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Waylander’s Official LSCC Con report

94 posts in this topic

I wonder how US comic dealers did there? It would seem to be a huge expense to ship their inventory there. I'm sure there are plenty of customers but a lot more overhead I would think than a US show. I'm sure Harley was there...


I am also curious. Just the fright would on that kind of weight of inventory would seem to make it counter-productive to go there. Granted, that's all tax write-offs & whatnot as a business expense. And the advertising for their internet business might be worth more sales later than they get while they're at the con, but it still seems like it's a losing proposition to haul that might freight across an ocean (and maybe part of NA as well if they're not on the East Coast) for 3 days & then need to haul the unsold inventory back again.

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I know some of the big dealers have seperate stock they just leave it in London untill the following year and just travel with a few keys in their luggage. Also a lot of them mark up prices so for example they go with a simple conversion of $15 = £15 when that really equals $10. Artists selling their own sketchbooks and prints do this the most.


It's also worth their time because there is much less competition here. There are less than a handful of UK dealers who sell high grade SA/BA books and GA is almost non existant yet when i did US cons it's wall to wall in high grade keys so this is the only opportunity for UK buyers to see before they buy such books.


The ones i spoke to all said they did great but the US guys can explain it better economically than i ever could.

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The guy in the background must have really not wanted to be in anymore pics... :lol:






TIL that Lady Thor eats Pop-Tarts. :D





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I've got to disagree about the mark up comment. Highgrade comics and Terry's where charging the same prices at the show as on their websites. No doubt about it though that the US artists do well.


Well i know not all of them do it. Bob's stock was even priced in dollars. However i know of a few that do without naming names, not that there is anything wrong with it. Afterall it's not cheap to bring this stuff here, pay for flights, hotels, etc.

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For Stryfe1000









Tabby Lyons - Now that is a Cosplayer who needs to sort out a Jean Grey costume :luhv::cloud9:


Great report Brian.


Looking forward to getting in on some pics from LSCC 2016 :wishluck:

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Just a brief con report from me now I'm a bit more rested. :P


Started out on Friday, I picked up Jon (WhiskeyMan) while Nick (FT) went to pick up the hire van that we'd be sharing. We met up at my place to pick up my junk and moved on to Nick's office for his before setting off. Jon being willing to help us shift boxes once again was hugely appreciated, he's pretty much strong enough to juggle long boxes so his help got us loaded quickly.


We had a decent journey there, my memory of the journey from previous years was pretty much non existent so it's just as well that Nick has a much better memory for directions. The only thing that stood out about the journey was when Nick was playing chicken with some old dear on a mobility scooter while reversing down towards his office.


We arrived and got into the Excel pretty seamlessly where we met up with Brian (Waylander) who would be helping me at my booth along with Andrew (Comicopolis) and Matt (Anfield Fox). Nick and I had a whole posse of boardies who helped us all through the con including set up and breack down, my thanks go out to all of them once again. (worship) I did face a mutiny in my booth when Andrew and Brian were questioning the system I had for my tables just because I seemed to have no recollection of what my system was. Bah.


After setting up and checking in to the hotel, Andrew and I went into The Fox and joined those already drinking. I was trying to not get drinking too early so that I had some semblance of cohesion in the morning. Still managed to get through six pints though which was plenty after a busy day to make me feel tired in the morning.


Saturday came and Bob Storms (or someone who looked very much like him but with a very big smile) came to ransack my setup for high grade keys that he'd seen on Friday. We had a very mutually beneficial deal which set off my takings for the weekend and stopped me having to worry whether it was going to be a worthwhile con. Thanks Bob. After the doors opened, there was the initial slow start which is expected because most of the first people in are heading straight to the creators tables.


Once the proper crowds came in though, there was a strong and steady stream of customers pretty much all day long. Sales were very good. As usual, my raw Marvel Silver and Bronze were the best sellers, though DC sales were a little picked up from previous years when they've been nearly non existent. Slabs did well also, there is definitely a growing demand for them on the UK in my opinion. My £1 and £2 boxes did very well, particularly the £1. I bought significant amounts of replacement stock in my spare boxes but ran out of £1 books and ended up consolidating the boxes by Sunday afternoon. Comic sets had done phenomenally well last year but only did OK this year. TPB's and hardcovers did better than I was expecting. I did bring a bigger selection than other years but there is so much competition on those that it's difficult to compete with the selection that some of the bigger dealers bring along. They went as well as I could've hoped for. By the end of the Saturday, I'd already taken more than twice as much as I had done over the entire weekend on the previous two occasions that I'd been selling at LSCC.


Saturday night was the big gathering at The Fox and there were a lot of us. It was great to meet people for the first time, whether boardies like Andy (thirdgreenham) and Jeremy (Garf) or non boardies such as Shane the guy who organises the Birmingham cons and who happened to be sitting next to me. It was great to see Ray (BitterOldMan) again after meeting him three years ago, he's a welcome sight. Also got to speak to Theo (Comicshrine) after only briefly meeting him last year, a very nice guy. After being kicked out of The Fox, a bunch of us headed to the Ibis hotel bar, I was beer powered by this point and pretty much wasted by the time we called it a night and I wasn't the only one. it was a very fun night.


Sunday arrived and I didn't feel overly lively, however I'd expected to feel worse so I guess I shouldn't complain. The day was steadier than the Saturday but that was expected. We did a steady satisfying trade and I was very pleased with it. I got a great Phoenix sketch by JK Woodward after seeing a one that he'd done for Andrew. Had a quick chat and he seemed like a very likeable bloke as well as being massively talented.


The con drew to a close and the boardie support crew swung into super efficient action with packing up mine and Nick's set ups. They truly are kings among men. (worship)(worship)


The con finished an hour earlier than last year which I think everyone was glad about and with the speedy break down we were on the road in good time which made it far less disagreeable to do the couple of stops for unloading everything. Some guys stayed for drinks on the Sunday night, I wish I could've myself though in honesty I was very glad to get home and relax.


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.. I can't really do con reports (I'd basically write " .. I went .. met the buds .. bought stuff .. partied .. went home .. "), so I'll leave the writing to mes amigos, who definitely do a far better job than me.


However ... I bought this bad-boy home from the con (for a size comparison, I propped-up a comic to the left of it ..


Jim Steranko's: 'Nick Fury - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D' IDW Artist Edition. .. A total giveaway at £50! ..



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.. I can't really do con reports (I'd basically write " .. I went .. met the buds .. bought stuff .. partied .. went home .. "), so I'll leave the writing to mes amigos, who definitely do a far better job than me.


However ... I bought this bad-boy home from the con (for a size comparison, I propped-up a comic to the left of it ..


Jim Steranko's: 'Nick Fury - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D' IDW Artist Edition. .. A total giveaway at £50! ..






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