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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie thread for your reading pleasure
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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



I had the same look on my face (similar to Superman) after watching BATMAN V SUPERMAN. What a mess of a movie. They say people don't intentionally make a bad movie but I can't help feeling otherwise when I got out of the theater.






The movie was long by an hour. The constant god vs man allusions were beyond annoying. Do we really need to see Batman's origin again? The only reason Batman doesn't hand Superman his death sentence is because their moms share the same first name? The JLA cameos where more like YouTube videos. The dream sequences were absurd. The best scenes were in the trailers. Storylines from DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and DEATH OF SUPERMAN are fit awkwardly together. The Senate hearing was nonsensical. The legless man is angry at Bruce Wayne because...?


Batman was awesome although he was more Punisher than Batman. Wonder Woman's overextended cameo was nice but the reasoning for her being in the film was over a photo that she couldn't access but Batman could? Alfred was cool. Luthor was GOTHAM / BATMAN & ROBIN overacted by Zuckerberg. Lois Lane was boring and was literally a simple plot tool. Superman? Well, Superman continues to look annoyed that he has to save people. You'd think he was made to "save the day" by being threatened from afar with a kryptonite bullet from a sniper. Emo Supes should just slit his wrists and call it a day. This was aimed more at a Transformers / TMNT film going crowd. And I, proudly, am neither.


regarding the picture



Bruce only got it through his device that hacked Luthor's computers. Diana didnt have a way to break the encryption


Edited by sd2416
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Yeah, so just seen it...


It's not AoU bad, but my gosh its not good.


I can't believe during filming that they didn't realise that the Luthor in this film is dreadful.


I mean flat out ridiculously awful. Even Jesse must be cringing if he sits in a cinema and watches it with a normal audience.


It's far too long, with plot that really just goes nowhere. The person I saw it with fell asleep within the first hour and woke up when Wonder Woman showed up at the end. Best way to view it.


Doomsday, well yea, let's just gloss over that.


Ben as bats was good. Henry as supes was just like in MoS, wooden and frowns a lot. Lois I liked, as too the amazingly beautiful woman playing WW.


But that's your lot, the rest was just as exercise in how to make a film that's too long, too dark, colours too muted, too much cgi, with literally NO humour like at all!


I reckon they'll have to rethink the next few movies after this.... ZS won't be allowed another.

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ok just got back from my 2nd time watching the movie and going back tomorrow night for my 3rd. yes, i did really like the movie and i think the more i think about the more i'm starting to love it so much infomantion going on.


i love the fact that the DCU or like i call it DC Cinematic Multiverse is different enough from Marvel movies and trying different things that it makes it feel fresh.

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Storylines from DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and DEATH OF SUPERMAN are fit awkwardly together.

Don't forget INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US. That's pretty much the entire Dystopian future storyline muddled with Darkseid.

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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



I had the same look on my face (similar to Superman) after watching BATMAN V SUPERMAN. What a mess of a movie. They say people don't intentionally make a bad movie but I can't help feeling otherwise when I got out of the theater.






The movie was long by an hour. The constant god vs man allusions were beyond annoying. Do we really need to see Batman's origin again? The only reason Batman doesn't hand Superman his death sentence is because their moms share the same first name? The JLA cameos where more like YouTube videos. The dream sequences were absurd. The best scenes were in the trailers. Storylines from DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and DEATH OF SUPERMAN are fit awkwardly together. The Senate hearing was nonsensical. The legless man is angry at Bruce Wayne because...?


Batman was awesome although he was more Punisher than Batman. Wonder Woman's overextended cameo was nice but the reasoning for her being in the film was over a photo that she couldn't access but Batman could? Alfred was cool. Luthor was GOTHAM / BATMAN & ROBIN overacted by Zuckerberg. Lois Lane was boring and was literally a simple plot tool. Superman? Well, Superman continues to look annoyed that he has to save people. You'd think he was made to "save the day" by being threatened from afar with a kryptonite bullet from a sniper. Emo Supes should just slit his wrists and call it a day. This was aimed more at a Transformers / TMNT film going crowd. And I, proudly, am neither.


He was mad at Superman cause he was the one who made the building crumble that made the I beam fall on him that made him lose his legs.

lex was the one behine getting batman/ bruce even more angry torwards superman. his say it in the movie that mainpulated both of them and took him almost 2 years.


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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



I had the same look on my face (similar to Superman) after watching BATMAN V SUPERMAN. What a mess of a movie. They say people don't intentionally make a bad movie but I can't help feeling otherwise when I got out of the theater.






The movie was long by an hour. The constant god vs man allusions were beyond annoying. Do we really need to see Batman's origin again? The only reason Batman doesn't hand Superman his death sentence is because their moms share the same first name? The JLA cameos where more like YouTube videos. The dream sequences were absurd. The best scenes were in the trailers. Storylines from DARK KNIGHT RETURNS and DEATH OF SUPERMAN are fit awkwardly together. The Senate hearing was nonsensical. The legless man is angry at Bruce Wayne because...?


