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Avengers 2: Age of Ultron - Seriously

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Mark Ruffalo


"I think it's sad. Because I know how Joss feels about women, and I know that he's made it a point to create strong female characters. I think part of the problem is that people are frustrated that they want to see more women, doing more things, in superhero movies, and because we don't have as many women as we should yet, they're very, very sensitive to every single storyline that comes up right now. But I think what's beautiful about what Joss did with Black Widow - I don't think he makes her any weaker, he just brings this idea of love to a superhero, and I think that's beautiful.


If anything, Black Widow is much stronger than Banner. She protects him. She does her job, and basically they begin to have a relationship as friends, and I think it's a misplaced anger. I think that what people might really be upset about is the fact that we need more superhuman women. The guys can do anything, they can have love affairs, they can be weak or strong and nobody raises an eyebrow. But when we do that with a woman, because there are so few storylines for women, we become hyper-critical of every single move that we make because there's not much else to compare it to.


So I know Joss really well. I know what his values are. And I think it's sad, because in a lot of ways, there haven't been as many champions in this universe as Joss isand will continue to be. And I know it hurts him. I know it's heavy on him. And the guy's one of the sweetest, best guys, and I know him - as far as any man can be a champion for women, he is that.


So it's been a little disheartening.


But I also see how much people love that aspect of it. There's an equal amount of people who find the love interest between Banner and Black Widow to be a big standout. And it's very satisfying to people. So it's a movie. People are going to have their opinions. And that's actually a great thing. The fact that this is a debate that's coming out of this movie is probably a positive thing.


I just don't think that people should get personal with Joss, because he really is - of anyone - an advocate for women. He's a deeply committed feminist."


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Wow. Around where I grew up we called that Crawdadin'. And man oh man, that's some heavy duty backing off right there by Ruffalo. Bob and weave, sing and dance, do some convincing.


Really sad it's come to people feeling the need to explain someone isn't a misogynist/racist/sexist/heartless/whatever because of twitterfeeds and bloggers. It's gotten so crazy.

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Wow. Around where I grew up we called that Crawdadin'. And man oh man, that's some heavy duty backing off right there by Ruffalo. Bob and weave, sing and dance, do some convincing.


Really sad it's come to people feeling the need to explain someone isn't a misogynist/racist/sexist/heartless/whatever because of twitterfeeds and bloggers. It's gotten so crazy.


They are always getting offended about everything.

I know people like this. They are the most miserable people to hang with.

The thing is how can people change it before it gets worse?

It`s going to come to a point were people are going to be scared to say anything because they don`t want to offend anyone.


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Wow. Around where I grew up we called that Crawdadin'. And man oh man, that's some heavy duty backing off right there by Ruffalo. Bob and weave, sing and dance, do some convincing.


Really sad it's come to people feeling the need to explain someone isn't a misogynist/racist/sexist/heartless/whatever because of twitterfeeds and bloggers. It's gotten so crazy.


They are always getting offended about everything.

I know people like this. They are the most miserable people to hang with.

The thing is how can people change it before it gets worse?

It`s going to come to a point were people are going to be scared to say anything because they don`t want to offend anyone.

There is somebody offended about what I just wrote.

That thought offends me.


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I've simply chalked it up to "everyone lost their damned minds" and cross my fingers that sanity returns at some point.


People can't lose their minds if they never had one to begin with. :makepoint:

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I've simply chalked it up to "everyone lost their damned minds" and cross my fingers that sanity returns at some point.


But where do you get 'everyone'...


Joss Whedon probably has a million people follow him on Twitter and a quarter million people actually respond to his posts, and when 5 or 6 Donkey's say something stupid, some Donkey in the media puts all the focus is on that.


That's not everyone.


That's 5 or 6 Donkey's out of a quarter million people.


But it gets front page on some web site posing as a news source and readers think 'everyone' is losing their minds.


And Ruffalo shouldn't have said anything. He walked right into a media trap. American 'journalism' is grotesque.

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Vision definitely has the mind gem, that is made very clear. The soul gem is still outstanding.




My worry mainly comes from the fact that Vision's origin in the movie is very much like Warlocks - created to be "better" than humanity, created by a bad guy for his own ends, he turns on his creator and kills him due to ideological differences, he fights 'for life', I believe he is even referred to as a 'savior' at least one time in the movie and we all know Warlock has a messiah complex.




And of course, he now has an infinity gem on his forehead.


The only savior reference was Ultron telling Vision that "Stark asked for a savior and settled for a slave". To which Vision replies with "I suppose we are both disappointments". So I'm assuming Ultron is referring to himself as the savior, not Vision.

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I've simply chalked it up to "everyone lost their damned minds" and cross my fingers that sanity returns at some point.


But where do you get 'everyone'...


Joss Whedon probably has a million people follow him on Twitter and a quarter million people actually respond to his posts, and when 5 or 6 Donkey's say something stupid, some Donkey in the media puts all the focus is on that.


That's not everyone.


That's 5 or 6 Donkey's out of a quarter million people.


But it gets front page on some web site posing as a news source and readers think 'everyone' is losing their minds.


And Ruffalo shouldn't have said anything. He walked right into a media trap. American 'journalism' is grotesque.


