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Jive & Tupenny go to the movies!

103 posts in this topic

George PM'd me on Monday or thereabouts inviting me to go with him to the IMAX showing of Prometheus at Tampa's Channelside Theaters. My YES was immediate as I never refuse a night out with my good buddy Jive.


He'd been looking forward to the film for months, carefully following the online viral campaign about Peter Weyland's backstory as the 21st Century's #1 patent holder & moneyed titan. I too was anticipating the film with sufficient nerdy giddiness.


Our hero arrived at the newly constructed Castle von Tupenny with just enough time for a quick tour of its appointments. With his approval of my digs well secured, out the door into rainy Florida weather we went.


Jive was particularly excited about seeing Ridley Scott's return to the Alien universe in IMAX 3D. He'd read a number of 3D Prometheus reviews & shared with me their enthusiasm for its successful immersive experience.


Sadly, the theater wasn't showing it in 3D, despite its online representations. Jive was disappointed but we settled into our roomy IMAX theater recliners & dove right in. Thanks for buying my ticket, pal. :)


We both enjoyed the film. I won't hazard a review of my own for this report. I'll leave that to the many other threads dedicated to it. I did find myself on the edge of my seat during a few of the more harrowing sequences. KUDOS to Fassbender & the actor playing the ship's captain. Both of them are movie stars.


Part of the evening plan was dinner. After all, dinner & a movie is an American tradition.


There are a number of attractive eateries at Channelside. We considered a Greek/Mediterranean place (shawarma is infectious), a Mexican cantina, & a few other places with typical Friday night fare.


Naturally, we opted for Hooters.



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Jive vamps with the best of them, as y'all can see.


He's a delightful Friday night companion.


He's also playful. He climbed down into the IMAX pit to pose before the towering screen. He wanted to show 'scale.'


This was the best my phone could do. :(



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Naturally, we opted for Hooters.





Actually, the weather was conspiring against us as a huge downpour began right as we exited Bill's SUV. The end result of all the rain was that Channelside was unusually barren for a Friday night, and Hooter's was hurting for business. So, about 5-6 of the girls were standing at the entrance trying to drum up business. So, yes, naturally, we gravitated there.



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I went to Hooters once and was disappointed.


Naturally, we opted for Hooters.




Here guys, allow me to make the Hooters butthurt go away.


Our waitress wasn't particularly to our taste but when Jive went to snap my pic, another waitress suddenly appeared from nowhere to pose at my side.


Megan was a surprise. Megan was an IMAX 3D total immersion vision.


Megan pics to follow...



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Here's more Megan. We told her she was going on the interwebz to be seen by countless nerds. She liked that.



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