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DiceX reviews the new Amazing Spider-Man movie...

202 posts in this topic




I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.


I don't see how you can dislike the new one so much and have liked the first one. IMHO there was more wrong with that one, though neither is even in the same ballpark as perfect.


I had my issues with the first one, but I thought the spirit of it was a lot more true to the character than this one. And it was neat to see Spidey on the big screen for the first time.


I'll admit that the scenes of him swinging around the city were pretty cool, but I honestly felt they captured more of the spirit in the new one on a few different levels.


If they made a Batman origin movie were he became Batman because it was his moral responsibility and his lack of priority to avenge his parent's death took a back seat to punami and catching Killer Croc, I don't think that'd really capture the spirit of Batman.

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I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.


I don't see how you can dislike the new one so much and have liked the first one. IMHO there was more wrong with that one, though neither is even in the same ballpark as perfect.


I had my issues with the first one, but I thought the spirit of it was a lot more true to the character than this one. And it was neat to see Spidey on the big screen for the first time.


I'll admit that the scenes of him swinging around the city were pretty cool, but I honestly felt they captured more of the spirit in the new one on a few different levels.


If they made a Batman origin movie were he became Batman because it was his moral responsibility and his lack of priority to avenge his parent's death took a back seat to punami and catching Killer Croc, I don't think that'd really capture the spirit of Batman.


I see what you're saying, but it looks like they just want to extend that part of the story in the new movies as opposed to being wrapped up neatly right away.


An important element I feel that both movies missed completely is the how / why Spider-Man learns that with great power must also come with great responsibility. In the original story Spider-Man lets a thief escape because he's looking out for number one..very narcissistic. In both movies he lets the thief get away because the person getting robbed was a jerk to him and karma's a blitch. It's subtle, but makes a big difference. Kind of like talking about how smart Peter Parker is as opposed to showing how smart he is. 2c

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.


Inception was way worse.

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I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.


I don't see how you can dislike the new one so much and have liked the first one. IMHO there was more wrong with that one, though neither is even in the same ballpark as perfect.


I had my issues with the first one, but I thought the spirit of it was a lot more true to the character than this one. And it was neat to see Spidey on the big screen for the first time.


I'll admit that the scenes of him swinging around the city were pretty cool, but I honestly felt they captured more of the spirit in the new one on a few different levels.


If they made a Batman origin movie were he became Batman because it was his moral responsibility and his lack of priority to avenge his parent's death took a back seat to punami and catching Killer Croc, I don't think that'd really capture the spirit of Batman.


I see what you're saying, but it looks like they just want to extend that part of the story in the new movies as opposed to being wrapped up neatly right away.


An important element I feel that both movies missed completely is the how / why Spider-Man learns that with great power must also come with great responsibility. In the original story Spider-Man lets a thief escape because he's looking out for number one..very narcissistic. In both movies he lets the thief get away because the person getting robbed was a jerk to him and karma's a blitch. It's subtle, but makes a big difference. Kind of like talking about how smart Peter Parker is as opposed to showing how smart he is. 2c


I understand what you're saying but, I'm not sure the original is narcissistic as much as just naive. Remember, Peter grew up being picked on and bullied in school. He made a bad decision having suddenly acquired power and some confidence. He would remain somewhat neurotic over tough decisions throughout the course of the best year's of the book.

His revenge for Uncle Ben's death is shocking when he realizes he could have prevented it by acting earlier. That mistake drives him throughout his life and is the essence of the character's motivation.

Not remembering to pick up eggs or whatever, just isn't the same thing.

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I just think the core of the character is completely compromised in this movie.

It would be like taking the revenge factor out of Batman.

Spidey does what he does out of guilt. A guilt he can never really ever make up for.

Sorry, but even with the smallest of expectations I just can't accept the origin being botched that bad. It's essential to the character. The thief is still on the loose.

