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my SDCC review

264 posts in this topic

No I'm just over it.


People here rather dwell than make things better.

Weren't you the one saying people need to be called out and held accountable when they step outside the lines of acceptable behavior for a facilitator?


I believe that WE should be held to a higher standard and conduct ourselves accordingly. If you or I don't have the balls (hate to say it) to call that person out or pull them aside and give them your two cents, then you're about as guilty as he/she is of doing the same thing.


Typing out what can or should be done does nothing. Call that person out, call him on their phone and fill their voice mail inbox until they call you back or give a true apology.


If this facilitator chooses not to admit fault, then simply boycott them. Even if they're able to get that creator that we all love and would want a signature from, boycott them.


But if you're happy with their services and happy that they continue to ruin, or should we say, tarnish a fruitful relationship, then it is no ones fault but your own.


That's my two cents. It may not be frosty, or a sweet answer, but it's the truth.

Shouldn't that apply to their interaction with other members of the boards and fans at shows as well as creators? There's a reason I didn't even think about contacting you when I was looking to submit a few books for SS by Nick Cardy at Florida Super Con. Would you even remotely consider subbing books through a facilitator that acted the way you did in the VCC thread? Somehow I doubt it.
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Sadly you the only one I have heard who have decided to take a step back or just abandon the SS program. It is disheartening to say the least.
I'm definitely taking a step back, not sure if I'll continue with it in the future or not. (shrug)


I believe I'm the third one to at least step back if not walk away. The list as I know it is:


1) Doug (MedicAR)

And yeah, I'm done (at least for now) with CGC SS in particular and CGC in general.


2) The unnamed collector JJ mentioned.

In the past week I have had 1 major collector tell me he is done. Selling all his SS books, as he believes CGC does not take this seriously.


3) Myself


I believe that WE should be held to a higher standard and conduct ourselves accordingly.
Oh the irony... here's an example of how a facilitator should NOT behave towards someone. Especially over $15 worth of comic books.



If this facilitator chooses not to admit fault, then simply boycott them. Even if they're able to get that creator that we all love and would want a signature from, boycott them.
It was clearly stated that DWC isn't the only facilitator that's caused a problem with what occured.

Yes, DWC was the straw that broke the back, but
Yes, DWC was the straw that broke the back, but they did what many other facilitators have done in the past, distribute books to others in line because of a per book limit. Many Facilitators have done this (heck, back in the day CGC did this), so let’s hold off with the pitchforks.


Anyway... I'll still be on the boards as there are a good number of people here that I enjoy talking to. I will, however, leave it up to someone else to take over setting up the Signature Series Trade Weekends if it's going to continue and anyone's up for putting it together.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Bring the up the past why don't you.


It's all about changing the way you handle yourself. I've apologized to you, but you can't seem to get past that.

No Adonis, you never apologized to me. The last contact I had with you was a PM basically telling me to go :censored: myself.


As for bringing up the past? I seem to recall you being on the side of the lynch mob in every thread that turned into a bash DWC fest time and time again. hm


And for the record, I have no problem with DWC. Chandler and Sharon have always been great to work with in my experience and have always treated me well. It's not like I'm a guy spending a ton of money subbing books through them either. If other people have had a different experience it's not something I ever encountered. I don't agree with or condone what took place at SDCC nor am I going to make excuses for someone else's actions. It happened as have many other things past and present to attain the goal of getting books signed. It's not my problem to straighten out, that's up to CGC. They either will or they won't and based on which route they go will determine if I continue to participate in the SS program or, for that matter, use their services at all.


apologize much?

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Sadly you the only one I have heard who have decided to take a step back or just abandon the SS program. It is disheartening to say the least.
I'm definitely taking a step back, not sure if I'll continue with it in the future or not. (shrug)


I believe I'm the third one to at least step back if not walk away. The list as I know it is:


1) Doug (MedicAR)

And yeah, I'm done (at least for now) with CGC SS in particular and CGC in general.


2) The unnamed collector JJ mentioned.

In the past week I have had 1 major collector tell me he is done. Selling all his SS books, as he believes CGC does not take this seriously.


3) Myself


I believe that WE should be held to a higher standard and conduct ourselves accordingly.
Oh the irony... here's an example of how a facilitator should NOT behave towards someone. Especially over $15 worth of comic books.



If this facilitator chooses not to admit fault, then simply boycott them. Even if they're able to get that creator that we all love and would want a signature from, boycott them.
It was clearly stated that DWC isn't the only facilitator that's caused a problem with what occured.

