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Trading Post/PIF/Giving Tree Discussion Thread

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ahhh man, there were some sweet Black Cats in there I would have offered to trade for.



Sadly I only have one black cat piece :sorry:





They are bigger than her head.





Exactly, perfectly proportional.

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ahhh man, there were some sweet Black Cats in there I would have offered to trade for.



Sadly I only have one black cat piece :sorry:





They are bigger than her head.





Exactly, perfectly proportional.


Somebody pulled the inflation chord! She is to be used as a floatation device should the plane go down.

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CAHokie just said what alot of us are feeling.


The fact that pretty much the ONLY thread you frequent is the PIF thread, or the discussion about it, doesn't help the case that you just seem to be trying to game the system.


You didn't address how you felt it was right to take 9 trades and offer two, or how you took that statue and offered much less in return.


It seems like you quote the value rule non stop because it is the one that benefits you the most.


And also just cause it's tax season, technically you aren't donating anything, or maybe your just not being charitable. -


"A charitable contribution is a donation or gift

to, or for the use of, a qualified organization. It is

voluntary and is made without getting, or ex­

pecting to get, anything of equal value."







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The more he can focus it on me the less he has to answer for what you guys are saying. I honestly just wanted to help the guy know what the perception was and get him to understand even if it was just a misunderstanding.


I think everyone would have been content with a simple, I wasn't aware that was the perception. I will keep that in mind in the future but it was never my intention to do anything perceived as shady.


Don't be naive. He knows exactly what he is doing. It's actually why he participates in the thread.... to make profit. He will keep gaming the "rules" as long as you all allow him to. He feels no remorse over what he is doing because he already knows what he is doing is wrong.... and he simply doesn't care. The only way to stop him is to not allow him to participate. Like you do with the Hall of Shame and Probation people in the other threads. Make a list up for this thread. Problem solved.


Let me stress this once again............ He will keep doing what he's doing. He knows what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose and feels no guilt about it. Go back to page 73. This has been going on for a year and a half now. How many times do you people have to be fooled until you wake up? He's laughing all the way to the bank. Courtesy of everyone's generosity.


Why not just refuse to ship to azz hats?

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I'd like to get all the hardcore PIF junk donkeys to submit a group picture of all the PIF gifts they still have (didn't sell on eBay, trade away, etc.), stacked in a bookshelf.


Here's how I bet it would look:




I get that the peanut gallery around here consists of a bunch of bitter cynics. But I honestly still don't understand why so many people who don't even participate in the thread feel the constant need to bash those who do. It's just downright bizarre.


By my count, I have claimed 13 PIF offerings since the thread went live. One of those is still in the mail to me.


Here's a group shot of the other 12, all still in my collection:





Notes on them from left to right, top row to bottom row:


1. The first lot I claimed was reader copies of All-American Men of War #102 and Adventures Into the Unknown #146. I was mostly just interested in the AAMoW, as I collect that title. When I downsized my horror collection, I got rid of the Adventures Into the Unknown.


2. Reader copies of Superman #234 and All-Star Western #4 was my second pick, and both are happily resting in my collection.


3. Showcase #77 - yep, there it is.


4. Peter Panzerfaust #6 and 7. When I claimed this, I also claimed the first Peter Panzerfaust TPB, as I wanted to read the series to see what the hype was about. At the time, #7 was the newest issue published. The TPB I paid forward as part of a lot of five TPB's. At some point I will likely pay these two issues forward again, as I decided not to keep reading the series.


5. Superman #129 - This was part of a lot of ten low grade SA/BA issues. I don't really remember what else was in the lot, as I mainly claimed it for this issue. The others are either still in my collection or were paid forward in mystery boxes; I know there was a Flash Annual #4 from this lot that I sent to someone in a mystery box.


6. Wonder Woman #224 CGC 9.2 - I have a run of WW #178-329, but this is my only CGC copy, so I am quite happy with it.


7. Lot of Destroyer magazines. Note: Don't google this.


8. The Greatest Superman Stories Ever Told TPB


9. Archie mystery box. Everything from this box is still in my collection, as I sent a checklist to the giver and he only sent me stuff I needed for my collection.


