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Fox Relaunching X-Men Franchise

31 posts in this topic

Fox's X-Men Issues: Jennifer Lawrence Unsigned, 'Deadpool' Defections, 'Gambit' on Hold




A reboot of the diminishing mutant movie series is in the works as Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine heads for retirement and a studio's $4 billion franchise sits in flux.


Apocalypse, directed by Bryan Singer, earned $544 million worldwide, a sharp drop from the $748 million made by previous entry X-Men: Days of Future Past. What's more, stars Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and Nicholas Hoult have come to the end of their three-picture contracts. If new studio chairman Stacey Snider wants them to return, they won't come cheap.


"You're gauged by the success of the franchise," says box-office analyst Paul Degarabedian. "This one didn't engender the love of previous movies. It's time to go back to the drawing board."


There are other signs of paint chipping as well. Fox's solidly performing Wolverine spinoff series winds down with Logan (March 3), which is meant to be the last of the Hugh Jackman-fronted movies. (The movie just released a trailer which insiders say was the most watched spot in the history of the X-Men franchise.) In addition, Gambit, a solo spinoff movie to star Channing Tatum, failed to start production this year as planned and in August lost its director, Doug Liman.


And in perhaps the most unexpected development, Deadpool director Tim Miller pulled out of the sequel Oct. 22 after feuding with star Ryan Reynolds. (His composer Tom Holkenborg soon followed.) Deadpool was a surprise massive hit ($782.6 million) in February, so the studio has moved quickly to fill the sequel's director chair, with John Wick's David Leitch now in negotiations. And in a sign of how much faith it has in the Reynolds-starring franchise, Fox already is planning Deadpool 3, readying a filmmaker search for a storyline that will involve another X-team, X-Force, say sources.


Elsewhere, the reset button has been pressed. Sources say the flagship series will be reconfigured, with Simon Kinberg, overseer of the franchise as producer and writer, working on a new --script. Singer, who directed four X-Men movies, will not be returning, according to insiders, but the --script is being written with Lawrence, Fassbender and McAvoy optimistically in mind.


After being on hold as Tatum shot Steven Soderbergh’s 'Logan Lucky', Gambit should move back into active development with a new filmmaker.


One of Fox's best hopes may be The New Mutants, a spinoff featuring superpowered teens with some overlap with the flagship X-Men. According to sources, director Josh Boone (The Fault in Our Stars) could even begin rolling cameras by spring.

Edited by Bosco685
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Omg, that last one was so boring. I nearly fast forwarded the whole movie. Even the acting was stale. I rank it just above The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.


exactly where I rank it.

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They already rebooted it once with "First Class." Once was bad enough even though that film was the best of all of them, but twice means they're bankrupt on ideas. Time to hand the reigns to Marvel. :sumo:

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Time to hand the reigns to Marvel. :sumo:


So they can reboot it again? lol


Maybe, maybe not. Either way Marvel has proven they can take a long view on the stories that doesn't involve reboots once they've got the characters in a good place.

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Time to hand the reigns to Marvel. :sumo:


So they can reboot it again? lol


Maybe, maybe not. Either way Marvel has proven they can take a long view on the stories that doesn't involve reboots once they've got the characters in a good place.


Will that hold when they have to replace some of the actors, though?

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RUMOR: Fox Planning To Revisit The Dark Phoenix Saga For The Next X-MEN Movie




I'm hearing (from sources) that there's some talk around Xavier’s mansion about a possible return of the DARK PHOENIX storyline. Even though we saw glimpses of the PHOENIX in the previous X-Films (X-Men: The Last Stand in timeline one, X-Men: Apocalypse in timeline two) , this time it will be the central focus of the movie. If a reboot of the series isn't imminent, that would mean the return of Sophie Turner's Jean Grey, whose growing power would become a threat to a team of X-Men. In the comics and the 1990s Animated Series, the PHOENIX FORCE is cosmic (like from space) where previous films have treated it more like a split personality in Jean that Xavier tries to control. At least that's where Apocalypse seemed to be going (and as a bonus they don't have to send the X-Men to space). To me it’s a smart route to go. While the AVENGERS and Disney get ready to battle THANOS and the INFINITY GAUNTLET, it looks like FOX is going to double down on the troubled team aspect of the X-Men where they've found success before.


For those that are unfamiliar with the full potential of a DARK PHOENIX story, the PHOENIX is possibly the strongest force in the Marvel universe. The power of the PHOENIX FORCE not only defeated APOCALYPSE in the most recent 20th Century Fox movie, it also defeated GALACTUS in the comics. The mother flipping world devourer. I’m sure Marvel Studios would love to have his rights again in the future, don’t you? The two times it has appeared on screen in the past it has been underwhelming. Brett Ratner made it a side-car story to the mutant cure and Bryan Singer didn't elaborate on the PHOENIX outside of "fire bird power." This could be an opportunity to get it right.

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I think we're being a little too harsh on Singer. DoFP and X2 were my favorites of the franchise and he did both of those. To this day, I still enjoy watching the first X-Men movie.


So Apocalypse wasn't fantastic. In my book he gets a pass for his work on the other 3.


In my mind, the worst thing he did for the franchise was decide to do Superman Returns over X3. :cry: And he took Cyclops with him. :cry::cry:

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I think we're being a little too harsh on Singer. DoFP and X2 were my favorites of the franchise and he did both of those. To this day, I still enjoy watching the first X-Men movie.


X-Men: DoFP is one of my favorite Marvel movies, along with X-Men: First Class (though Matthew Vaughn directed the latter). But I do agree the first two X-Men movies are still classics.


But with the Apocalypse movie, there was something missing. And where in DoFP I could handle Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique, maybe there was too much of her in the role for Apocalypse.


Fresh direction would seem to help the franchise move forward versus abandoning any positive Bryan Singer brought to it. At least, I would assume so.

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Yes...not saying a fresh take wouldn't be welcome. All I'm saying is that there were some good X-Movies on Singer's resume and they shouldn't be discounted. I think the superhero movie market is what it is today thanks in large part to the success 2000's X-men saw.

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