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Is Hulk a Mutant?

47 posts in this topic

They never called Spidey a mutant, for example.


I say spiderman is a mutant. What Spiders have spider sence.

Maybey the bite just unlocked the powers


This Species Does:




Spiders have an astounding and frightening array of abilities, like web spinning, jumping, and just ... generally existing at all. And now science is throwing another handful of meat into the Terror Jambalaya: Studies done on the hunting spider, Cupiennius salei, reveal that they can leap up and catch a bug flying past them ... while blindfolded. (Side note: We call "dibs" on not being the guy who has to tie the tiny spider blindfolds.)


C. salei accomplishes this feat by "feeling" the air around it with the sensitive hairs covering its body. They're so finely tuned that each hair can detect the direction and pressure of the airflow to accurately time and orient the spider's attack without the benefit of vision. It's not necessarily a new trick: Most mammals (including us) have hairs in their inner ear that detect sound vibrations, and spider hairs work on a similar principle, making their entire body a giant super-ear that can hear vibrations down to one ten-billionth of a meter ("roughly the width of an atom"). That's how sensitive their body beard is ... aaaaand of course they use it for murder.

But that's not the only molecular power arachnids possess. Most spiders use their hairy front legs for grasping prey, but some, like Palpimanus gibbulus, have incredible adhesive properties that make escaping intact literally impossible once they lay legs on something. But there's no webbing or glue involved: The microscopic hairs on P. gibbulus' legs are so small that molecular forces give them insane grip. Once seized, its prey, usually other spiders, can only escape by ripping off their own limbs. See? That's how terrifying spiders are: Even spiders are scared of them.


Thats not same as Spiderman's Danger sense

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The Hulk was Gamma spawned. Mutants were also spawned by the atom or radiation. Difference is they were born that way from parents who were affected.


Bruce banner was "transformed" into The Hulk when he was an adult (beforehand a normal man). Had his father/mother been exposed to radiation and Bruce was born with the ability to transform into The Hulk, he would be a true mutant. Such is not the case.

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The Hulk was Gamma spawned. Mutants were also spawned by the atom or radiation. Difference is they were born that way from parents who were affected.


Bruce banner was "transformed" into The Hulk when he was an adult (beforehand a normal man). Had his father/mother been exposed to radiation and Bruce was born with the ability to transform into The Hulk, he would be a true mutant. Such is not the case.


What about the Hulk Totem? ;)

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The Hulk was Gamma spawned. Mutants were also spawned by the atom or radiation. Difference is they were born that way from parents who were affected.


Bruce banner was "transformed" into The Hulk when he was an adult (beforehand a normal man). Had his father/mother been exposed to radiation and Bruce was born with the ability to transform into The Hulk, he would be a true mutant. Such is not the case.


What about the Hulk Totem? ;)


My knowledge does not extend past issue 1-6 and 102-171.

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The Hulk was Gamma spawned. Mutants were also spawned by the atom or radiation. Difference is they were born that way from parents who were affected.


Bruce banner was "transformed" into The Hulk when he was an adult (beforehand a normal man). Had his father/mother been exposed to radiation and Bruce was born with the ability to transform into The Hulk, he would be a true mutant. Such is not the case.


What about the Hulk Totem? ;)


My knowledge does not extend past issue 1-6 and 102-171.


I was just mocking the whole Spider totem deal where they claimed Peter Parker was somehow mystically destined to be "a" Spider-Man.




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according to the Earth X/Universe X/Paradise X series, every person on earth is a mutant, some folks just had their mutation sped up by either puberty(mutants they were known as), or something in their life happening to trigger the celestial egg impanted in everyone. and according to the storyline, it is the same in all the multiverses.


just sayin

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Let me get my nerd on a little here. So the amount of gamma rays Banner took in were enough to kill someone, yet he lived. What if on some lower level of the super power spectrum, he is actually a mutant and his ability to absorb terminal amounts of radiation without harm was his power... hm


But for now, until Bendis steals this idea, I will say that Banner/Hulk is not a mutant.

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In the Marvel Universe, Mutants are defined as being individuals who are born with the "X gene" which causes the mutation. Those individuals who are changed by external forces are counted as mutates, I believe.

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Unless they retcon Bruce Banner into being born with some special gene that later enabled him to turn into the Hulk, then he is not a mutant. Marvel considers mutants to be a separate subspecies of sapeins, sapiens superior. You don't get into the club just by saving some dirty hippy from being zapped by a gamma bomb.

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They never called Spidey a mutant, for example.


I say spiderman is a mutant. What Spiders have spider sence.

