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881 posts in this topic

When I first joined, I bumped 6 year old WTB threads. Then, after a significant flaming :grin: I caught on. I totally get what you are saying DavidtheDavid, I NOW consider myself a productive member, after people got used to me :grin:


Who are you? (shrug)





Noob fest.


It's a norgy.



Wouldn't it be awesome if dozens of n00bs all signed up and jumped into CG on the same day? :whee:



I hope that's a day I don't even click on CG. lol


NewbFest 2014!!


Let's make it happen





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When I first joined, I bumped 6 year old WTB threads. Then, after a significant flaming :grin: I caught on. I totally get what you are saying DavidtheDavid, I NOW consider myself a productive member, after people got used to me :grin:


Who are you? (shrug)





Noob fest.


It's a norgy.



Wouldn't it be awesome if dozens of n00bs all signed up and jumped into CG on the same day? :whee:



I hope that's a day I don't even click on CG. lol


NewbFest 2014!!


Let's make it happen






aaarrrrgghhhhh!! I am a n00b to you. :frustrated:

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When I first joined, I bumped 6 year old WTB threads. Then, after a significant flaming :grin: I caught on. I totally get what you are saying DavidtheDavid, I NOW consider myself a productive member, after people got used to me :grin:


Who are you? (shrug)





Noob fest.


It's a norgy.



Wouldn't it be awesome if dozens of n00bs all signed up and jumped into CG on the same day? :whee:



I hope that's a day I don't even click on CG. lol


NewbFest 2014!!


Let's make it happen






aaarrrrgghhhhh!! I am a n00b to you. :frustrated:



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When I first joined, I bumped 6 year old WTB threads. Then, after a significant flaming :grin: I caught on. I totally get what you are saying DavidtheDavid, I NOW consider myself a productive member, after people got used to me :grin:


Who are you? (shrug)





Noob fest.


It's a norgy.



Wouldn't it be awesome if dozens of n00bs all signed up and jumped into CG on the same day? :whee:



I hope that's a day I don't even click on CG. lol


NewbFest 2014!!


Let's make it happen






aaarrrrgghhhhh!! I am a n00b to you. :frustrated:


And the first one said to the second one there, I hope you're having fun.


Band on the run.

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When I first joined, I bumped 6 year old WTB threads. Then, after a significant flaming :grin: I caught on. I totally get what you are saying DavidtheDavid, I NOW consider myself a productive member, after people got used to me :grin:


Who are you? (shrug)





Noob fest.


It's a norgy.



Wouldn't it be awesome if dozens of n00bs all signed up and jumped into CG on the same day? :whee:



I hope that's a day I don't even click on CG. lol


NewbFest 2014!!


Let's make it happen






aaarrrrgghhhhh!! I am a n00b to you. :frustrated:


And the first one said to the second one there, I hope you're having fun.


Band on the run.


Zip it McCartney grandpa n00b

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Says the guy who could not post for two days and had his online friend make a post to send his regards. :facepalm:

Brother, I don't know what your issue is with me. I didn't tell my friend to write up a thread. He just did. (shrug) But it's cool if you can always find my posts and give me a little :facepalm: If that is all you gleamed from what I wrote... (thumbs u



Issue with you? I have no issues with anyone. Just find some things funny. Your regards thread was one of them. lol

Well, ok then... :foryou:







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Says the guy who could not post for two days and had his online friend make a post to send his regards. :facepalm:

Brother, I don't know what your issue is with me. I didn't tell my friend to write up a thread. He just did. (shrug) But it's cool if you can always find my posts and give me a little :facepalm: If that is all you gleamed from what I wrote... (thumbs u



Issue with you? I have no issues with anyone. Just find some things funny. Your regards thread was one of them. lol

Well, ok then... :foryou:








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I haven't read this whole thread, but I know a bulk of it in the beginning revolved around the "Kav" user being bashed for being a noob. Rightfully so, since he had it coming with his rebuttals and terrible threads.


HOWEVER… I think there is a point to be made by this. In no relation to him, I do think that us new users really get bashed a bit too much. There's not many ways to please the more experienced users. There are too many fine lines on this forum.


