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FF 50 shenanigans on Pedigree?

529 posts in this topic

In the Matter of Douglas P. Schmell (Admitted as Douglas Paul Schmell), an Attorney, Respondent. Departmental Disciplinary Committee for the First Judicial Department, Petitioner.


"In his report, the referee set forth his findings of fact and conclusions of law, and agreed with the Committee that disbarment was appropriate, citing the intentional conversion of funds of an elderly client to whom settlement proceeds were finally disbursed after almost two years and only after the client's niece threatened to report respondent to the "bar association"; a pattern of misappropriating escrow funds of 22 other clients; multiple instances of commingling personal funds with client funds; and lack of mitigation."


What's an escrow fund? What types of circumstances dictate that a lawyer control someone's money? Is it usually related to someone dying with or without a will?



As an example- When you pay your mortgage, part of the payment is an escrow fund. The bank wants to be certain the taxes are paid on the property so you pay an amount over the principal and interest in your monthly payment and the bank uses it to pay your taxes.

In a real estate transaction, a lawyer will often have an escrow fund to pay last minute obligations. If there is an issue with a Certificate of Occupancy, you might set up an escrow account for X amount of time.

BP has set up a 20 billion dollar escrow account to compensate victims of the Gulf oil spill. I think you would agree that the lawyers involved in overseeing the payments shouldn't be using the money to buy comics, even if they intend to pay the money back down the road by selling said comic and keeping the profits.

If you read the Schnell case a bit more, you'll see that in addition to screwing 23 seperate clients, he also aided other clients in avoiding child support payments and other court ordered payments.

But he has such sweet books.


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Sooo. A quick refresher is Schmell was, and still is a crook by nature. Big shock. Defending someone with such poor ethics is questionable in its own. To buy from someone who has a reputation as such, and justifying your dealing by saying "He never did anything to me" just makes you a ing tool. And when something does go wrong, and those people come here to complain I will be the first to point and laugh in your face.


He should be shunned by the collecting community just as Ewert and Danny have been. But hey, he has nice books so who cares right.

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I find it quite intriguing how many self righteous upstanding citizens we have here who would never buy a comic book from anyone who has done any wrong doing.


Regardless, an argument or debate on this matter is pointless. As I pointed out earlier, i'm not so quick to condemn someone as many here seem to be. As it turns out the OP was 100% wrong. And I can feel good that I wasn't one of the sheep who jumped in line to continue to bash someone who clearly is already down for the count in this forum.


People make mistakes and people should be forgiven.


Who am I to judge anyone? Who are you? hm


I don't condone any of the unethical or illegal actions Doug was involved in when he was an attorney. It's horrible to think he was involved in such actions. I feel for the elderly people involved that he supposedly did these things to.


Feel free to bash me for buying comics from him. Perhaps, the next time I buy a comic book from anyone in the sales forum I should do a background check to see if they have any past improprieties. Because I know we are all 100% innocent on this forum. Nobody here has ever done anything wrong or at least accused of doing anything wrong.


That's why I joined this forum because it is filled with saints. :angel:


I don't think you should be bashed for buying from anyone, but I do think it's fair to point out certain things about the people we're doing business with. We are talking about buying comics, not heroin.


That being said Mark, the point is that there's so much fraud in the hobby. Nobody would condone buying from Danny Dupcak or another known fraud. There are people who have made mistakes (like Mark Wilson) and been forgiven. I think it all depends on the circumstances.


It's kind of a straw man argument to say, well, you can't criticize because nobody is lily white and without sin. I'd agree with that. But I can also tell you I've never done anything near the level that Doug has done, and never would. Neither would many, many comic dealers. It's the extremity of the misconduct that unnerves so many people.



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Sooo. A quick refresher is Schmell was, and still is a crook by nature. Big shock. Defending someone with such poor ethics is questionable in its own. To buy from someone who has a reputation as such, and justifying your dealing by saying "He never did anything to me" just makes you a ing tool. And when something does go wrong, and those people come here to complain I will be the first to point and laugh in your face.


He should be shunned by the collecting community just as Ewert and Danny have been. But hey, he has nice books so who cares right.


I'm not sure it's quite as extreme as that. The bulk of Schmell's dishonest activity has come, to me, from pre-Pedigree days. There are some questionable things, but no more, and possibly far less, than many major dealers.

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I don't condone any of the unethical or illegal actions Doug was involved in when he was an attorney. It's horrible to think he was involved in such actions. I feel for the elderly people involved that he supposedly did these things to.


If you continue to use 'supposedly', you'll continue to get anger from members. (shrug)


He did these things...he admitted to doing these things...and to attempt to imply that there's doubt does all parties a disservice.


