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WD Season 3 Finale

101 posts in this topic

What ever I liked or didnt like about season 3 (there was plenty of both parts), Im most disappointed that there's no momuntum going to season 4, and season 4 is 5+ months away. At least all the other finales had something on the horizon (sometimes literally like the prison).


There's nothing that has me thinking "what will they do next" or "what will happen with _____"





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I thought season three started off awfully, but picked up at the end. Though I'll leave the execrable Morgan episode out of that.


Sure the series didn't end on a cliff-hanger, but I was happy with the resolution. For me it was essential for the characters to find their humanity again, as I'd stopped caring about what happened to them.


The narrative wrapped up like a volume in an ongoing series of novels, but plenty still remains to be dealt with. Most obviously, the Governor, who having dropped all pretenses of the good man, is a far bigger threat than before.

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The parts of the show i like is what is around the next corner type of scenes. Out exploring and foraging. When they stick in one spot and all their necessities are assumed to be taken care of i get bored.


And i always wonder why they dont kill every zombie they see walking along the fences. Give em a poke pls.


Otherwise this season was better then two. But i do find my interest waning. Spartacus is more entertaining to me. Games of thrones too.


Just one of dozens of things that they do or don't do that fail to make much sense.


Why don't they find and routinely use some 2 way radios to stay in touch? Why don't they follow Michonne's example and keep some armless/toothless walkers to go out with them when they forage? A zombie bite or scratch can kill you. Why aren't leather jackets and pants all the rage? Why, Why, why? I could make a long list of whys that would only serve to annoy.


I thought the finale could have been better. But it wasn't awful. Certainly glad I watched it. Ricks group should have pressed their advantage once the Governor's forces entered into the prison. They should have been able to use their knowledge of the layout to set booby traps and pretty much have wiped them out. There was lot's of talk on the show about how the Governor's forces were so much better armed and there was more of them. Anyone that has followed the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan would know that the US Military's greatest fear was fighting a house by house, block by block battle. Rick's band had the clear upper hand if they could get the Governor's forces to enter the prison.


I liked the Governor's character better when he was more complex. Now that he's an unhinged homicidal maniac with only a couple of (obviously worried) followers he's not so interesting.




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And i always wonder why they dont kill every zombie they see walking along the fences. Give em a poke pls.

Just one of dozens of things that they do or don't do that fail to make much sense.


It makes perfect sense. You kill a zombie, you need to dispose of the body. You walk around poking zombies for fun, you'll soon end up with offal piled up around your perimeter. Without disposal, the offal rots, or worse, piles up to the point where other zombies can potentially climb the pile.

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I have a big question about the finale...



The Gov killed his people in the daytime. Rick etc regroup and head to Woodbury to save Andrea. But they get there at night --- and before the Governor gets back??


or did the Gov and his henchmen just take off somewhere? Does that make sense to live on the road when he has a safe village waiting for him? Or was he now powerless against Rick and his group?




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Ricks group should have pressed their advantage once the Governor's forces entered into the prison. They should have been able to use their knowledge of the layout to set booby traps and pretty much have wiped them out.


Actually, I though the Governor's group had been locked in at one stage, which was after what sounded like a door was heard. I thought that was a pretty good strategy, after all, prisons are set up for lock-down. That would have rendered the gov and crew pretty helpless.

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Here's a question, doesn't gasoline have a shelf life? I left an old car sit for like 8 months and when I started her up it nearly destroyed the engine and blew a cloud of black smoke out the back that could choke an elephant.


Where do they keep finding gasoline? They do more driving in the zombie apocalypse than I do on a daily basis.

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And i always wonder why they dont kill every zombie they see walking along the fences. Give em a poke pls.

Just one of dozens of things that they do or don't do that fail to make much sense.


It makes perfect sense. You kill a zombie, you need to dispose of the body. You walk around poking zombies for fun, you'll soon end up with offal piled up around your perimeter. Without disposal, the offal rots, or worse, piles up to the point where other zombies can potentially climb the pile.


They kill zombies all the time and rarely - I mean rarely - is disposal even mentioned. They leave them to sit and rot.


The fence looks to be about 18 feet high with a couple of feet of barbed wire on top of that. The zombies will not pile up enough to climb the fence. Instead they would pile up to the point that zombies can on longer get to the fence and look at you all hungry like. Think about it. You climb on top of a four foot tall hill of anything. Dead bodies, dirt, rock - anything. Someone sticks rebar through your eye socket and kills you. You don't neatly collapse on top of the four foot pile making it a five foot pile. You fall off the four foot pile and roll down to the bottom of said pile. .