If you post new threads, not many people comment in them unless you really screw up, which in that case prepare to get your flame shield ready. Any opinion of a new user gets brushed off and there are a lot of unsaid rules and inside jokes. (I have no problem with this, just be aware that it can be discouraging to new users)


I work in a paramilitary-style job, so I'm aware I need to be cautious and bring this up gently, because those of you who are more seasoned, mature users don't always take well to newbs like myself.


Any advice you can give so people like myself don't create these "Friday Threads"? Seems most rookies get burned bad or flicker out. Also if this is inappropriately placed, feel free to let me know.

You are not an azzhat,so you don't get flamed.

When one comes on all guns a blazing,who think we should bow to their points of view.They are the ones that seem to meet their fate here.We really are a simple group,who really does want new people to join.Just don't be an azz.




As someone newer, just pick your spots. It is the people that make outlandish comments and pick fights with the Final Five that get slammed on pretty hard. Just bide your time and don't be a jerk.


You'll learn a ton here too.

As I'd guess is true for a lot of folks here, I've spent a lot participating in online communities. This forum is the first comic community I've engaged with online, in large part because I left the hobby for many years, only to return about 8 months ago.


When I approached this community, I intentionally took it easy. People can get very enthusiastic when they find a group of like-minded people with whom they can share their passion and can get overly zealous, be that with posting in quantity, brushing up against long time community members, or just being opinionated.


Regardless, my take is that new users have to respect the existing community, learn its norms, sniff out who the quality members are, who the long-term and well-respected members are, and who the trenchantly combative folks are.


It's also a matter of time and letting yourself organically become part of a group through participation. And a matter of staying out of dogfights. And not letting your ego get the best of you. And respecting other people's opinions, knowing when to bow out of a conversation, and keeping in mind that, for me at least, I'm here to increase my happiness in regards to a hobby I love and was absent from for too long.


On the other hand, I feel that long-time members should be glad to have new members coming along so that the community can stay fresh, grow, have new ideas, and continue to thrive. If it's insular and exclusive, it quickly becomes stagnant.


Be patient with folks who haven't seen the ten other threads on a topic. It's still interesting for some people who missed the boat two months earlier, and they can still have a worthwhile or engaging conversation.


Just like individuals are defined by actions, so are groups. Some people are azzhats. Myself, I don't think that turning the flame spigot back on those people does anything for a community. It's just one person being a jerk being met by a group of people who aren't much better when they are crucifying that jerk. Why not just disengage from the conversation, ignore it, and walk away?


I've sat at all levels on a forum, one with hundreds of daily active users and thousands of monthly users. I've had to moderate, administrate, but more than anything participate. And that participation happens with other people. Maybe this sounds all gooey-ooey starry eyed, and I apologize if it comes across as preachy, but those are my thoughts on all this.


By the way, I've read part of this thread and scanned the rest. Did anyone tell the guy, "Thanks, appreciated, it all sort itself out" or that sort of thing?



Couldn't have said it any better. When I first signed up...I think I posted like once a week and even then I was :eek: Now I 11cdzpv.gif often! It's a great community! You can easily tell how long people have been here and their post counts that this is "their" place and you have to respect that. I want to be part of the community as do others, but you have to earn respect and people acknowledging your posts. Keep in mind that the guys that have been here for years and years have seen people come and go. And that includes COUNTLESS azzhats through the years. I'm sure it gets tiring. I've been here close to a year and even I get the feeling of :eyeroll: when a n00b n00bier than me comes in with guns blazing. I can only imagine what it's like for guys who have been here years before me. Just leave your ego at the door, be respectful and understand that respect takes time to earn and you'll be good to go! It's a great place. I'm glad to have found it. :)



I almost flamed you into an alternate reality in this very thread when you started responding to each & every post like a cheerleader on meth.


I decided you weren't worth my time. :baiting:

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I haven't read this whole thread, but I know a bulk of it in the beginning revolved around the "Kav" user being bashed for being a noob. Rightfully so, since he had it coming with his rebuttals and terrible threads.


