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Do you ever throw comics in the trash?

60 posts in this topic

Given away, sure, but thrown in the garbage, really? I'm sure goodwill can always use some fresh material.


My store keeps a box of rags for the tourists who come in looking for collage material. Seems it gets plenty of turnover. As long as it's kid-friendly, it should never be tossed.


Throwing comic books in the garbage is like throwing a bible in the trash. U just don;t do it. I don;t care if the comic is Little Lulu. Its sacrilegious.


I 2nd this. I have a lot of 90's drek that probably belongs in recycling, but I can't bring myself to do it.


I have two friends with 7 year old boys. You think it's drek, but they think they've hit gold.


^ 100%!



I never throw away comics! - as many have said in this thread, if it gets to that point. bundle up for give away sales, or actually GIVE them away to locate kids or library


what a waste to throw it away! :sumo:


Trashed out Evil Ernie, Lady Death, anything smutty, Faust or anything ultraviolent? Garbage. Woody Woodpecker, Archie, Disney, coverless and missing wraps? Garbage. Anything readable gets given away.


There are some books you don't WANT to give to the neighbor kids or the local hospital.

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Sometimes I would put a box by a wall and toss all dreks or beat-up damaged books. When a box is full, put a second box and repent process again. Then I can take them to donate away or take them to put them up for bidding at a local auction. Whatever works good for me.

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I threw out about 100 comics once that came out of a fire. My LCS sold them 10 for a dollar, some he gave away. Heavily water damaged and charred. Late 70s Spider Woman and Spec Spider-Man, things like that. After growing up I just didn't want them anymore and doubted anyone else would either

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I spent a summer working for my LCS back in graduate school. My job was to help him inventory and sell his overstock for dimes. One day he sent me out to the dumpsters. As I approached, I could just feel death all around me. I peaked into the dumpster to see what looked like an elephant buried ground. The dumpster was full of comics. He'd just been trashing all this drek behind the store.


The sight of the dumpster full of a books has stuck with me.

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A friend of mine has a book swap shrine on the curb right next to his house. It's like a bookcase with a roof and plexiglass door.

I've unloaded tons of media there countless times and it always seems to find a new home everytime I come back to drop off more stuff.

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I used to keep a box of oversized comics (TMNT, EQ, L&R, etc) in a box down in the basement. One day I came home from work & the water line under the kitchen sink had broke. I ran down the basement to shut the main water off (there was no shutoff under the sink at the time) and it was like it was raining...so much water coming from up in the kitchen.

As I was cleaning up, I came across the box (which was completely soaked), shrugged, and tossed it out in the trash. (At the time I had been out of the comic scene for years & had no idea of the value of the TMNTs)


Once I found out what they were worth, I thought "Hey! I have a bunch of those including two copies of #1 and one copy of #2." Then I remembered...

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I have done, in the past. The council's truck even has a graphic on the side of it, suggesting paper items to recycle, including comic books. I always tear a book in half before putting it in the bin, and I'm expecting an official to appear at the front door one day, complaining about my destructive attitude and how the books might be something they could sell on at great profit to a speculator, if only I'd leave my cast-offs intact.


They should at least be honest and put a picture of Action Comics 1 on the side of the truck.

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It's never come across my mind to trash a comic. I understand if it's damaged to the point of no return but if it's something I have zero desire to keep and little to no value I add it in with a purchase as a surprise bonus. Granted it may be ending up in the trash but once I've read it I feel it's best to pass it along and since I ship flat rate priority it doesn't cost me anything extra to ship out.

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I can't donate something where children might read it unless I've read all the books myself. That's not worth my time. If something is a child's title, sure, but other stuff, it's not responsible to not screen it. Not to mention, I've barely time to donate the clothes that have been sitting in my passenger seat for two weeks. I've got some comics in recycling bin now.

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