Batman was awesome although he was more Punisher than Batman. Wonder Woman's overextended cameo was nice but the reasoning for her being in the film was over a photo that she couldn't access but Batman could? Alfred was cool. Luthor was GOTHAM / BATMAN & ROBIN overacted by Zuckerberg. Lois Lane was boring and was literally a simple plot tool. Superman? Well, Superman continues to look annoyed that he has to save people. You'd think he was made to "save the day" by being threatened from afar with a kryptonite bullet from a sniper. Emo Supes should just slit his wrists and call it a day. This was aimed more at a Transformers / TMNT film going crowd. And I, proudly, am neither.


He was mad at Superman cause he was the one who made the building crumble that made the I beam fall on him that made him lose his legs.

lex was the one behine getting batman/ bruce even more angry torwards superman. his say it in the movie that mainpulated both of them and took him almost 2 years.



So he's known who they were for 2 years and it took this "genius" that long to get to them? Batman could be taken out quick since he didn't know about Luthor's intentions. Meanwhile, Luthor would have had the Kryptonite (since Bat's didn't steal it) to create a weapon designed to kill Supes.


And for a guy who is Super to not smell, hear or sense the bomb in the guy's wheelchair because he wasn't focused? Zod used his powers better in the 5 minutes he had them compared to "superman". I just... :eyeroll:


Edited by JasonDaTwit
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i think DC/WB are teasing us with to villians coming down in a future JL movie one is Darksied (by the Flash dream scene) and the other is brainiac (which is what i think Lex is talking about in the end). i don't think the first JL movie is going to be them i think maybe they going with the throne of atlantis and mix with other story lines.

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I picked my kids up from a trip to the theater with their grandma tonight, and I saw lines of people for BvS. Scores of people leaving the theater talking about what a great time they had seeing it. I'll see it early next week.


For those who have seen it, spoiler-free thoughts on Lex Luthor?


I liked lex but I'm not sure he fit the rest of the movie. His motivations and actions seemed ....puzzlilng


But I enjoyed the eisenberg


He, Wonder Woman and batmans new fighting style was the best parts of the movie.


Overall, better than the last one, about a touch better than the Norton hulk


Last night I posted my first impressions after seeing it here's my extended thoughts, which will be spoiler filled





1. Wonder Woman - Could have given her more backstory, but she was great and drew more and more of my interest throughout the movie. Everyone cheered when she jumped in with the bracelets to block Doomsday. My wife's favorite part too. She looked great fighting.


2. Lex Luthor - I might be the only person who likes him, Thought he was funny, and jokerish, but underdeveloped as to why he cares, other than creating chaos. But I actually generally don't like Lex in general as a character.


3. I enjoyed Lawrence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, and Amy Adams. They're professionals, and its appreciated.


4. Batman fight scenes with the bad guys and Superman were great, if not a bit shaky in terms of cinematography. I love-loved the use of the bat-cable for fighting, and made me want to watch a whole movie with batman learning to do that stuff.


5. Cinematography was generally good, except for the long shaky shots. But unfortunately, it looked like he was sacrificing other important stuff to show how cool the cinematography was.


6. The ending. I like bittersweet endings. There's a cost to all this destruction. I'm glad they were true to the comic and had Superman sacrifice himself to kill Doomsday.



1. Batfleck - I got no beef with him. He was aight, though I'm sure someone could do better. And for those who think he didn't kill except in the dream, when he was in the Batplane and driving the Batmobile, he definitely killed people. Is he more punisher like? or just expedience in the face of world-wide danger? I don't know, but I didn't mind it. Like Jack Bauer killing armed terrorists on American soil in the middle of executing a terrorist plot its URGENT.

2. drabness of tone - yes the fun was sucked out, but I'm ok not having fun all the time. Its Zack Snyder.

3. Doomsday - I'm not sure what else I'd want out of him, thought it was fine, if not a bit generic. Although as others have said he looks like Abomination from the Hulk.

4. Batman not killing Superman because of 'Martha'. I was fine with the hesitation, but it shouldn't have cleared everything up that quickly.



1. Editing - Pacing, timelines, extra scenes and scenery, all terrible.

2. Sound - Maybe it was our theatre, maybe not. Couldn't understand Lex half the time, and everyone thought Batfleck was yelling for his dad at the beginning, but it was actually 'JACK', I think.

3. Plot holes and illogical stuff for days.

a. Why didn't they Lex Luthor have an escape plan? He got out of the Senate before blowing it up

b. Why didn't superman have time to go get his mom once Batman had the location? Alfred could have chimed in literally 20 seconds earlier. And it would have taken him like a minute tops. Why does superman suddenly trust bruce?

c. Why did they give Lex all that access to everything? SHouldn't there still at least be guards either way?

d. What was the point of the scenes between Holly Hunter and Lex?