HOWEVER… I think there is a point to be made by this. In no relation to him, I do think that us new users really get bashed a bit too much. There's not many ways to please the more experienced users. There are too many fine lines on this forum.


If you post new threads, not many people comment in them unless you really screw up, which in that case prepare to get your flame shield ready. Any opinion of a new user gets brushed off and there are a lot of unsaid rules and inside jokes. (I have no problem with this, just be aware that it can be discouraging to new users)


I work in a paramilitary-style job, so I'm aware I need to be cautious and bring this up gently, because those of you who are more seasoned, mature users don't always take well to newbs like myself.


Any advice you can give so people like myself don't create these "Friday Threads"? Seems most rookies get burned bad or flicker out. Also if this is inappropriately placed, feel free to let me know.

You are not an azzhat,so you don't get flamed.

When one comes on all guns a blazing,who think we should bow to their points of view.They are the ones that seem to meet their fate here.We really are a simple group,who really does want new people to join.Just don't be an azz.




As someone newer, just pick your spots. It is the people that make outlandish comments and pick fights with the Final Five that get slammed on pretty hard. Just bide your time and don't be a jerk.


You'll learn a ton here too.

As I'd guess is true for a lot of folks here, I've spent a lot participating in online communities. This forum is the first comic community I've engaged with online, in large part because I left the hobby for many years, only to return about 8 months ago.


When I approached this community, I intentionally took it easy. People can get very enthusiastic when they find a group of like-minded people with whom they can share their passion and can get overly zealous, be that with posting in quantity, brushing up against long time community members, or just being opinionated.


Regardless, my take is that new users have to respect the existing community, learn its norms, sniff out who the quality members are, who the long-term and well-respected members are, and who the trenchantly combative folks are.


It's also a matter of time and letting yourself organically become part of a group through participation. And a matter of staying out of dogfights. And not letting your ego get the best of you. And respecting other people's opinions, knowing when to bow out of a conversation, and keeping in mind that, for me at least, I'm here to increase my happiness in regards to a hobby I love and was absent from for too long.


On the other hand, I feel that long-time members should be glad to have new members coming along so that the community can stay fresh, grow, have new ideas, and continue to thrive. If it's insular and exclusive, it quickly becomes stagnant.


Be patient with folks who haven't seen the ten other threads on a topic. It's still interesting for some people who missed the boat two months earlier, and they can still have a worthwhile or engaging conversation.


Just like individuals are defined by actions, so are groups. Some people are azzhats. Myself, I don't think that turning the flame spigot back on those people does anything for a community. It's just one person being a jerk being met by a group of people who aren't much better when they are crucifying that jerk. Why not just disengage from the conversation, ignore it, and walk away?


I've sat at all levels on a forum, one with hundreds of daily active users and thousands of monthly users. I've had to moderate, administrate, but more than anything participate. And that participation happens with other people. Maybe this sounds all gooey-ooey starry eyed, and I apologize if it comes across as preachy, but those are my thoughts on all this.


By the way, I've read part of this thread and scanned the rest. Did anyone tell the guy, "Thanks, appreciated, it all sort itself out" or that sort of thing?



Couldn't have said it any better. When I first signed up...I think I posted like once a week and even then I was :eek: Now I 11cdzpv.gif often! It's a great community! You can easily tell how long people have been here and their post counts that this is "their" place and you have to respect that. I want to be part of the community as do others, but you have to earn respect and people acknowledging your posts. Keep in mind that the guys that have been here for years and years have seen people come and go. And that includes COUNTLESS azzhats through the years. I'm sure it gets tiring. I've been here close to a year and even I get the feeling of :eyeroll: when a n00b n00bier than me comes in with guns blazing. I can only imagine what it's like for guys who have been here years before me. Just leave your ego at the door, be respectful and understand that respect takes time to earn and you'll be good to go! It's a great place. I'm glad to have found it. :)



I almost flamed you into an alternate reality in this very thread when you started responding to each & every post like a cheerleader on meth.


I decided you weren't worth my time. :baiting:


:cloud9: Meth cheerleaders...

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I haven't read this whole thread, but I know a bulk of it in the beginning revolved around the "Kav" user being bashed for being a noob. Rightfully so, since he had it coming with his rebuttals and terrible threads.


