its confines. Therein then head grader Steve Borock, 2nd head dude Mark Haspiel, and 3rd honcho West Stephens all inspected the goods.


Mark & West were closely examining Jerry Bails' All Stars marveling at many of them. Oh, sez Mark, the #5 looks to be a Mile High Comics issue


Wow, they go, #6 is Tom "San Francisco" Reilly copy


Damn, #19 looks like it also is a Mile High.


Then they get to Jerry Bails All Star #8. They all stop, look at very very closely. Mark and West say to me it looks like it will come in as the "highest graded copy" they have ever seen.


I knew it to be a nice one. So did the locals who marveled at Jerry's All Stars.


Two months later Steve Borock brings the two boxes of slabbed up coffins to me Wednesday afternoon at San Diego Comicon.


He makes quick mention of some accident wherein at CGC some unknown employee had gotten two inch wide package mailing tape on the front cover of the #7 - so they were adjusting something or other on it


He then goes to leave, and I say wait a sec, let me flip thru these first


He paused. I flip a bit, hit the #8 very curious to see where it came out. I see instead the Purple Kiss of Death label on it


The All Star #8 label also says "bottom staple popped and loose" or some such


I say, "What is this? Bottom staple loose from book? That is impossible"


Steve says he has more books to deliver, and quickly departs, leaving me there basicly with my proverbial in my hand, pondering WTF?


Several locals had inspected it. Steve, Mark Haspiel, West Stephens has all inspected it at CGC World HQ in Florida. No one prior had seen and/or made mention of a lower bottom popped staple


As I stare at the All Star #8 in its hard plastic coffin, along walks Matt Nelson, who does restoration works for a lot of people for years, presses books to make them higher grades, now works directly for CGC in its HQ plying his trade


I ask him if he has has very much experience with opening one of these plastic coffins up. He says Yes, and proceeds to show me how it is done.


He carefully pulls out the All Star #8, carefully, slowly, opens the All Star #8 and the FIRST thing either one of us sees is this gaping hole where the book used to be firm snug as a bug at its lower staple


CGC for what ever reason damaged this All Star #8 - when I dropped them off, they were categorically stating it looked like it would come in "highest graded copy"


CGC also stated it had a drop of glue at the bottom of the bottom staple PLUS a drop of "color touch" same spot - Huh?


Now, this magical drop of glue and drop of color touch is one thing - and I would not put it past some one there to have done that


BUT, for the staple to pull away from its mooring while in their custody is quite another.


Incensed a bit, when getting no where with CGC employee types I called up CGC co-owners Steve Geppi as well as Jim Halpren, also an owner in Heritage Comics Auctions to see about proper compensation for Jean Bails. Not for me. I said to them I think CGC's insurance company should buy this All Star #8 from Jean - and mail her a check directly


I was blown off with both saying while they each own a piece of CGC, they have no sway in the firm's operations. Odd, I thought, CGC owners have no say in getting the firm to do the right thing for Jerry Bail's widow?


So I took the case on to CGC's internal form many call "the boards"


A small cabal started attacking me thereon as if I had damaged Jerry's All Star #8. And the sociopathic attacks have been on-going ever since


The above is the public record truth. There is more detail, but I hope most of the gist of this I have laid out that CGC damaged Jerry's All Star #7 and #8 - and will not provide proper recompense direct to Jean Bails


This is not about me. It is about justice being served.


I would have addressed and attacked this stronger earlier since this happened summer of 2007, but I fell in to a medical repair imbroglio which lasted well over half a decade.


I am back, I am out raged, I hope you are also. If you are, please share this far and wide, press on CGC to do the right thing, compensate Jean Bails properly. Don't just tell her and myself to *spoon* off.


Thank you for reading this far, and, again, share with your friends. There are other horror stories CGC has perped on collector.

Here is what the front and back to All Star #8 scanned as before taking Jerry's collection down to Florida to CGC World HQ -


Robert Beerbohm's photo.


Robert Beerbohm's photo.


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Bob's attempt at rationalization on his own facebook page. Nothing rational to be found here though...


"I came on to FaceBook when some CGC-Mod named Collecto-TRex took it upon himself to block me from answering over there in CGC-ThreadLand with prepared statements. It was with heavy heart coupled with resolve as I continue to dig my way out of previous medical imbroglios which some may have kept track of these past years.


That said, I suspect and expect the CGC attacks to continue apace. I continue to work my eBay store as that is what is left to me still: 1) scanning, 2) grading & pricing 3) shipping out orders, none of which involves the heavy lifting getting to and running booth & tables at shows like I was capable in the past>


My positive eBay feed back is hitting 6000 today, god willing, which for many months speaks for itself. My eBay store has been hit a few times this past year by what eBay itself has acknowledged each time as "competitor attack" and each time they have taken steps to fix their broken system for me


If one sees some thing in my eBay store which strikes one's fancy and runs your potential wagon, I always accept fair offers on most all items in there, now over 5300 of them as more & more stuff gets scanned and out for sale. Am working very hard to discharge all debts built up over time. I will get there, simply have to get stuff turned over as my move in to a new improved warehouse is almost complete now, though financially draining getting to there in the space time continuum"

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Bob's attempt at rationalization on his own facebook page. Nothing rational to be found here though...


"I came on to FaceBook when some CGC-Mod named Collecto-TRex took it upon himself to block me from answering over there in CGC-ThreadLand with prepared statements. It was with heavy heart coupled with resolve as I continue to dig my way out of previous medical imbroglios which some may have kept track of these past years.


That said, I suspect and expect the CGC attacks to continue apace. I continue to work my eBay store as that is what is left to me still: 1) scanning, 2) grading & pricing 3) shipping out orders, none of which involves the heavy lifting getting to and running booth & tables at shows like I was capable in the past>


My positive eBay feed back is hitting 6000 today, god willing, which for many months speaks for itself. My eBay store has been hit a few times this past year by what eBay itself has acknowledged each time as "competitor attack" and each time they have taken steps to fix their broken system for me


If one sees some thing in my eBay store which strikes one's fancy and runs your potential wagon, I always accept fair offers on most all items in there, now over 5300 of them as more & more stuff gets scanned and out for sale. Am working very hard to discharge all debts built up over time. I will get there, simply have to get stuff turned over as my move in to a new improved warehouse is almost complete now, though financially draining getting to there in the space time continuum"


Paragraph the First: Establish Sympathy


Paragraph the Second: Establish Blame


Paragraph the Third: Deflect Entire Issue and Inflate Accomplishments


Paragraph the Fourth: Shameless Hucksterism and Appeal to Purchase




It's laughable if not so sad

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