10. Lot of Bronze Age #1's - I don't remember what all was in this lot, it was more than shown here. All of them are either still in my collection or have been paid forward. Just last week I offered the Son of Satan #1 as part of a larger PIF lot. I read all the #1's that were sent me and intend to permanently keep a couple of them, but the only one that prompted me to begin collecting the series was Red Sonja.


11. Marvel Masterworks Venus


12. Cursed Pirate Girl #2 - which I received earlier this month.




As far as I can recall, of everything I have received, the only things that have been sold were the Adventures Into the Unknown #146, which went out in a giant box of horror readers I downsized, and a lot of Green Arrow issues someone sent as a bonus gift, but which I already had copies of and therefore threw into another big box of stuff I sold on craigslist.


There are people who actually still read comics and whose main interest in comics is not monetary. It's clear that's just impossible for some of you to believe, but I again suggest that perhaps you please find one of the many other corners of these forums set aside for bitter cynicism and let the rest of us junk donkeys swap our junk unmolested. Er, in a manner of speaking.


:facepalm: oh man, I wish I listened to you.



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The more he can focus it on me the less he has to answer for what you guys are saying. I honestly just wanted to help the guy know what the perception was and get him to understand even if it was just a misunderstanding.


I think everyone would have been content with a simple, I wasn't aware that was the perception. I will keep that in mind in the future but it was never my intention to do anything perceived as shady.


Don't be naive. He knows exactly what he is doing. It's actually why he participates in the thread.... to make profit. He will keep gaming the "rules" as long as you all allow him to. He feels no remorse over what he is doing because he already knows what he is doing is wrong.... and he simply doesn't care. The only way to stop him is to not allow him to participate. Like you do with the Hall of Shame and Probation people in the other threads. Make a list up for this thread. Problem solved.


Let me stress this once again............ He will keep doing what he's doing. He knows what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose and feels no guilt about it. Go back to page 73. This has been going on for a year and a half now. How many times do you people have to be fooled until you wake up? He's laughing all the way to the bank. Courtesy of everyone's generosity.


Why not just refuse to ship to azz hats?

That seems to be the easiest solution, no? Identifying the people that game the system seems pretty easy. If they throw up the :takeit:, why not politely inform them you refuse to ship the item to them due to past history?

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And if ones azzhattery is in question.....post a poll:
12-1 right now. I wonder who the 1 is? (shrug)


It was me.


I'm not saying you guys are wrong even. However, despite statements like this...


I'll say this...


The minute Mr. Wiggles claimed the $200 statue, I heard the entire forum let out a collective groan.



...I don't remember anything about Mr. Wiggles' history in the PIF thread other than that he donates toys to kids and that he frequently reminds people not to discuss value. I certainly don't remember what he - or anybody else - has offered up in the past. Or what they claimed. Or what the correlation is between the two.


I'm not being snarky here, this is an honest question - are you guys tracking this stuff? Because I've just been looking at whatever the current offer is without really any regard to who is posting it or what they claimed. It never really occurred to me to pay any attention to anybody's claiming history or anything. But apparently I'm in the minority there?

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...I don't remember anything about Mr. Wiggles' history in the PIF thread other than that he donates toys to kids and that he frequently reminds people not to discuss value.


That's because there are two types of people on PIF, Givers and Takers.


The first group, if you totaled up what they offered vs. what they received, they would be in the Red, big time.


The second group, if you did the same thing, would be significantly in the Black.


That's why the Givers (who continually subsidize PIF) sometimes bring up value, and the Takers (who profit off of PIF) tell everyone to STFU about value.


And as for the "90's specu-toys found in a Salvation Army dumpster" donations, it truly has no place in PIF and there are others who donate to charity, churches, hospitals, etc. and don't say a word about it in PIF, because again, it HAS NO PLACE IN PIF.

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The donations are not a smoke screen to hide uncouth behavior. They are a way to actually pay it forward.


Then give the poor kids some LEGO or even some recent Batman, TMNT or Spider-man sets. Something from this century at least.


If my offers are not up to par stop accepting them.


Wisdom straight from the donkey's mouth. hm

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