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ADVICE NEEDED! - Gear to bring to a Con

55 posts in this topic

I'd also add, although it is something I often forget, a few spare bags/boards. You never know when you'll be plowing through a box and find some gorgeous book that has neither, the dealer has no extra bags/boards and you just don't want it getting F-ed up on the way home


similarly, in my backpack I usually have some stiff legal file folders I can put comic in to protect them a little from bending even if they have boards


as i do not go out of my way for autos/sketches I have no advice in that regard

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Bring a backpack so when you move around you can hit people with it trying to get by.


Put on deodorant, take a shower, dress halfway decent, groom yourself, bring a notebook with lots of pages of your want list so you can lay it on top of the boxes other people are trying to look through. Bring money, bring a drawing pad so you can tie up the line for a convention sketch. Bring your comic costume if you have it and your camera so you can take pics of other people in their costumes...that should do it. Don't forget your ticket either.

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I carry a hard shell laptop case,that has all my supplies bag/boards etc.The case has a velcro strap that holds my comics snug.

I also go for specific comics and have my want list handy with prices for the grades I want.

Don't get overwhelmed by all the great books.Don't settle on the first book you see,a better copy may just be at the next table.

Scope out all the tables before buying.

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Did anyone mention deodorant? That always helps! ;-)




I was scrolling the thread to see if anyone mentioned it.


And, a bottle of Gas-X. I swear those cons have people who eat Mexican all day before they get to the show.



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Did anyone mention deodorant? That always helps! ;-)




I was scrolling the thread to see if anyone mentioned it.


And, a bottle of Gas-X. I swear those cons have people who eat Mexican all day before they get to the show.




Are you actually advocating handing out Gas-X to people? Have you actually done it? If so, you are fifty times more awesome than I had previously thought.

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Did anyone mention deodorant? That always helps! ;-)


There is no point in bringing deodorant. You need to USE the deodorant BEFORE you enter the show (and use the deodorant after you take a shower...the morning of the show goshdarnit, not the morning before, not the night before even!). Stinking yourself up for 3 hours and then trying to slap some deodorant on your stinky hairy armpits isn't going to do squat. And if you need to reapply deodorant after 3 hours you probably have a hormonal problem.

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You will spend more than you anticipated, so bring extra money. Know where the ATM is located. Even better, know where the ATM is located a block or two away from the convention, which will likely not be crowded.


Do some homework on where to eat to avoid wasting time. If you are wandering around looking for a place to eat, then you are not on the convention floor. Bring a couple of snacks to tide you over. I usually eat a huge breakfast, skip lunch, munch on snacks, and eat a big dinner. Bring extra bottles of water.







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Sadly, the deodorant jokes are more than founded in fact. In my limited experience at Cons the rank odor of more than a few attendees really is appalling. That coupled with greasy hair, pit stains, and mouth breathing is enough to discourage even the hardiest of collectors from lingering too long. Of course, perhaps that's really just their strategy to ensure no one gets too close to them when rifling through longboxes? hm


By the way Kevin76, I dig your humor.

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Of course, perhaps that's really just their strategy to ensure no one gets too close to them when rifling through longboxes?



I utilize a very wide stance and have pretty broad shoulders. I also have arguments with myself and invisible creatures floating over my head. That gives me like a 5 foot radius around me most of the time. Only Mile High Chuck has the courage to get closer than that because he uses peyote to ward off evil spirits in his pursuit of the finest 25 cent books at each show.


Also, if we're going to be gross, I drink about 6 cups of strong coffee at home before leaving to be absolutely sure I have entirely cleaned myself out for the next 8 or so hours. You do not want to have to use any convention toilet except from a safe distance. When my son had to go at NYCC criminey the "nest" I built for him on that disgusting seat must have consisted of 2 rolls of TP.

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Of course, perhaps that's really just their strategy to ensure no one gets too close to them when rifling through longboxes?



I utilize a very wide stance and have pretty broad shoulders. I also have arguments with myself and invisible creatures floating over my head. That gives me like a 5 foot radius around me most of the time. Only Mile High Chuck has the courage to get closer than that because he uses peyote to ward off evil spirits in his pursuit of the finist 25 cent books at each show.



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i bring a backpack & I also have a little cart cage thing I use sometimes having a hotel with in 5 min away is a real plus though for these types of things i have found it worth it doing! I got a hotel for eccc last year & simply loved it I'd run there to go to the bathroom (avoding the nasty public bathrooms ick) or grab a bite to eat away from all the conventin madness


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book bag with a box or 2 that i've recived books in the mail (just big enough to fit a comic) can get about 7-10 books in that it's reserved for buys at the con or exclusives


bring some bag/boards not all exclusives are baged and borded (i take 20)


gf and son both have book bags (extra space) sons carrys some things to do while i'm looking through boxes or BSing with dealers


i also bring a rolling suitcase that is just big enough to let a CGC lay down (but i also have to becarful to make sure it stayes right behind me, and be perpared to say sry alot as you run over peoples feet and such)


another big help is get to know some of the dealers from other shows and over time, if you buy something or need a break they would prob be willing to let you stash your buy or even rest at/behind their table.....or in my case show off my finds and get imput if i did good or on the buy


thoes same dealers are also the ones who are more willing to show you books they just picked up but aren't for sale yet or give you a deal they may not give to a just some guy walking the floor (this can be very helpful at times if your a flipper or a collector just looking for a great book)


i know for myself i prob wouldn't have nearly as meny HG SA books as i do now if not for the above with dealers

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Did anyone mention deodorant? That always helps! ;-)




I was scrolling the thread to see if anyone mentioned it.


And, a bottle of Gas-X. I swear those cons have people who eat Mexican all day before they get to the show.




Are you actually advocating handing out Gas-X to people? Have you actually done it? If so, you are fifty times more awesome than I had previously thought.


They should hand out Gas-X with the Con program. :)



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