This shouldnt be a Green Lantern movie, which is what it reminded me of. It's Marvel's highest profile character. There should be pathos and depth in not only the hero, but the supporting cast and villians.

Curt Conners is just another scientist who goes goofy from too much power and really doesn't even pay the ultimate price for killing the hero's girlfriend's father!

No one pays the price for killing the hero's uncle!


When Captain Stacey dies in the comic, he reveals that he knows Spider-man is Peter Parker by telling him to 'look after Gwen', which ends up being even more tragic, because he ultimately fails to do so.

Now it'd be foolish to expect these movies to follow the comics that specific, but in the movie, as Capt Stacey is dying he tells Peter to stay away from Gwen, and a few scenes later Gwen and Peter essentially laugh about it just after the funeral. Hunh?

And that's the other thing: I'm well aware movie people aren't 'real', but the dialogue and behavior is just so sappy in this movie it's outright distracting.


This just isn't Spider-man.

All the other things I could complain about like a high school intern having what seems like complete access to Oscorp, Gwen and Peter immediately falling in love despite him being creepy and stalking her, seemingly everyone knowing his secret identity, etc., etc., would be a little easier to gloss over if they just would've gotten the essence of the character right.


Really I think the positive feedback this movie has gotten on the forum has more to do with everyone living vicariously through Garfield's romance with Emma Stone than anything else.

I just expect more from a movie about a Marvel character.


Did you like the other Spider-Man movie?


The first one I enjoyed, the second one was hit and miss, and the third one... no.


I don't see how you can dislike the new one so much and have liked the first one. IMHO there was more wrong with that one, though neither is even in the same ballpark as perfect.


I had my issues with the first one, but I thought the spirit of it was a lot more true to the character than this one. And it was neat to see Spidey on the big screen for the first time.


I'll admit that the scenes of him swinging around the city were pretty cool, but I honestly felt they captured more of the spirit in the new one on a few different levels.


If they made a Batman origin movie were he became Batman because it was his moral responsibility and his lack of priority to avenge his parent's death took a back seat to punami and catching Killer Croc, I don't think that'd really capture the spirit of Batman.


I see what you're saying, but it looks like they just want to extend that part of the story in the new movies as opposed to being wrapped up neatly right away.


An important element I feel that both movies missed completely is the how / why Spider-Man learns that with great power must also come with great responsibility. In the original story Spider-Man lets a thief escape because he's looking out for number one..very narcissistic. In both movies he lets the thief get away because the person getting robbed was a jerk to him and karma's a blitch. It's subtle, but makes a big difference. Kind of like talking about how smart Peter Parker is as opposed to showing how smart he is. 2c


I understand what you're saying but, I'm not sure the original is narcissistic as much as just naive. Remember, Peter grew up being picked on and bullied in school. He made a bad decision having suddenly acquired power and some confidence. He would remain somewhat neurotic over tough decisions throughout the course of the best year's of the book.

His revenge for Uncle Ben's death is shocking when he realizes he could have prevented it by acting earlier. That mistake drives him throughout his life and is the essence of the character's motivation.

Not remembering to pick up eggs or whatever, just isn't the same thing.


One is about ego, the other is about revenge. I've never thought of Spider-Man / Peter Parker as a vengeful type of character...that's Batman.

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.


Inception was way worse.


Inception was awesome too.


Many intelligent people can't agree on things.


That doesn't make one or the other right.

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I see what you're saying, but it looks like they just want to extend that part of the story in the new movies as opposed to being wrapped up neatly right away.



The problem with this is that he is apparently supposed to become a hero before completing the origin that makes him a hero. That is tough to swallow from a character development standpoint.


I also enjoyed Inception.

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.


Inception was way worse.


Inception was awesome too.


Many intelligent people can't agree on things.


That doesn't make one or the other right.


Yes it does. lol





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I always find it awesome how wound up people get over a difference of opinion.