And for the record, if this had been Schmell's only transgression, I think it would have been right and proper for him to have been given a second chance. (thumbs u


However, he has a long list of 'offenses' against his name as a dealer...book laundering, encouraging shill bidding, false reporting of market data...and has blown his second chance. What we have now is a repeating pattern of questionable/unethical conduct in his business life.


In these circumstances, I don't care what books he has that others don't, his practices should not be validated by continued patronage.

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Ive cut down my list of people I will deal with so far Brian. Mostly just purchase here these days. Eventually I will be one of the jaded old fools who only buys from 2 people. But in Dougs case the passing of the trimmed ewert book tells me everything I need to know

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Sooo. A quick refresher is Schmell was, and still is a crook by nature. Big shock. Defending someone with such poor ethics is questionable in its own. To buy from someone who has a reputation as such, and justifying your dealing by saying "He never did anything to me" just makes you a ing tool. And when something does go wrong, and those people come here to complain I will be the first to point and laugh in your face.


He should be shunned by the collecting community just as Ewert and Danny have been. But hey, he has nice books so who cares right.


NOBODY in this business is 100% innocent. NOBODY.


See Foolkiller's quote:

The bulk of Schmell's dishonest activity has come, to me, from pre-Pedigree days. There are some questionable things, but no more, and possibly far less, than many major dealers.


If I was looking for people who are saints to buy my comic books...I'd never buy a comic book. And, if you read my posts...I bought 5 books from him...4 of which were before I learned about his past. And so what if I bought the last one knowing he was disbarred and you and others here don't like or approve of him in this business?


I can care less what you or anyone else thinks on this forum about where I buy my comic books. I can also see you are definitely from NJ...call me whatever nasty classless name you want. You make it seem like I am criminal for just buying books from the guy. :blahblah:


It seems like there is always a post about some bad dealer here and there. If we all stopped buying from every dealer who has a reported past (albeit not as bad as Doug's)...as I said there would be maybe 5 people in this whole business to buy books from.


Anyway, I'm done responding to this thread. Sure, after I stop posting you can make me out to be a Doug Schmell apologist (I'M NOT)...or make me out to be someone who is a crack whore who will buy from anyone who has my needed comic book (I WON'T).


Oh, where are all the people jumping on top of Kevin (kevinm562) to bash him for doing business with Doug? Does Kevin owe some explanation for why he does business with him? Is he a ing Tool also? Interesting nobody said anything to the person that this whole thread is about. Instead he gets messages like "hi Kevin" "kevin is a good guy"....yet he is still doing repeated business with Doug... (tsk)


I clearly don't have the experiences many of you have from being on this forum a long time. I'm still a noob. AND, I value the opinions here and respect the forum members. So, with that said. See you on another topic and hopefully it can be respectful even if you don't agree with my opinions.




Bye :hi:





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While I obviously don't do background checks on every person I buy from, I'll certainly avoid doing business with people I find out are scumbags. I'll give you some examples- we had a forumite who I bought a few nice books from, and even shared a few drinks with. Turned out he was a serial rapist. If he gets out of prison alive, I won't be doing any future dealings with him. I don't name him only because I forget his name.

Glen Marcus is a longtime local dealer who is currently free on bail while his sentence for kidnapping and torture winds its way thru the appeals process. If he sets up at a local show, I won't be buying from him either.

Danny Dupchak, he of many identities, lives near me. Sometimes he offers PLODs for very nice prices. I don't buy them because I don't want my money going to help rip off others.

There are a lot of really good people in this hobby. I'd rather be patient and see that they get rewarded, rather than deal with scum because I can save on shipping.

Lets not forget that Jason Ewert and ."the micro-trimmer" are still out there, lurking.

All he needs to get his books past CGC is a partner willing to submit them and sell them for him.


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Sooo. A quick refresher is Schmell was, and still is a crook by nature. Big shock. Defending someone with such poor ethics is questionable in its own. To buy from someone who has a reputation as such, and justifying your dealing by saying "He never did anything to me" just makes you a ing tool. And when something does go wrong, and those people come here to complain I will be the first to point and laugh in your face.


He should be shunned by the collecting community just as Ewert and Danny have been. But hey, he has nice books so who cares right.


NOBODY in this business is 100% innocent. NOBODY.


See Foolkiller's quote:

The bulk of Schmell's dishonest activity has come, to me, from pre-Pedigree days. There are some questionable things, but no more, and possibly far less, than many major dealers.


If I was looking for people who are saints to buy my comic books...I'd never buy a comic book. And, if you read my posts...I bought 5 books from him...4 of which were before I learned about his past. And so what if I bought the last one knowing he was disbarred and you and others here don't like or approve of him in this business?