HOWEVER… I think there is a point to be made by this. In no relation to him, I do think that us new users really get bashed a bit too much. There's not many ways to please the more experienced users. There are too many fine lines on this forum.


If you post new threads, not many people comment in them unless you really screw up, which in that case prepare to get your flame shield ready. Any opinion of a new user gets brushed off and there are a lot of unsaid rules and inside jokes. (I have no problem with this, just be aware that it can be discouraging to new users)


I work in a paramilitary-style job, so I'm aware I need to be cautious and bring this up gently, because those of you who are more seasoned, mature users don't always take well to newbs like myself.


Any advice you can give so people like myself don't create these "Friday Threads"? Seems most rookies get burned bad or flicker out. Also if this is inappropriately placed, feel free to let me know.

You are not an azzhat,so you don't get flamed.

When one comes on all guns a blazing,who think we should bow to their points of view.They are the ones that seem to meet their fate here.We really are a simple group,who really does want new people to join.Just don't be an azz.




As someone newer, just pick your spots. It is the people that make outlandish comments and pick fights with the Final Five that get slammed on pretty hard. Just bide your time and don't be a jerk.


You'll learn a ton here too.

As I'd guess is true for a lot of folks here, I've spent a lot participating in online communities. This forum is the first comic community I've engaged with online, in large part because I left the hobby for many years, only to return about 8 months ago.


When I approached this community, I intentionally took it easy. People can get very enthusiastic when they find a group of like-minded people with whom they can share their passion and can get overly zealous, be that with posting in quantity, brushing up against long time community members, or just being opinionated.


Regardless, my take is that new users have to respect the existing community, learn its norms, sniff out who the quality members are, who the long-term and well-respected members are, and who the trenchantly combative folks are.


It's also a matter of time and letting yourself organically become part of a group through participation. And a matter of staying out of dogfights. And not letting your ego get the best of you. And respecting other people's opinions, knowing when to bow out of a conversation, and keeping in mind that, for me at least, I'm here to increase my happiness in regards to a hobby I love and was absent from for too long.


On the other hand, I feel that long-time members should be glad to have new members coming along so that the community can stay fresh, grow, have new ideas, and continue to thrive. If it's insular and exclusive, it quickly becomes stagnant.


Be patient with folks who haven't seen the ten other threads on a topic. It's still interesting for some people who missed the boat two months earlier, and they can still have a worthwhile or engaging conversation.


Just like individuals are defined by actions, so are groups. Some people are azzhats. Myself, I don't think that turning the flame spigot back on those people does anything for a community. It's just one person being a jerk being met by a group of people who aren't much better when they are crucifying that jerk. Why not just disengage from the conversation, ignore it, and walk away?


I've sat at all levels on a forum, one with hundreds of daily active users and thousands of monthly users. I've had to moderate, administrate, but more than anything participate. And that participation happens with other people. Maybe this sounds all gooey-ooey starry eyed, and I apologize if it comes across as preachy, but those are my thoughts on all this.


By the way, I've read part of this thread and scanned the rest. Did anyone tell the guy, "Thanks, appreciated, it all sort itself out" or that sort of thing?



Couldn't have said it any better. When I first signed up...I think I posted like once a week and even then I was :eek: Now I 11cdzpv.gif often! It's a great community! You can easily tell how long people have been here and their post counts that this is "their" place and you have to respect that. I want to be part of the community as do others, but you have to earn respect and people acknowledging your posts. Keep in mind that the guys that have been here for years and years have seen people come and go. And that includes COUNTLESS azzhats through the years. I'm sure it gets tiring. I've been here close to a year and even I get the feeling of :eyeroll: when a n00b n00bier than me comes in with guns blazing. I can only imagine what it's like for guys who have been here years before me. Just leave your ego at the door, be respectful and understand that respect takes time to earn and you'll be good to go! It's a great place. I'm glad to have found it. :)



I almost flamed you into an alternate reality in this very thread when you started responding to each & every post like a cheerleader on meth.


I decided you weren't worth my time. :baiting:



Best line of this whole thread! :applause:

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