One person can think Salman Rushdie is an artistic genius. Another might want to kill him. Probably the same with Liefeld.


It all depends on where we've come from developmentally, where we're at developmentally and what we are expecting from an artistic work.



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I see what you're saying, but it looks like they just want to extend that part of the story in the new movies as opposed to being wrapped up neatly right away.



The problem with this is that he is apparently supposed to become a hero before completing the origin that makes him a hero. That is tough to swallow from a character development standpoint.


I also enjoyed Inception.


I don't agree with it and I feel weird sort of defending it. I was just trying to come up with a scenario for why they felt the need to do it...pure mind reading on my part.

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.


Inception was way worse.


Inception was awesome too.


Many intelligent people can't agree on things.


That doesn't make one or the other right.


Personally, I thought Inception was OK. I liked some of the performances and the FX were very good. It just felt like another Nolan movie pandering to the pseudo intellectual crowd (shrug)

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Personally, I thought Inception was OK. I liked some of the performances and the FX were very good. It just felt like another Nolan movie pandering to the pseudo intellectual crowd (shrug)

What's the difference between pseudo intellectual and intellectual?



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Personally, I thought Inception was OK. I liked some of the performances and the FX were very good. It just felt like another Nolan movie pandering to the pseudo intellectual crowd (shrug)

What's the difference between pseudo intellectual and intellectual?



Prometheus and The Boys from Brazil.

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Drop the bullsplit dude: even if you liked it, you'd never admit it because that wouldn't be funny and you're nothing if not an entertainer. :foryou:


Please see other threads for movies I've liked.

I can assure you I'm not pulling your leg that this movie sucked.

In my DVD collection is every superhero movie that I liked. This one will never be in it.


Why do you think I'm being dishonest? I can entertain everyone just as well if I liked the movie. I really am that talented. :gossip:



Because you're wrong. :baiting:


I'm just busting your chops. They're all just opinions anyway, and my taste in most things is questionable. I find Twilight entertaining.


Your opinion has officially been thrown out of all future conversations. :facepalm:


Hand over your nerd card :taptaptap:
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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.


Inception was way worse.


Thanks for the warning. I'll avoid it.

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.


Inception was way worse.


Thanks for the warning. I'll avoid it.


Worst movie I have seen in years is Chronicle.

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Finally saw this last night and it was pretty awful. The missus said it was worse than the first Hulk movie and I can't really argue too hard against that. Tons of things that made no sense. Peter and Gwen have never gone out, but on their first date she has him over for dinner to meet her parents? Pete comes in off the fire escape 20 floors up and obviously didn't use the door, but Capt Stacey, the head of police, never questions the fact that Peter didn't come in through the front door? Peter, a high school science student, solves the equation in a matter of days that Curt Conners and Peter's own father couldn't work out in years of hard work and research with the backing of a huge corporation? And there's certainly more, but I'm sure I'm mercifully forgetting some of this forgettable movie.

Character development? None. As Dice says, you could care less that Uncle Ben is bumped off and that's an utterly failure on the filmakers part. UB's death is at the core of who Spider-man is and to have it be such a non event is unthinkable. The same is true of Capt Stacey's death, no emotional impact whatsoever. It didn't help that the screenwriters merged the Capt Stacey and JJJ characters together. He like most of the characters in this film are static and 1 dimensional.

The wise cracking Spidey was kinda fun and some of the fight scenes felt right.

Otherwise this film is in the orbit of the first Hulk movie, FF films and dare I say, Ghost Rider movie.(Only saw the first one). :sick:

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District 9 was spectacular.



District 9 was a spectacular piece of mess.

The only movie I've ever gone to and almost walked out of.

I take that back. I almost walked out on Land of the Lost, too.


Gut wrenchingly horrible.


Inception was way worse.


Thanks for the warning. I'll avoid it.


inception was liked by 86% of the critics and 93% of the audience. you might wanna give it a chance. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inception/

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