Sensible people looking out for their survival would kill any and every zombie that it was safe to do so. Unless of course you wanted to chop off it's arms, knock out it's teeth and keep it as an escort.

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Ricks group should have pressed their advantage once the Governor's forces entered into the prison. They should have been able to use their knowledge of the layout to set booby traps and pretty much have wiped them out.


Actually, I though the Governor's group had been locked in at one stage, which was after what sounded like a door was heard. I thought that was a pretty good strategy, after all, prisons are set up for lock-down. That would have rendered the gov and crew pretty helpless.


How long gas sits before "going bad" is one part fact and several urban myth. It has a lot to do with how it is stored. The problems with old gas is oxidation, water contamination and the most volatile components evaporating. All of these things are more likely to occur in the gas can at home then in the underground tanks for say a gas station.,It would take a very long time for these things to be a problem if you were pumping gas out of gas station tanks. Gas from abandoned cars? Probably good for six months - maybe even a year depending on how full was the tank, what was the climate, ect.

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how long has it been since the "incident" happened in the TV universe? For that matter, how about in the comics? The comics have seen winters, cant remember if the TV show has or not.


Assuming Laurie got pregnant after the outbreak, maybe just under a year?

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Danai Gurira has won me over as Michonne, but that last scene with Andrea was hard to watch , for the wrong reason.

She was awful, her crying / sobbing was really bad. The camera didn't linger, and shes Andreas best friend ?. Thank goodness for the off camera gunshot.

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Think about it. You climb on top of a four foot tall hill of anything. Dead bodies, dirt, rock - anything. Someone sticks rebar through your eye socket and kills you. You don't neatly collapse on top of the four foot pile making it a five foot pile. You fall off the four foot pile and roll down to the bottom of said pile.


How did your pile get to be four feet to begin with?

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I like the show and watch it with my wife each week, but I was pretty annoyed with the finale. There were some redeeming moments, but overall it was just boring.


The drawn out build up to the prison raid ended with what? "Hooray we did it!" Uh... what exactly did they do? Let them in, lead them around in confusion, then do an elaborate G.I.Joe shoot-up scene where nobody gets killed? Yeah, that will show them.


Anyway, Michonne is a better character now then she was at the beginning of the season for sure. She went from one emotion (angry) to actually being a person.


My wife thought it was funny that Andrea had toenail polish on. Thinking about it, I guess that is sorta funny but I imagine they had some feminine products somewhere in woodberry and she seems the type to paint her toes during a zombie apocalypse.


Sigh, I suppose I will be watching again next season but I hope it improves.

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Think about it. You climb on top of a four foot tall hill of anything. Dead bodies, dirt, rock - anything. Someone sticks rebar through your eye socket and kills you. You don't neatly collapse on top of the four foot pile making it a five foot pile. You fall off the four foot pile and roll down to the bottom of said pile.


How did your pile get to be four feet to begin with?


Ha, Ha. Funny, but that's not the question. The question is how will the pile get to be 18 feet tall so the zombies can walk in over the fence. It won't


BTW, you also mentioned disposal of the bodies and the smell as a reason not to kill them at the fence. They are dead already. Dead and rotting. Wouldn't they already smell bad? They sure look like they'd smell bad.


But for the fun of further discussion - even though gravity makes it near impossible, lets say the dead zombies did start to pile up. Ricks group - supposedly smart human survivors - might just notice that the dead zombie pile was around 10-12 feet high and that another six feet of dead zombies would a allow the undead zombies to walk over the fence.


So the human survivors would logically consider their options. Maybe THEN they would quit sticking rebar or sharp sticks or knives into heads of zombies standing at the fence. Especially since now they would need climb a 15 foot ladder to do so.


OR - since on the other side of the fence with the 18 foot pile of dead zombies that the walkers have climbed over is an 18 foot drop to the ground. - maybe they could set up a bunch of sharpened spikes for the zombies to fall on. Or dig a nice deep trench. Personally I like the spikes since it's less work. Just go out once a day to see how many zombies you have on the spikes that you need deal with.


It's stupid that they don't kill any and all zombies hanging on the fence. It isn't possible to make it seem smart not to kill any zombie that ambles up and hangs on the fence. Fortunately for me, I've learned to enjoy the show even though the survivors make stupid decisions all the time.


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Love the show but the season closer was a bit of a disapointment.

Sometimes I like the comic better, sometimes the TV show. I go back and forth.

Overall stronger than season 2.


One of the better shows on TV but not quite in the same league as shows like Breaking Bad or Justified. Good TV is really amazing these days!

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