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Had a chance to re-read The Incredible Hulk 1-6 issues in Marvel Masterworks...hadn't read them in awhile...thought I'd share some Hulk Fun Facts... :headbang:


Posted this in CG and actually meant to post it here...

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Issue 1 May 1962

“The Coming of the Hulk”

Art is by Jack Kirby and inking by Paul Reinman.


Hulk is originally grey-skinned. But on page 18 caption 5 and on page 19 caption 6 Hulk is green-skinned.

Hulk’s first words are “GET OUT OF MY WAY, INSECT! (as he bats Rick Jones aside…)


The Igor character, the co-scientist along with Dr. Bruce Banner overseeing the Gamma Bomb test, is handled a bit poorly. Igor (Drenkov, although his last name is not learned in this issue) attempts to cause Banner’s death by allowing the test detonation to go through as Banner tries to rescue Rick Jones. Without much inkling other than his obvious name, an MP guard announces he is the spy they have been searching for. At the start of Part 4 Igor sends a message to the Gargoyle. Then we never hear from him or see him again. The Igor character does not appear again until issue 312.


Issue 1 establishes that the Hulk transformation only occurs at night…while dawn causes the Hulk to transform back to Dr. Banner…a somewhat were-wolfian concept that would be a stretch to have any real connection to the gamma rays. This idea is abandoned in Hulk 3.



Issue 2 July 1962

“The Terror of the Toad Men!”

Hulk 2 art is by Jack Kirby with inking by Steve Ditko. Steve Ditko receives no written credit.

Steve does a nice job but his heavy-handed black around Hulk’s eyes give the appearance of heavy black mascara.


Dr. Banner discovers a cave, and shows Rick his intention to create a lockable vault in which he, as the Hulk, can be entombed during nightfall…for Rick to release him each morning when he returns to being Bruce Banner. He has created a 10-feet thick concrete door to the vault…no real plausible explanation of how he mixed the concrete and created the door out in the middle of nowhere…lol.


There is a typo caption…page 11 caption 8:













Issue 3 Sept 1962

“Banished to Outer Space”

Art is by Jack Kirby with inking by Ayers.


Hulk is tricked into a rocket ship by Rick Jones, who is duped by General “Thunderbolt” Ross. After experiencing a radiation storm in outer space, and returning to Earth he remains the Hulk during daylight hours. In time, emotional stimuli will be the catalyst to change Dr. Banner into the Hulk.


Issues 1 and 2 follow the same 5 Part format. In issue 3, although it starts as Part 1 the 5 Part format is abandoned. Rick has a dream at the end of the first story that reprises the Hulk’s origin. The second story features the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime. The Ringmaster will next appear in Amazing Spider-Man 16 (Sept 1964). The two story format is continued in Issue 4…the two story format is incorporated into the cover art and title.


This issue introduces Hulk’s ability to “fly” which is also featured on the cover art. Of course, he’s not really flying but uses his powerful legs to launch himself into a flight pattern…sometimes covering miles!



Issue 4 Nov 1963

“The Monster and the Machine!”

“Mongu!! Gladiator from Outer Space!”

Art by Jack Kirby and inking by Ayers.


This is the first of the Hulk 1-6 issues series featuring a split story cover and two stories. Also the only issue with the red band/white lettering FANTASY AS YOU LIKE IT! on the cover.


In this issue, Hulk utilizes a Dr. Banner devised gamma ray so that Rick can turn him back and forth into the Hulk as circumstances deem necessary.


This issue also introduces the classic Hulk thunder-clap (page 8 caption 2).


Also the first issue whereby Hulk maintains Bruce Banner’s intellect…somewhat…which is counteracted by a more surly Hulk demeanor.


Hulk also saves a school bus trapped on railroad tracks and a family in a house on fire…with paranoid results from the humans as usual…


The second story is very evocative of the pre-hero stories where an alien from outer space arrives on Earth in a space ship to challenge the humans with world domination hanging in the balance. The twisty plot device reveals the alien actually to be a Ruski in an alien costume and then turns into a Cold War propaganda story. Hulk steps up the humor a notch by referring to Russia as Vodka-Land.


Issue 5 Jan 1963

“Beauty and the Beast!”

“The Hordes of General Fang”

Art by Jack Kirby with inking by Ayers.


The first story provides a trippy plot premise whereby Tyrannus, the main baddie, banished by Merlin the Magician, is living in the center of the earth, while drinking from the mythical fountain of youth, remaining ageless, and plotting his revenge on the Earthlings. His “subjects” are whitish-skinned midget mole creatures.


The storyline is very similar to The Sub-Mariner/Prince Namor coming to the Earth’s surface and absconding with Sue Storm…etc…


The second story further explores the Cold War era…this time with Red China in the mix. General Fang, likened to a modern Genghis Khan, is about to launch his hordes of destruction on the tiny Asian village of LLhasa. Cue Hulk to the rescue…


A couple of humorous captions at the top of page 6 show us a disguised Hulk with face-covering scarf and blue pork-pie hat on a plane ride with Rick to Asia…only to be discovered by the stewardess when she spills hot coffee on the Hulk…Hulk and Rick then bail out the emergency exit. Presumably the other passengers all survived…


Once on Asian land, the Hulk dons a white furry thermal suit to give the superstitious soldiers a startling visit from the Abominable Snowman! Yikes! Hulk stamps out the attack, and then deposits the vanquished General Fang on the island of Formosa, currently occupied by U.S. Army troops…the end!