Fine, if you'd like to nitpick my obviously broad generalization, then yeah. Sure. But without turning this into a politics discussion (because that's essentially what the whole issue is, identity politics), I'll rephrase my original statement:


Recently, a significantly greater portion of the populace than in years past, have become more engrossed in identity politics issues & become significantly more loud, vocal & prone-to-being-easily-offended on any number of issues than would have been the case even a few years ago.




Not quite as concise as "everyone lost their damned minds". That's a lot easier. Or even better "bunch of people done lost their damned minds".

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Not quite as concise as "everyone lost their damned minds". That's a lot easier. Or even better "bunch of people done lost their damned minds".


Isn't there some quote about there being two constants in the universe, hydrogen and stupidity? I chalk it up to that, a universal constant in play. Maroons on a mission.

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I saw it this Saturday and enjoyed pretty much the way I enjoyed the first one: fun but forgettable. I don't mean that in a bad way, it was a fun summer pop corn flick.


One of the things I walked away with from this movie is the hope that they do a solo Hulk movie soon.


Hulk was one of my favorite characters as a kid. And it seems like with these two Avengers movies they've figured out the correct way to depict the Hulk, both in terms of CGI and character development. He has a personality and is likable, not just a rage monster.


The Norton movie was alright, there's enough about it I like that I can't just dismiss it like the Ang Lee movie, but there's still enough I didn't like that makes that movie a wash for me.


Be nice to see a Hulk movie get done right. :wishluck:

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I saw it this Saturday and enjoyed pretty much the way I enjoyed the first one: fun but forgettable. I don't mean that in a bad way, it was a fun summer pop corn flick.


One of the things I walked away with from this movie is the hope that they do a solo Hulk movie soon.


Hulk was one of my favorite characters as a kid. And it seems like with these two Avengers movies they've figured out the correct way to depict the Hulk, both in terms of CGI and character development. He has a personality and is likable, not just a rage monster.


The Norton movie was alright, there's enough about it I like that I can't just dismiss it like the Ang Lee movie, but there's still enough I didn't like that makes that movie a wash for me.


Be nice to see a Hulk movie get done right. :wishluck:



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I've simply chalked it up to "everyone lost their damned minds" and cross my fingers that sanity returns at some point.


But where do you get 'everyone'...


Joss Whedon probably has a million people follow him on Twitter and a quarter million people actually respond to his posts, and when 5 or 6 Donkey's say something stupid, some Donkey in the media puts all the focus is on that.


That's not everyone.


That's 5 or 6 Donkey's out of a quarter million people.


But it gets front page on some web site posing as a news source and readers think 'everyone' is losing their minds.


And Ruffalo shouldn't have said anything. He walked right into a media trap. American 'journalism' is grotesque.


Fine, if you'd like to nitpick my obviously broad generalization, then yeah. Sure. But without turning this into a politics discussion (because that's essentially what the whole issue is, identity politics), I'll rephrase my original statement:


Recently, a significantly greater portion of the populace than in years past, have become more engrossed in identity politics issues & become significantly more loud, vocal & prone-to-being-easily-offended on any number of issues than would have been the case even a few years ago.




Not quite as concise as "everyone lost their damned minds". That's a lot easier. Or even better "bunch of people done lost their damned minds".


I don't know. Could it be that handicapped people, women, minorities, etc., have always felt this way, and maybe even spoken out about it previously, but due to the increase in social media use, only now do we get to hear about it? And the media has turned it into something that people think is overwhelmed our society?


20-30 years ago a young black teenager might feel wronged by words he hears and complain to his friends and family - no one else ever hears it.

Today he can send a tweet and say, "I don't like that", and the whole world can read it the minute he sends it.

What's new and different isn't how he FELT, regardless of if people think he's lost his mind or not - what's new is the means of communication and what the media has manipulated it for in it's own purpose.


This whole thing is a perfect example.


Some slanted internet fake news sight prints their agenda driven opinion and even the mainstream media picks it up and someone even asks one of the actors from the movie about it.... over what? A handful of people making some remarks on Twitter? Is that really news? Is that really the most important thing going on in the world today? American 'journalism' is grotesque.





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Some of it seems to be some celebs can't figure out that banging the offended-drum doesn't guarantee their skin won't be the one stretched over it mañana.


Dancing around the bonfire one moment, spinning on the rotisserie the next. That industry doesn't care who it uses.


Joss Whedon Calls Upcoming Jurassic World Film 'Sexist'


A casual tweet making an observation is 'banging the offended drum'? (shrug)

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Just wild speculation on my part, but I took the development of the Hawkeye character as setting him up as a leader. Thoughts about a West Coast Avengers movie series maybe???

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Just wild speculation on my part, but I took the development of the Hawkeye character as setting him up as a leader. Thoughts about a West Coast Avengers movie series maybe???

Definitely, I also got that feeling. I think they will give him a team, maybe a team that recruits so called enhanced hero's, and maybe they will go the ultimates route, were he's kind of a detective and finding hero's.. But of course he has the famy also, and if you read those comics you see they don't fair well...

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Life is & isn't sexist. That's my contribution today.


I'm not finished, of course.


All folks making money on the public wheel are obliged to hold their seats.



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