4. Too many dreams. We get it.

5. Why kill Mercy? And why not have her show just a little bit that she's a Bada$$

6. Aquaman looked awful

7. And nobody understood what the flash was saying, or got what was going on






This movie should have been edited better, and planned better, maybe I guess a bit more formulaic at least in terms of pacing? THere's movies inside this movie you want to see, but mostly it feels like one long trailer for those movies.


But it did make me excited for the Wonder Woman Moive

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The look on Ben's face...the music makes it all the better.



This reminds me of an interview he did back when he first accepted the Batman role. Here's a quote from it:


Indeed I have regrets about Daredevil. I have regrets about all the movies that I don't think were executed properly. ... Look, if I thought we were remaking Daredevil, I'd be out there picketing myself ... and that goes for other movies as well that I haven't been happy with. Why would I make the movie if I didn’t think it was going to be good and that I can be good in it? The only movie I actually regret is Daredevil. It just kills me. I love that story, that character, and the fact that it got up the way it did stays with me. Maybe that’s part of the motivation to do Batman.


Given that the reviews for Daredevil were significantly better than this film, I wonder if he now feels like picketing against Batman v Superman? hm I do feel bad for him...he's a big comics fan, and now BOTH of his superhero films have been critical bombs. And he was very specifically hoping to redeem himself with this one. :(



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Id say this movie was average at best and that's heart breakingly sad.


In my opinion, those of use who said Eisenberg was a poor choice for Lex Luthor have been proven right. I also think Wonder woman could have been amazing but her casting choice was poor as well. Surprisingly, I think Affleck did very well as Batman.


While I think that financially this film will be deemed a success, that is attributed mainly to the hype that was built up (kudos on a great marketing campaign). I think this movie could have and should have been better, much better.


I'm very curious to see how this will all play out because if the reviews continue to be negative, I'd be surprised if they kept Snyder on board for Justice League. Unless this financially bombs, which I highly doubt, Justice League and the rest of the DC slate will continue forward but I think the writers/directors may be changed. Snyder is a good director but he either got lazy or ran out of ideas as most of this film was stuff we already saw in his other movies.


Regardless, I think that Snyder directing Justice League does not look good right now, and Time Warner SHOULD switch it up. Snyder certainly didn't help this film, I don't want to see him harm JL.

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Id say this movie was average at best and that's heart breakingly sad.


In my opinion, those of use who said Eisenberg was a poor choice for Lex Luthor have been proven right. I also think Wonder woman could have been amazing but her casting choice was poor as well. Surprisingly, I think Affleck did very well as Batman.


While I think that financially this film will be deemed a success, that is attributed mainly to the hype that was built up (kudos on a great marketing campaign). I think this movie could have and should have been better, much better.


I'm very curious to see how this will all play out because if the reviews continue to be negative, I'd be surprised if they kept Snyder on board for Justice League. Unless this financially bombs, which I highly doubt, Justice League and the rest of the DC slate will continue forward but I think the writers/directors may be changed. Snyder is a good director but he either got lazy or ran out of ideas as most of this film was stuff we already saw in his other movies.


Regardless, I think that Snyder directing Justice League does not look good right now, and Time Warner SHOULD switch it up. Snyder certainly didn't help this film, I don't want to see him harm JL.


Agree, they should just pay Chris Nolan ALL the money to do the two JL movies.

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Overall I liked it. What would have made this movie better? It sets up this DC Movie Universe perfectly. I look forward to everything coming. I never expected to see anything like this in my lifetime. I don't expect to be around when they update/redo these again in 30 years.

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Well I have my tickets for tomorrow, three of us are going, but the RT score keeps dropping. It is down to 29% right now. At this point I am just hoping for the best.


I think as more 'non-hardcore' fans see it, the score is gonna keep dropping. There's entertainment value, but the pacing, sound, and editing are very poor, and there's too many unexplained things and obvious plot holes. Some comic fans will give them the benefit of the doubt because they've wanted to see B VS S (and I think that actual fight was ok) for so long, and everyone likes the Wonder Woman, but the average moviegoer who just goes to blockbusters will NOT like this movie. My wife fell asleep in the middle of this one, and she loved Cap 1, Cap 2, Iron Man 1, and Avengers 1, and GOTG. You simply can't spend 40 minutes of a 2 hour movie in dreams (obviously with the exception of inception). And more and more people will be mad that the whole movie was spoiled in the previews and trailers, which it definitely was.

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Agree, they should just pay Chris Nolan ALL the money to do the two JL movies.
They really should give Bruce Timm a crack at DC live-action.


Maybe his track record of excellent JL/DCU storytelling choices would work for film too.

At least he'd have it storyboarded out for plot/pacing to squash potential suckage that doesn't quite work, no matter how cool it initially seemed on the written page.

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