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Most ridiculous buy of the century?

77 posts in this topic

Don't take things so seriously man! Let's face it, you're taking part in this 'boring' thread about someone's collecting habits, and you're not making it any less boring. It's only a bit of lighthearted fun and gossip, after all. However, since you've brought up the subject of political correctness, would it be politically incorrect if I were to say 'lighten up, @$$#0le!


Now that's the spirit, 893censored-thumb.gifwad!!! 893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif893applaud-thumb.gif


I'm willing to take a few jabs for the team if it means saving the Boards from the politically correct snooze-fest it's been for the past couple of months... sleeping.gifsleeping.gifsleeping.gif

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Hey Gene.....Dave just told me about the DF Fan Fest this weekend. Are you going?


I had no idea it was even going on. The link he sent me stated that Eduardo Risso would be there. I've sent an email to his dealer to verify this (still waiting for response).


I'm almost having a heart attack here...... 893whatthe.gif

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Hey Gene.....Dave just told me about the DF Fan Fest this weekend. Are you going?


I had no idea it was even going on. The link he sent me stated that Eduardo Risso would be there. I've sent an email to his dealer to verify this (still waiting for response).


I'm almost having a heart attack here...... 893whatthe.gif


I'm passing on this one...think the next Con I will be attending is San Diego in July. Besides, I hate those DF guys - they screwed up my first and only order from them (never received the product) and then completely ignored my numerous e-mails and voice mails to rectify the problem. Talk about textbook bad management - not only did they lose a customer for life, but I'm more than happy to tell anyone who'll listen about how much they suck 893censored-thumb.gif. mad.gif


Hope you get to meet Risso, though! That's a rare appearance State-side, isn't it?

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Never bought a DF book, so I wouldn't know. I'll take your word for it.


Hope you get to meet Risso, though! That's a rare appearance State-side, isn't it?


Yes. From all the conversations I've had w/ his dealer, SD is the only show he does in the States.


I was planning on using one of my 2 free round-trip tix I got when I went to Florida (long story) to go to SD. Now, I might not have to.


Still awaiting verification on the appearance. 893crossfingers-thumb.gif (I feel like Ian looking for his last few books 893whatthe.gif).


Azz is supposed to be there as well. As are Millar and Jones. I'd love to get my Bullets, Batman, and Wanted pages signed by them. cloud9.gif

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I'll (most likely) see you guys there. I'm pretty sure I have Dave's phone #, so I may call him tonight.


I'll be going strictly for the guest list and to get some of my pages signed. cloud9.gif

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Maybe the buyer's a multi-millionaire, in which case the purchases are like small change.


So, if he was a multi-millionaire, heck, if he was Bill Gates, does that mean he's incapable of making a stupid purchase? If Bill Gates pays a million bucks for a Hostess Ding-Dong that I can buy 2 for 89 cents, does that make it OK? Would your answer change if Larry Ellison was willing to pay $950,000? confused-smiley-013.gif


Everybody has become so nauseatingly politically correct on the Boards that I think many would agree that the past few weeks have been among the most boring in the history of the CGC Forum. Everyone's so afraid of stepping on someone else's toes that all we get are boring threads about bland topics that have been hashed and rehashed to death, as well as a litany of off-topic posts where nobody's collecting habits can come under scrutiny. Heaven forbid that one should make a value judgment like "that purchase is freaking stupidly insane" without the moral relativism police coming out with guns a'blazing... sign-rantpost.gif


why are you yalking like this? Your answer to anyone questioning your GIJoe artwork purchase was all about how it wasnt an investment. Why shouldnt this HG Warren magazine lover not be afforded the same "defense' of his purchases? Who are you to say hes crazy? AND, if he DOES have so much money that he could have spent 20K for the lousy book, you would be (I think) the LAST person to criticize someone spending what they choose to for something they really realy want!



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back on topic, blush.gif chris bell the buyer of one of my mags has not resplied to my emails for winning an auction. confused.gif it's been 9 days since the auction has ended and nada, zip, nothing. confused-smiley-013.gif maybe homeskillet ran out of money? 893whatthe.gif893whatthe.gif893whatthe.gifforeheadslap.gif

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why are you yalking like this? Your answer to anyone questioning your GIJoe artwork purchase was all about how it wasnt an investment. Why shouldnt this HG Warren magazine lover not be afforded the same "defense' of his purchases? Who are you to say hes crazy?


