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What Novel are you reading right now?

138 posts in this topic

Reading The Passage now by Justin Cronin, due to seeing it posted in this thread and also reading a blurb on it in Time magazine.


I must say I am pretty impressed, even though i am only 100pg in.



Me too. I'm just over 50% through....awesome book so far. Will be a trilogy. Cronin actually sold my best friends his house last year after he sold the movie rights....movin on up


I really enjoyed the book and am aggravated I will have to wait so long for v2 to come out... I think Ridley Scott will do the film adaptation justice and cant wait to see it.

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I finished The Passage which I highly recommend to anyone.


After that I read

No County for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon and

The Shipping News by Annie Proulx


(good thing about the last 2, is i got them at a church rummage sale for a total of $1.50!)


Haven't read any Ketchum yet so i picked up a copy of of The Lost by Jack Ketchum off of ebay and I'm in the middle of it now.

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Just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo by Larsson... good plot but some of the translation choices made put me off a bit.




The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon...one of the best books I have ever read.


Just started 2 short story collections:

Songs of a Dead Dreamer by Thomas Ligotti


Occultation by Laird Barron


Both of these are short story collections and great so far.


Up next

Speaks the Nightbird, The Queen of Bedlam, and Mister Slaughter by Robert McCammon


(thumbs u Love, love, LOVE Robert McCammon's books! You are going to really dig "Speaks the Nightbird". "Boy's Life" is one of my top 20 favorite books, "Usher's Passing" still freaks me out and give me goose bumps and "Swan Song" is an epic read along the lines of "The Stand".



Plus a bajillion!!


(thumbs u "Gone South" will probably be next for me from McCammon.

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Finally getting around to reading on my Kindle "World without end" by Ken Follet, sequel to "Pillars of the earth"


Also just bought a near complete Collection of the GOR novels by John Gorman which is sort of like the Mars Series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, but more adult in nature. I read the first 4 or 5 books years ago and looking forward to reading the complete series.

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hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy. a little slow and weird for me. Waiting on Game of Thrones so I can be ready for TV show.


Finished latest Simon Green book From Hell with Love. Very good, really like the Drood books.

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Reading The Passage now by Justin Cronin, due to seeing it posted in this thread and also reading a blurb on it in Time magazine.


I must say I am pretty impressed, even though i am only 100pg in.



Me too. I'm just over 50% through....awesome book so far. Will be a trilogy. Cronin actually sold my best friends his house last year after he sold the movie rights....movin on up


I really enjoyed the book and am aggravated I will have to wait so long for v2 to come out... I think Ridley Scott will do the film adaptation justice and cant wait to see it.


The Passage


Just finished reading it. I thought it was Good, but not Great.


In the beginning it had that feeling of excitement that no character was safe and anything could happen. But sadly, by the end it lost that. Every main character did seem safe to me.


That aspect ruined the ending for me. Since I didn't believe for a second that what was implied to have happened in the last chapter actually happened. 2c

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Just finished A Feast for Crows and starting Swords and Dark Magic...a book of short stories by some of my favorite authors and set in their most famous created worlds...Glen Cook, Steven Erickson, K.J. Parker, Joe Abercrombie, Scott Lynch, Robert Silverberg etc.

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Money Shot was great :hail: and I also liked Little Girl Lost, even with the traditional and I-see-it-coming-switch and tracking the trail across the country bit.


I must say I haven't read Invisible. Let us know how you like it. :thumbsup:

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Yes, the switch was there from page 50 or so, but the book was good. I've ordered Songs Of Innocence, the follow-up.


Money Shot was great, Christa is awesome, and it's difficult to wait for Choke Hold, her next Angel Dare book (October 4, 2011).


I have a big problem, and it's that I buy a lot of books, and have a gargantuan to-be-read pile. I want to read Invisible, but now, I look at my non-read books and I... I don't know what to read!!. To keep things worse, I buy in like moods or phases, so I buy a lot of noir/crime books, then japanese books, then fantasy books and so on.. so now, I'm in the middle of a crime/noir mood and it's difficult to cut it with some other styled books.


I think I'll keep in the Hard Case Crime mood and I'll start Grifter's Game by Lawrence Block or Fade To Blonde by Max Phillips.


As I said, I've ordered Songs Of Innocence, Branded Woman, The Vengeful Virgin and A Diet Of Treacle, and I'm planning of buying more... man, so little time and so many books!!

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I have been reading Hell's Angel by Hunter Thompson for a while. Not really getting into it. What isn't clipped from old headlines is just motorcycle talk. I expected some sort of shocking action and adventure tale. I might shelf it and start some non fiction.

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Yes, the switch was there from page 50 or so, but the book was good. I've ordered Songs Of Innocence, the follow-up.


Money Shot was great, Christa is awesome, and it's difficult to wait for Choke Hold, her next Angel Dare book (October 4, 2011).


I have a big problem, and it's that I buy a lot of books, and have a gargantuan to-be-read pile. I want to read Invisible, but now, I look at my non-read books and I... I don't know what to read!!. To keep things worse, I buy in like moods or phases, so I buy a lot of noir/crime books, then japanese books, then fantasy books and so on.. so now, I'm in the middle of a crime/noir mood and it's difficult to cut it with some other styled books.


I think I'll keep in the Hard Case Crime mood and I'll start Grifter's Game by Lawrence Block or Fade To Blonde by Max Phillips.


As I said, I've ordered Songs Of Innocence, Branded Woman, The Vengeful Virgin and A Diet Of Treacle, and I'm planning of buying more... man, so little time and so many books!!


Love me some Hard Case- read about 1/2 of them and the other 1/2 are sitting on my bookshelf upstairs. One of my favorites was Dutch Uncle by Peter Pavia.


Just finished Risk by Colin Harrison, which would fit into the Hard Case pantheon quite nicely

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Dracula The Un-Dead, by Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt, a Dracula documentarian, wrote this sequel based on the premise that Bram always intended to write one. Why? Dracula's "death" at the end of the original novel has been subject to debate.


The Un-Dead continues the story, 25 years later, of the team of fearless vampire hunters who still believe they rid the world of Dracula. Among them: Mina and Jonathan Harker, Dr. John Seward and Dr. Abraham Van Helsing.


Now, it seems, someone is stalking these players and trying to kill them. It could be Dracula, but there's someone new on the scene: the beautiful and undead Countess Bathory, whose thirsts for cruelty and sexual encounters are unquenchable.


The hunters unite once again to battle evil, but things are more complicated. The Harkers' son Quincey, ignorant of his parents' past, is proving a hindrance, and a dogged London detective is convinced that the city's recent vampire-committed killings are actually the work of Jack the Ripper.

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