Yes, DWC was the straw that broke the back, but
Yes, DWC was the straw that broke the back, but they did what many other facilitators have done in the past, distribute books to others in line because of a per book limit. Many Facilitators have done this (heck, back in the day CGC did this), so let’s hold off with the pitchforks.


Anyway... I'll still be on the boards as there are a good number of people here that I enjoy talking to. I will, however, leave it up to someone else to take over setting up the Signature Series Trade Weekends if it's going to continue and anyone's up for putting it together.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

What a great way for a facilitator to behave towards another member of the SS community! :applause: Or are you going to claim you're not a facilitator as you did once before? Let's have it Anthony... are you or aren't you a facilitator?
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Too much quoting of super big posts

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I may of missed this but should not facilitator be registered and licenced


You have to know the rules pass a test to prove you do and if you brake the rules you loose your licence

sort of like a carpenter in 1600 England

a licenced facilitator puts his # on every transaction and he is accountable for the transaction

CGC and the comic book publishers could easy put this together (even let the facilitators do the work) I think in the old days of England they called it a guide

(self regulating policing group )




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We don't need people like you here. You don't want anything to do with CGC. But yet you are going to hang out on the boards and bash people. Take your negativity and get a life.

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I may of missed this but should not facilitator be registered and licenced


You have to know the rules pass a test to prove you do and if you brake the rules you loose your licence

sort of like a carpenter in 1600 England

a licenced facilitator puts his # on every transaction and he is accountable for the transaction

CGC and the comic book publishers could easy put this together (even let the facilitators do the work) I think in the old days of England they called it a guide

(self regulating policing group )



We do have to know the rules already. We have to sign a code of conduct when we sign up to facilitate an event.
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We don't need people like you here. You don't want anything to do with CGC. But yet you are going to hang out on the boards and bash people. Take your negativity and get a life.
1) I never said I don't want anything to do with CGC. What I said is I don't know if I'm willing to continue doing business with a company that lets it's representatives run rampant, behave however they want and treat their customers disrespectfully.


2) I absolutely don't hang out on the boards to bash people. Who exactly is it that you perceive me as bashing?

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All I've done is point out the less than acceptable behavior of a couple of facilitators. They're representatives of CGC and should be responsible enough to conduct themselves in a professional manner not post things like:

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


In essence, facilitators work for CGC and CGC works for you, me and everyone else who submits books for grading. Would you be happy with paying someone to allow their employee to treat you that way? A line has to be drawn and people need to be held accountable but I'm not about to sit back and have someone who represents a company I pay my hard earned money to treat me like that. Anyone who does is a fool.

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You've never spent a cent with me...so to what do I owe you since you don't want an apology
You're right, I haven't and it's unlikely I ever will. Would you feel comfortable sending your books to someone that reacted that way? I never said you owe me anything nor do I feel you do now. An apology would have been a nice gesture after the way you flew off the handle over what you clearly perceived to be a personal slight but was simply me respecting the rules of the VCC but I don't feel it's something I'm owed.


There's a level of trust between facilitators and the people they accept submissions from that is based mainly on the manner in which any given facilitator presents their self not only at shows but on the boards as well. According to the Code of Conduct agreement they should be acting in a professional manner towards each other but shouldn't that apply even more so to the way they interact with customers. Whether a person has subbed books through you or not it only stands to reason that they're not going to if they're treated disrespectfully.

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The funny thing is that I've had little arguments with other people here on the boards... BUT the moment they take part in one of my sketch opps, I treat them with RESPECT...becase outside of these little tantrums and board (I can't call them fights) disagreements, you still have to provide a service. You don't have to like me as a person, but rest assured, when it comes to business, it's strickly business.


Not once have I held a grudge against you, or anyone else that I've problems with. In the end, this is ALL about comics.


You've never gained that level of TRUST with me because we've never had dealings together, and we probably never will. But I felt it was important for you and others to know that business is that, business, personal feelings aside.

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I can understand that but if one of those disagreements takes place before someone has done business with you, you have to take into consideration that it may erode their ability/willingness to put it aside and do business with you. I really think that as a facilitator you (in general not you specifically) should treat anyone and everyone that's into SS with the same level of respect regardless of whether they've subbed books through you or not. After all, you're acting as a representative of CGC so anything you do, anything you post can and sometimes will be interpreted as a reflection on them.

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