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SPOILER-FILLED thread about Agents Of SHIELD
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That and the fact that we've seen few to zero actual Marvel characters appear.


This has been by far the show's biggest blunder ... followed by The Wonder Twins. Somebody at Marvel creative (Quesada?) didn't bother to look at the season 1 scripts carefully to ensure the Marvel library of characters was being exploited.

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I think... I am not positive, so I wouldn't go betting the farm on it. I seem to have watched last night's episode in a daze.




I did find it funny when Fitz, after doing some pretty cool stuff, gets back to the plane and is talking to Simmons, plays it all cool about the sandwich, and then when she tells him she shot a superior officer in the chest, he gets this momentary look like "you person_without_enough_empathy..." - all the cool stuff he did and she still manages to upstage him.


I lol'ed, loudly.







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I think... I am not positive, so I wouldn't go betting the farm on it. I seem to have watched last night's episode in a daze.




I did find it funny when Fitz, after doing some pretty cool stuff, gets back to the plane and is talking to Simmons, plays it all cool about the sandwich, and then when she tells him she shot a superior officer in the chest, he gets this momentary look like "you person_without_enough_empathy..." - all the cool stuff he did and she still manages to upstage him.


I lol'ed, loudly.









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Last night's episode didn't do so well on the ratings front. To wit:




"Another Ratings Skid for Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ABC drama has fallen 53 percent since its premiere"





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It was a woman's dead body... presumably the SHIELD agent who brought her to the orphanage or her mother.


Agent Sitwell has been a Marvel Character since 1966.


Victoria Hand has been a Marvel Character since 2008.



Edited by sckao
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I've been going out of my way to try & become invested in this show, but I've not been completely successful thus far.

I enjoy the characters for the most part, but honestly, the storylines have on average been about as dull as dishwater. No, not every single one of them, but FAR too many for a program that's not even halfway through it's first season.

Now, I realize that the idea behind the show wasn't for it to be a "superhero of the week" show, but IMO they haven't really done enough so far in tying it into the Marvel movie universe. At least not for the casual fans that make up the vast majority of it's audience.

Sure, they've referenced some of the Avengers & Nick Fury popped up at the tail end of an episode, but I think they need a lot more of that. And, a lot less of the "international intrigue" stuff.

Back when the show was announced, they said that Coulson's team would be investigating a lot of unexplained phenomena & mysterious occurrences, cases more or less out of THE X-FILES. Which is what I was expecting, cases that would bring them into contact with people, places & things that might require assistance from those with extraordinary powers & abilities occasionally.

And those individuals wouldn't even need to be members of the Avengers. The creative team behind the show has a TON of Marvel characters that they could introduce & use.

And, judging by the way the ratings are slipping, they may want to seriously think about doing it REAL soon.


Just my 2 cents.

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I'm going to give next weeks episode a shot with the Thor tie-in but every time i (try to) watch this show all i can think of are the wasted opportunities.


I wonder if the people who were saying how great it was a few weeks ago still feel that way. Whatever the case there won't be a season 2.

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1) Saffron Burrows :luhv:

2) I remember Jasper Sitwell looking like a Midwestern farm boy. Did I miss something, again?

3) If you rearrange the letters in Tahiti they spell Asgard.

4) Skye and Simmons need to lose the sprayed on skinny jeans. Gals ain't got the hips for them.

5) Can we see May make an emergency landing on a heli-carrier? That would be cool.

Edited by kdoginohio
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I think it's obvious now that Coulson's visit to Tahiti was not in the South Pacific. That is a nice sub-plot that the show has been nursing since the start ... but they need MANY MORE sub-plots, a la Walking Dead or Boardwalk Empire, to keep viewers hooked. There's a massive Marvel character tapestry that they can weave in and out of, and introduce new faces. A-Team-style, one-shot episodes don't work in 2013. Would love to see 2-part episodes with cliff-hangers, a la X-Files.


The Skye orphanage thing is a decent sub-plot, if you freeze frame the file that is being reviewed, it shows a photo with "Agent 10" typed on the caption. Presumably Agent 10 is Skye's birth mom. Again, cool, but need so many more of these. Anyone know if an "Agent 10" ever appeared in Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Would have loved to see the senior Peggy Carter by now, or some reference to her. Or Sharon Carter/Agent 13.


On the positive, for the first time I liked how they used Agent Fitz -- not as some doofy guy arguing back and forth with Simmons.

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Agreed. You can look at how Arrow is traversing the waters of the DC Universe right now. That show uses known characters and in a good way. AOS has yet to do that. The problem of the week writing is doing the show no favors either. Other than Coulson's trip to Tahiti, "It's a magical place!" (thumbs u ,there's been no real overall story arch to grasp onto.



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Agreed. You can look at how Arrow is traversing the waters of the DC Universe right now. That show uses known characters and in a good way. AOS has yet to do that. The problem of the week writing is doing the show no favors either. Other than Coulson's trip to Tahiti, "It's a magical place!" (thumbs u ,there's been no real overall story arch to grasp onto.


+1 It seems the producers (and writers) are more interested in developing characters and keeping it internalized within SHIELD. Maybe they feel it is necessary to develop the character interactions to establish a basis, but they could do that over the long haul. Prime example where this worked wonderfully is ST Next Gen. I think the show needs known Marvel villains that work into story arcs. Many here have said this. Bad guys - with top notch acting - are what separates mediocre shows from great shows. If SHIELD continues to chase machines bent on destroying the world, instead of the baddies that want to own or control the world, they just create alternate versions of CIA plots.
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