I can care less what you or anyone else thinks on this forum about where I buy my comic books. I can also see you are definitely from NJ...call me whatever nasty classless name you want. You make it seem like I am criminal for just buying books from the guy. :blahblah:


It seems like there is always a post about some bad dealer here and there. If we all stopped buying from every dealer who has a reported past (albeit not as bad as Doug's)...as I said there would be maybe 5 people in this whole business to buy books from.


Anyway, I'm done responding to this thread. Sure, after I stop posting you can make me out to be a Doug Schmell apologist (I'M NOT)...or make me out to be someone who is a crack whore who will buy from anyone who has my needed comic book (I WON'T).


I clearly don't have the experiences many of you have from being on this forum a long time. I'm still a noob. AND, I value the opinions here and respect the forum members. So, with that said. See you on another topic and hopefully it can be respectful even if you don't agree with my opinions.




Bye :hi:





WTTB Mark...and I hope you continue to find some positive things in the forums.


I've been reading this thread from the beginning, and I think the bottom line is, we all have choices. The forum threads help some of us, make better or perhaps more informed choices. Many of us are comic book addicts :hi:, or at least we play one on these threads...however, the more information we have the less likely we are to be disappointed in our choices.


I think it's been established, that Doug has been convicted of a crime, so there is no "supposedly" as far as that specific crime goes. Obviously a conviction doesn't make you a bad person in every area, but from what I read, he seems to skate a thin line.


Since I have other choices...and I know there is no such thing as only one copy of any book...personally, I'd take another path when I buy something...and I'd prefer supporting someone who is more transparent. I think that is what many of the posters are trying to tell you.


These forums also are very protective, you obviously write very well, and I know that there is always the fear that some innocent lamb will be convinced when there is someone like you supporting someone who others view as dangerous. Personally I love the fact that people here are protective, even if it seems overboard to a newer person, it's nice to have friends watching out for you. I hope you will enjoy that aspect of the board as well.



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I think it's been established, that Doug has been convicted of a crime, so there is no "supposedly" as far as that specific crime goes. Obviously a conviction doesn't make you a bad person in every area, but from what I read, he seems to skate a thin line.


I was under the opposite impression, that disbarment is when your legal peers shun you for an ethics violation--I haven't heard anything at all about him being convicted of a crime. But since he's been compared to the devil and Dupcak, I suppose it's difficult to maintain perspective.

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He misused funds. He was disbarred. I suppose I equate an ethics violation of that magnitude as a crime. If it's not technically one, then I apologize...


Let's just say I wouldn't exactly give him a boy (or girl) scout medal;)

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Lets not forget that Jason Ewert and ."the micro-trimmer" are still out there, lurking.

All he needs to get his books past CGC is a partner willing to submit them and sell them for him.

Last I heard he was selling books via ComicLink. Of course, there's no tangible proof that's been made available to the masses.

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He misused funds. He was disbarred. I suppose I equate an ethics violation of that magnitude as a crime. If it's not technically one, then I apologize...


Let's just say I wouldn't exactly give him a boy (or girl) scout medal;)


I'm vaguely curious as to whether or not they could have filed a criminal case...keeping someone's settlement money from them for two years sounds as if it could be. At minimum it sounds like grounds for a civil suit for interest on the money.

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Lets not forget that Jason Ewert and ."the micro-trimmer" are still out there, lurking.

All he needs to get his books past CGC is a partner willing to submit them and sell them for him.

Last I heard he was selling books via ComicLink. Of course, there's no tangible proof that's been made available to the masses.


(thumbs u


I believe tangible proof exists...but no, it has not been made public.

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It's known as being Roy'd.




I'd completely forgotten about that word...will have to remember to use it again here and there :cloud9:


I was recently Roy'd again. By the same person that Roy'd me last year.



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It's known as being Roy'd.




I'd completely forgotten about that word...will have to remember to use it again here and there :cloud9:


I was recently Roy'd again. By the same person that Roy'd me last year.




You really need to keep large amounts of cash to hand for the conventions if this keeps happening, so you can pay for a book when you want it.

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It's known as being Roy'd.




I'd completely forgotten about that word...will have to remember to use it again here and there :cloud9:


I was recently Roy'd again. By the same person that Roy'd me last year.




You really need to keep large amounts of cash to hand for the conventions if this keeps happening, so you can pay for a book when you want it.


It's tough to cross the border with 5 figures+ of cash in your pocket. Nobody does that. That's kind of a big risk to take for anyone. I'm naive and think a handshake (actually, 3 of them at one time) is enough. For most people it is, anyway.

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