So, basically, your argument is that no price is too high if the owner can afford it? confused-smiley-013.gif And who am I to say that price is crazy? Well, given that I have a brain and a modicum of common sense, I think I'm highly qualified. And, you can see that there are others on this thread who agree with me, so it's not like I'm part of a lunatic fringe. I'm sure that there are literally dozens more as well who wholeheartedly agree that this price is ludicrous, but haven't posted for fear of getting into it those who knee-jerk defend any and all prices, no matter how high.


And, please, don't try to compare my GI Joe #21 artwork purchase to this Eerie 9.9 purchase. It's a key book and one-of-a-kind, with no close substitutes. There is no "second highest graded GI Joe #21 original artwork". And, it's tough to say I overpaid (whether for investment or not) when I'm running over a 100% annualized rate of return on the artwork based on the offer that Ben from Metropolis showed me last week (I turned it down). I don't think the buyer of the Eerie #80 could flip it to anyone for a profit - I think the seller did his job of ferreting out The Greatest Fool. Furthermore, I know a thing or two about Warrens, being a big Vampi collector, whereas those who criticized my Joe artwork purchase proved repeatedly that they knew absolutely nothing about that market.


Eerie #80 is in no way, shape or form a key or rare book. Highest graded copies of non-keys just aren't deserving of that kind of money - talk about "buying the label". How much would a 9.8 copy fetch (and surely there must be 1 or more of those out there raw)? Is that extra 0.1 really worth $2,500? That's just pathological. While there may or may not be any more 9.9s or 10.0s out there of that issue, there surely are potential 9.6s and 9.8s out there. Heck, isn't it conceivable that this issue was among the Warren warehouse copies???


Recognize that I have no problem with people spending whatever they want for stuff, as long as they recognize that stupid money is stupid money. And, I recognize that you are entitled to your opinion, but please recognize that there are a lot of people who would disagree with you. flowerred.gif

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Wow, did you graduate from the hammer school of comedy or something? shocked.giftongue.gif


One more word from you, and I'll rip the innards out of your body, sautee them on an open flame, and feed them to your family! sign-rantpost.gif

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So, basically, your argument is that no price is too high if the owner can afford it? confused-smiley-013.gif


My point Gene was that that was YOUR argument back when we were talking about how you could pay whatever you wanted for the artwork because you werent investing money you needed elsewise (like others...) and being rather successful, you could afford the pages and wouldnt lose any sleep or bat an eye even if you lost every cent you spent on them because you just wanted to own them...and it was not an investment




So why begrudge this other collector (not investor) the killer Warren run he may or may not be putting together?

I wouldnt buy those magazines either or your prized artwork - - - But, to each his own. He[[, I've made a few eyebrow-raising purchases myself for BIG money ( a bunch more than the cost of your GIJoe story) and I freely admit I AM investing! Maybe stupidly, but at least I admit it... and I dont try to argue that losing big $$$ on my collectible purchase/gambles wouldnt bother me. I t wont bankrupt me, or ruin my family's safety, but Id be really pisced off!!!



(edited for formatting errors)

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My point Gene was that that was YOUR argument back when we were talking about how you could pay whatever you wanted for the artwork because you werent investing money you needed elsewise (like others...)


You misunderstood my argument. I never claimed that just because something wasn't an investment or the owner could afford it that it justified paying any price for an item. Quite the opposite, in fact - I have argued the contrary on *numerous* occasions. These have always been secondary considerations and would not have saved me from the "stupid money" label if the underlying value weren't worth every cent I paid and more (I do admit making, like most everyone, stupid money purchases in the past, but this was not one of them).


If the buyer of the Eerie #80 9.9 can realize a triple digit annualized rate of return on this book 6 months from now (like I can on my Joe artwork), I'll send him a hand-written apology. Until then, however, I maintain that the price paid was ludicrous. If that's what he wants to do and can afford it, great. I'm not begrudging him anything. But if you lay out stupid money, even if you can justify it to yourself, don't expect everyone else to congratulate you on your intelligence and financial acumen.