Issue 6 March 1963

“The Metal Master!”

First Steve Ditko cover and artwork/inking…with a written credit to boot on the splash page! Back to the one story per issue mode.


Dr. Banner continues to use the gamma ray machine to turn back and forth from Bruce to the Hulk and back again…however, on page 7, caption 8 the transformation to the Hulk doesn’t quite complete itself, leaving him with the Hulk’s body and Bruce’s head. Fortunately, Dr. Banner had created a Hulk mask for study purposes which he dons to leave his lair and go after the Metal Master


In their initial battle, the Hulk is knocked unconscious by a huge piece of teleported metal to the head, and captured by the Army. A soldier notices the mask, removes it, only to find the same face of the Hulk underneath. WTF??!! The Hulk is imprisoned in a special “stone” building (later referred to as concrete) constructed by General Ross for just such a purpose.


The Hulk thinks Rick has betrayed him, leaving Rick depressed. He goes off to see his buddies and they show him the cool new ham radio they have…whereby they are talking to other teens all over the country. This inspires Rick to envision the Teen Brigade to “band” together to help people in situations in need of help.


Betty freaks out some more wondering about the missing Bruce Banner at the top of page 14…funny how General Ross and Betty are always together…weird actually but hey it’s a comic book…


Dr. Banner, weak and in bed from his latest transformation, asks Rick to help him with some necessary supplies he has an idea for on how to defeat the Metal Master. Rick and the Teen Brigade spring into action delivering the goods to Dr. Banner from all over the USA. Banner, as the Hulk builds what looks to be some sort of huge ray-gun.


The Hulk tracks down the Metal Master and MM’s metal-controlling powers have no effect on the gun the Hulk is poised to use upon him. Frustrated, he draws nearer until the Hulk nabs him, makes him undo all of his metal destruction, and then MM makes a powder for outer space in his spaceship. (Betcha can’t figure out the secret to the Hulk’s weapon…doh!)


Back in his lair, the Hulk learns he has been pardoned for his efforts in saving the world…which throws him into quite the fist-smashing tizzy…and the first case of him transforming back to Bruce Banner through emotional duress. Banner and Betty meet up again in the closing captions for some lovey-dovey.


Below the bottom 3 captions/last page we are provided the following message:






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Just had a great idea...first person who posts in this thread the request, I will send my copy of Marvel Masterworks The Incredible Hulk (Issues 1-6) absolutely free for your reading pleasure! :headbang:


Only stipulation is that when you are done you bump this thread and offer to forward the book to another boardie...first to post in the thread that they'd like to read it. :banana:


Maybe we could have a stipulation as well that those outside of USA help with the shipping to some form of mutual agreement.


Failure to meet paragraph #2 stipulation will require me to summon the Hulk and put a Hulk-Smash on your azz... :insane:


Stepping out for a minute and hope to find a post when I return... :wishluck:

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OK...conditionfreak/Walter gets the book first...and will send it along when he's finished reading it. And he had a GREAT idea which I absolutely embrace and we will be looking to implement that as follows...


I will give my board name and signature/location and denote myself as #1 on the first inside page (lots of white space)...conditionfreak will be #2 and do the same...the next recipient will do the same...etc...


Lots of white space in 4 of the first 6 pages...after that feel free to sign/etc in the margins etc


This is the beginning of the official "The Incredible Hulk Travelling Odyssey Club"!


We will keep track in this thread and who knows, bring it to a Con some day, post photos and info re. the Odyssey, get a Stan Lee sig, etc etc...


Here's your chance to return to your childhood and scribble all over one of your books with abandon and no sense of guilt... :insane:lol

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Thanks Tom for the thread, the summary of the books. That's a great idea to pass it around to be appreciated by lots of people.


I have the Hulk book myself, I just went to be sure in case I didn't. I'd forgotten about them for a long time. This one was $24.95 from 1989, how many of them were made? Regards,

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OK...conditionfreak/Walter gets the book first...and will send it along when he's finished reading it. And he had a GREAT idea which I absolutely embrace and we will be looking to implement that as follows...


I will give my board name and signature/location and denote myself as #1 on the first inside page (lots of white space)...conditionfreak will be #2 and do the same...the next recipient will do the same...etc...


Lots of white space in 4 of the first 6 pages...after that feel free to sign/etc in the margins etc


This is the beginning of the official "The Incredible Hulk Travelling Odyssey Club"!


We will keep track in this thread and who knows, bring it to a Con some day, post photos and info re. the Odyssey, get a Stan Lee sig, etc etc...


Here's your chance to return to your childhood and scribble all over one of your books with abandon and no sense of guilt... :insane:lol


Great idea :applause:

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