Maybey the bite just unlocked the powers


This Species Does:




Spiders have an astounding and frightening array of abilities, like web spinning, jumping, and just ... generally existing at all. And now science is throwing another handful of meat into the Terror Jambalaya: Studies done on the hunting spider, Cupiennius salei, reveal that they Enoughcan leap up and catch a bug flying past them ... while blindfolded. (Side note: We call "dibs" on not being the guy who has to tie the tiny spider blindfolds.)


C. salei accomplishes this feat by "feeling" the air around it with the sensitive hairs covering its body. They're so finely tuned that each hair can detect the direction and pressure of the airflow to accurately time and orient the spider's attack without the benefit of vision. It's not necessarily a new trick: Most mammals (including us) have hairs in their inner ear that detect sound vibrations, and spider hairs work on a similar principle, making their entire body a giant super-ear that can hear vibrations down to one ten-billionth of a meter ("roughly the width of an atom"). That's how sensitive their body beard is ... aaaaand of course they use it for murder.

But that's not the only molecular power arachnids possess. Most spiders use their hairy front legs for grasping prey, but some, like Palpimanus gibbulus, have incredible adhesive properties that make escaping intact literally impossible once they lay legs on something. But there's no webbing or glue involved: The microscopic hairs on P. gibbulus' legs are so small that molecular forces give them insane grip. Once seized, its prey, usually other spiders, can only escape by ripping off their own limbs. See? That's how terrifying spiders are: Even spiders are scared of them.


Thats not same as Spiderman's Danger sense


Close enough

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Marvel characters only become mutants when Marvel thinks they need a boost to help 'sell' them...


As mentioned, they could eventually say that the reason he survived the gamma radiation is that Banner was a mutant whose mutation allowed it. :eek:


If we're using any mutation as a criteria, then we're all likely mutants, which is why it limiting it to how Marvel defines "mutants" is significant for this thread.

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In the Marvel Universe, Mutants are defined as being individuals who are born with the "X gene" which causes the mutation. Those individuals who are changed by external forces are counted as mutates, I believe.


Why are the X-Men hated, feared & hunted while the Fantastic Four are revered?


Should the X-Men be residing in a different universe to the one inhabited by FF & Spidey?


Because it tends to contradict itself on the way some of these Marvel characters are perceived.

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In the Marvel Universe, Mutants are defined as being individuals who are born with the "X gene" which causes the mutation. Those individuals who are changed by external forces are counted as mutates, I believe.


Why are the X-Men hated, feared & hunted while the Fantastic Four are revered?


Should the X-Men be residing in a different universe to the one inhabited by FF & Spidey?


Because it tends to contradict itself on the way some of these Marvel characters are perceived.

I think that the basis for mutants being feared while other heroes aren't is because they are viewed as a seperate species who are likely to replace the standard human race which is a view that has motivated some mutant villains in the MU.

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In the Marvel Universe, Mutants are defined as being individuals who are born with the "X gene" which causes the mutation. Those individuals who are changed by external forces are counted as mutates, I believe.


Why are the X-Men hated, feared & hunted while the Fantastic Four are revered?


Should the X-Men be residing in a different universe to the one inhabited by FF & Spidey?


Because it tends to contradict itself on the way some of these Marvel characters are perceived.

I think that the basis for mutants being feared while other heroes aren't is because they are viewed as a seperate species who are likely to replace the standard human race which is a view that has motivated some mutant villains in the MU.


I'm not a Marvel reader, my knowledge comes from the animated series and the movies. But to me, the X-Men universe should be a different one inhabited by Spidey, FF, Iron Man etc.


The X-Men universe to me is harder, harsher parallel universe, humans Vs mutants broken down into the good, evil & grey on both sides.

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In the Marvel Universe, Mutants are defined as being individuals who are born with the "X gene" which causes the mutation. Those individuals who are changed by external forces are counted as mutates, I believe.


Mutate was the standard description for those changed after exposure to radiation, not born with the mutation. Although, that definition can also include mutagenic agents which are not radioactive, as well. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Hulk and his enemies The Abomination and The Leader.


So, the FF would be mutates, whereas Franklin Richards is a mutant due to his parents' cosmic radiation exposure. That kind of thing.

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In the Marvel Universe, Mutants are defined as being individuals who are born with the "X gene" which causes the mutation. Those individuals who are changed by external forces are counted as mutates, I believe.


Mutate was the standard description for those changed after exposure to radiation, not born with the mutation. Although, that definition can also include mutagenic agents which are not radioactive, as well. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Hulk and his enemies The Abomination and The Leader.


So, the FF would be mutates, whereas Franklin Richards is a mutant due to his parents' cosmic radiation exposure. That kind of thing.


This and this.

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