I know you and a few others get very touchy whenever someone makes a value judgment on someone else's purchases or suggests that a price may be too high or that the market could ever suffer a large slide. I just don't see it that way, though...sorry, but I'm not going to be your Manchurian Candidate. I'm going to continue to call 'em like I see 'em. Furthermore, I think there are a lot more people who share my views than you think - you and a few others have done a magnificent job of dictating the thinking allowed on the Boards and making those with dissenting opinions very uncomfortable. 893naughty-thumb.gif

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If the buyer of the Eerie #80 9.9 can realize a triple digit annualized rate of return on this book 6 months from now (like I can on my Joe artwork), I'll send him a hand-written apology. Until then, however, I maintain that the price paid was ludicrous.


wait wait...you are saying you have an offer for over 100% a year over what you paid for the artwork? Or just a comment from the dealer who sold it to you that its worth that much? Let me know what you SELL it for, not what you have been "offerred". But frankly, it may be true and that's great for you...but not germane (sp?) to this discussion. I agree that was a wacky price for a 9.8 magazine that probably exists in bulk somewhere as opposed to the one and only original artwork for a comic. But we are not comparing investments; we're talking about the hypocracy of you criticizing another collector for buying something they want and can afford... Not whether you, or I, think it was a wise or rash purchase.


I know you and a few others get very touchy whenever someone makes a value judgment on someone else's purchases or suggests that a price may be too high or that the market could ever suffer a large slide.


No . I dont get "touchy". It was YOU who got defensive when I and others snickered at your pages. But as it was explained to me by others on this board that there were in fact many kids your age who are very enamored by that particular issue, if you recall, I replied that I had no idea it was anything special. I admitted that I did not know something and had learned.


I dont mind your market analyses here. Youre apparently a smart guy and good at statistical breakdowns. What I (and others) object to is your "Im gonna told you so, you better listen to me, or else..." preachy intolerant condescending tone! It's you who has never acknowledged the other side. Or hinted that you may in fact NOT BE RIGHT! Ive argued here plenty of times that these high CGC prices will settle down and adjust as we go forward. But its you and JC who keep trotting out :the sky is falling" [!@#%^&^] every chance you guys get. That not only will prices fall, but that nearly ALL value will vanish like in the wacky tulip mania.


I just don't see it that way, though...sorry, but I'm not going to be your Manchurian Candidate.


I use a lot of movie refernces, but I just dont get this one..... do I have you hypnotized waiting for my secret password to set you loose to assassinate someone?


I'm going to continue to call 'em like I see 'em. Furthermore, I think there are a lot more people who share my views than you think..


cmon.....let me get this straight. You believe that here on these CGC boards, there a LOT of other comics collectors who believe the sky will fall and evaporate all values of their collections like YOU do? You really believe that? And they still come here and discuss the cool comics they are buying (and not cheaply?) It seems to me that the only ones who truly hope you are right are those who argue that they cant wait for the crash so they can buy everything at 30 cents to the dollar. And why would you be warmed by those kinds of fellow travelers? You know as well as I do that IF that were to happen, if prices crumbled 70% suddenly, NO ONE would be buying in that gloomy atmosphere. I agree with you on that. ALso that th einternet wont SAVE the day, but rather propell it over the cliff.


See, Gene? I think you have good ideas..... just lighten up the tone and the preaching. If so many of us are so stupid, and willingly going over the cliff that YOU see waiting around the corner, why keep yelling so loudly to save us??? Who appointed you to be our Jor-El?


you and a few others have done a magnificent job of dictating the thinking allowed on the Boards and making those with dissenting opinions very uncomfortable.


again cmon. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Youve got this backwards. Its YOU and your prognostications of doom and gloom that are attempts to make others uncomfortable. Cant you see that? Do you truly believe you are performing a service to anyone but yourself and , dare I say it, your ego? I highly doubt my posts have influenced ANYONE here, nor were they supposed to! Can you say the same thing?

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